| - Foundation Fairs would be a program of student outreach for TMP through the creation of student competitions akin to the science fairs commonly featured in schools around the globe today. However, instead of being based on general science subjects, the Foundation Fairs would specialize in the subjects of marine and space development, their related technologies, and their related architectural and industrial design. The subjects of marine and space development have, in fact, been very popular in school competitions with the US recently hosting a grade school national competition for ‘Cities of the Future’ and India hosting a Pan-Asia student design competition for Mars Settlement. So there is definitely precedent for a program like this.
| - Foundation Fairs would be a program of student outreach for TMP through the creation of student competitions akin to the science fairs commonly featured in schools around the globe today. However, instead of being based on general science subjects, the Foundation Fairs would specialize in the subjects of marine and space development, their related technologies, and their related architectural and industrial design. The subjects of marine and space development have, in fact, been very popular in school competitions with the US recently hosting a grade school national competition for ‘Cities of the Future’ and India hosting a Pan-Asia student design competition for Mars Settlement. So there is definitely precedent for a program like this. Like national science fairs, the Foundation Fairs would feature hierarchical rounds of competition, starting with individual schools. However, reflecting the global scale thinking of Foundation, the top level of competition would be global with winning contestants at the regional level earning an expense-paid trip to an annual global competition site. Foundation Fairs could also be organized to coincide with the Foundation Convention Circuit, giving contestants a wider audience and potentially greater media attention for their projects. Foundation Fairs may initially be limited to TMP-specific communities but, since the number of these would be few early on, could be expanded to include general communities, thus serving an additional community outreach role that demonstrates Foundation’s inclusiveness and progressive interests in education.