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- Sold by General Store.
- Pepper Pig is an alt of Peppa. She is not well known and was probley something Le Quack though about in his spare time. She has a bother named Jog and is an asshole to him. Despite her name, she likes salt better, but still likes pepper.
- Pepper, is a level 70 horse located at the final Plagued Grain Crate in the Culling of Stratholme wing of the Caverns of Time. He, Nell and Bartleby Battson arrived in Stratholme after receiving a grain shipment from Andorhal.
- [[Archivo:Pepper.png|thumb|250px|Pepper con una nota de Maka.]] Pepper o Pepper energy drink es una bebida energética de Death City. Su envase (o lata) es de color morado con la Luna en el medio y con estrellas en la base superior del recipiente. Hace su primera aparición en el primer episodio de Soul Eater Not! cuando Tsugumi logra subir las escaleras del Shibusen, se lo deja Maka en la cima de las escaleras con una nota dándole la bienvenida al Shibusen.
- Pepper Molly's foal that was bought by Drew Cutler. The Outrage
- Robert Bonifacio, nicknamed Pepper, is an operator in The Ghosts. He is in the same squad as John Kozak, 30K and Ghost Lead. He is the sniper for the squad. Pepper is a veteran special operations operator. He fights in the covert war to achieve objectives in countries such as Pakistan, Africa, Georgia and many others.
- Pepper is a Renny Lodge library cat who made his appearance in The Dark Hills Divide. His companion is Sam, the other library cat. They are shown to like sitting on Alexa Daley's lap and being petted by her. His collar holds a Jocasta, because he belongs to Renny Warvold.
- Pepper is the younger brother of Grain... More comming soon...
- Pepper Harrington is one of the final five victims of the Hewitt family mad and macabre and one of their final four victims to perish, as well as one of the final five victims of the madness and macabre of the Hewitt family overall. She was portrayed by Erica Leerhsen in the 2003 remake The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
- [Source] Pepper was a type of food additive. While on a mission to the planet Denon during the Galactic Civil War, the Alliance to Restore the Republic agents Luke Skywalker and Nakari Kelen found a picnic table stocked with salt and pepper after ordering cartoons of noodles from a nearby noodle bar. Kelen added pepper to the nerf nuggets that came with her noodles before eating them.
- Pepper is a rock band originally from Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, but has since relocated to southern California. They play a mix of reggae, dub and rock.
- Pepper (じゃじゃハムちゃん, Jyajyahamu-chan/Jajahamu, Spanish "Pimienta") is a recurring character and Oxnard's love interest-later-wife. She is a rural, strong, independent and pretty hamster who has helped the Ham-Hams with various challenges.
- Pepper was a little dog owned by Mrs. Sikes. Mrs. Sikes was murdered by Tyler Randall, a metahuman with the power to turn anything he touches into ash. Pepper's collar was later found in a pile of ash. It is presumable from this, that Tyler also murdered the dog.
- Captain Pepper es un personaje de la serie Sonic Boom que aparece en Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric. Él es un viejo hipopótamo antropomórfico y un marinero que dirige su propio barco.
- Pepper is a level 3 trade good.
- Pepper is an ingredient used in cooking.
- __NOEDITSECTION__ Pepper is an ingredient. Its rarity is rated 4 out of 5 in the game. It was released on .
- Pepper is a spicy woman who, during the time of Ultima IV, resided in Britain. Sprite, a beggar, will tell the Stranger that Pepper knows of the Rune of Compassion. Upon asking Pepper of the rune she will reveal that "The rune of compassion lies at the end of a hall somewhere in this towne."
- Only quests that are given by this NPC. Please do not include quests that are given by another NPC but turned into this NPC.
- Provides Fire Resistance +10% for 3 turns. Vital statistics Rarity Effects Technical information Weight Chapters Previous Next The Pepper is a consumable item in Divinity: Original Sin 2.
- Pepper are the last two puppies that the Finsters gave away. Puppy is timid and scared, just like Chuckie. She's Female; red hair; white, floppy ears, a "black eye", and brown fur everywhere else. Kind of has a resemblance to Chuckie.
- Her flawless driving skills, as well as her tricked-out muscle car makes her quite capable of doing high-speed deliveries. Pepper is a smuggler whose home base located in Vauxton. During Chapter 8.2.4, E Pluribus Neo was able to strike a deal with Pepper, giving the organisation some captured Machine data which showed that the Sentinels formed a thin cocoon surrounding the city of Zion.
- Pepper was a food seasoning. Vespiforms were allergic to pepper. The Tenth Doctor laced the soup at Eddison Manor with pepper in order to catch a Vespiform. (TV: The Unicorn and the Wasp) On the Sea Eagle, the Sixth Doctor tried to hide in an empty barrel, except that it was actually full of pepper and it made him sneeze, alerting pirates to his presence. (AUDIO: Doctor Who and the Pirates)
- Pepper es un bisonte volador del Templo Aire de la Isla, al cual ayudó a Jinora, Ikki, y Meelo en su búsqueda para localizar al Avatar Korra.
- Pepper is a red tom with a white chest, belly, and yellow eyes.
- Pepper is an ingredient found in The Elder Scrolls Online. It can be used to craft food.
- Pepper is one of the bullies and the orphans from the Broadway show and film, Annie. Pepper is 14 Years Old. She is said to the be the oldest, although in the original Broadway play, two other orphans, Duffy and July, are older than her. She is also said to be meanest and bossiest orphan especially to Molly.
- Pepper also refers to a wider range of varieties of plants of the Capsicum type. Chilli peppers are small and so spicy that people add only a small amount to food each time. Bell peppers are less spiced and can be healthy eaten raw in salads or cooked. Bell peppers combine well with many other vegetables and you can work out your own salads or stews using them.
- Pepper is a character appearing in Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. She owns the Noodle Palace of Chinatown. She is also found inside this building as well. The building is on the right side of Scarlet Steet. She is one of the very few Professor Layton characters who wears a bandana, most likely to keep her hair out of the noodles.
- Pepper (Black Pepper) is a quest-related item in Dragon Quest III. It is required before the hero can obtain a ship.
- Pepper is tattooed chef and the wife of Ms. Trickle.
- Pepper is a character appearing in Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. She owns the Noodle Palace of Chinatown.
- Peppers appear in Yoshi's Story. Yoshis dislike them. If they eat one, they will lose a petal on their Smile Meter. Black Yoshi and White Yoshi are the only Yoshis that can eat them.
- A pepper is a wide variety of types of plants from Earth that are considered edible, but are known for their very piquant flavor.
- The story follows Nick's life from adulthood to when he was brought across.
- Pepper was an exile and neutral contact located in Vauxton, Downtown. She is the lover of Mercury.
- Pepper is a Madrigal Clue and is part of Gideon Cahill's Master Serum.
- P.E.P.P.E.R. es una inteligencia artificial creada por Tony Stark mientras JARVIS estava siendo reparado
- A Mars Djinni in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. Image:Kraden.gif Kraden has reviewed the contents of this article and believes it could do with a bit of expansion (it is a stub). Please [:Pepper&action=edit oblige him] to meet the quality standards of the rest of this tome of knowledge.
- Peppers are a fruit crop available in FarmVille. They can be planted at level 12 and take 1 day to grow. They cost and can be harvested for . They yield File:XP-icon.png experience when planted.
- Pepper ist ein roter Kater mit weißem Bauch, einer weißen Brust und gelben Augen.
- Pepper, the faithful manservant of Wentworth Beddywetter, is a fictional character portrayed by Tony Grosz during the 2006 season of Trollwood News at Noon. Pepper was named after his neighbor's (Darrek Crissler) new puppy, which was a black Labrador Retriever.
- Pepper actually refers to several different kinds of plants. Black or white pepper (genus Piper) is a common food spice. There are different kinds of pepper. When people talk about "salt and pepper", they're usually referring to black pepper. There are also a range of peppers that have different levels of "spiciness" or hot sensation: bell, chilli, banana, bell, cayenne and more. It also has the interesting property that some pests may not like it. Allspice is in the pepper family.
- In an attempt to locate Avatar Korra, Pepper was saddled up by Jinora, Ikki, and Meelo to take them out of Republic City. With the preparations done, Jinora seated herself on Pepper's head, took the reins, and urged the bison to head out.
- In 2153, Jonathan Archer exchanged several spices from the Enterprise's galley, including cayenne pepper, mustard seed, paprika, and pepper, in exchange for the formula necessary for synthesizing trellium. (ENT: "Rajiin") Pepper was one of the words Miles O'Brien used due to his infection of the aphasia virus. (DS9: "Babel") Starfleet ration packs included pepper as one their condiments. (DS9: "Waltz")
- Originally from southern India, Europe had no spice to match its power, so it was exceptionally expensive in ancient times. It was considered on par with meat and medicine in its importance, and an ounce of pepper was worth an ounce of gold. Peppers generally used include black, white, and green. Used in both soups and dishes.
- Bei dem Versuch, Avatar Korra aufzuspüren, wurde Pepper von Jinora, Ikki und Meelo aufgesattelt, um sie aus Republica zu fliegen. Nach den Vorbereitungen, nahm Jinora Platz auf ihr, nahm die Leinen und trieb sie dazu an, zu fliegen.