| - Cadia has a special and honoured place in the history of Mankind. It stands upon the edge of the Eye of Terror within a narrow corridor of stable space called the Cadian Gate, the only stable passage between the Chaos infested Daemon worlds of the Eye of Terror and the Imperium. No battlefleet of any size can rely upon other passages, but must pass through the Cadian Gate. Cadia is therefore one of the most strategically important planets in the galaxy.
- Cadia is a by-word for stalwart defiance and righteous contempt on countless worlds, and for good reason. Sat within a narrow stable passageway known as the Cadian Gate into the heart of the Eye of Terror, the Cadian Sector stands as a bastion against the encroachment of the forces of Chaos, holding fast for millennia against the onslaught of traitors, heretics, and daemons. Cadia is amongst the foremost Fortress Worlds in the Imperium, with every soul trained from childhood to defend their world, and all the Imperial worlds beyond, against the abominations that dwell within the colossal Warp Storm that dominates their skies.
| - Cadia is a by-word for stalwart defiance and righteous contempt on countless worlds, and for good reason. Sat within a narrow stable passageway known as the Cadian Gate into the heart of the Eye of Terror, the Cadian Sector stands as a bastion against the encroachment of the forces of Chaos, holding fast for millennia against the onslaught of traitors, heretics, and daemons. Cadia is amongst the foremost Fortress Worlds in the Imperium, with every soul trained from childhood to defend their world, and all the Imperial worlds beyond, against the abominations that dwell within the colossal Warp Storm that dominates their skies. Barring a small minority composed of those unfit to serve as soldiers, every child on Cadia is expected to serve in the Cadian Youth Army, better known as the Whiteshields, from the age of fourteen until their maturity, learning the combat skills and discipline regarded as essential. From these, many will continue their service by joining the Interior Guard (the Cadian Planetary Defence Force) as adults, pledging their lives to the defence of Cadia, a force of hundreds, even thousands of regiment-strength units, and the equal of any comparably sized Imperial Guard force. Even those who do not remain in military service -- fulfilling some rear-echelon role essential to the upkeep of an immense defensive army -- are expected to maintain their skills and remain vigilant, stepping up to fight should the Interior Guard be overwhelmed. Indeed, such is the number of capable youth soldiers, Interior Guardsmen, reservists, and the sheer quantity of new recruits on Cadia every year, that many invasions have been defeated through attrition alone, the invading armies unable to match the hundreds of millions of Cadians. In addition to defending the Imperium from the horrors of the Eye of Terror, Cadia also provides a large tithe of troops to the Departmento Munitorum, and some of the most legendary regiments in the Imperium hail from the Fortress World. These soldiers are selected at random, without fear that they might be rejected by the Departmento Munitorum -- a testament to the quality of the Cadian Interior Guard. The legendary status of these troops sees Cadian regiments serving in warzones vast distances from Cadia. As such, the influence of Cadian regiments can be felt on worlds in every Segmentum, influencing combat doctrine and logistics. Cadian Interior Guard forces employ standardised Departmento Munitorum equipment and vehicles, allowing them to seamlessly transfer into the service of the Imperial Guard, and there are only a few types of regiment that cannot be raised from Cadian forces. Cadians believe that discipline is the single most important factor in the operation of any army. While there are those who justifiably disagree with this position, it has nonetheless served the Cadians well for millennia, and countless victories can be attributed to the effort and determination of the sons and daughters of Cadia.
- Cadia has a special and honoured place in the history of Mankind. It stands upon the edge of the Eye of Terror within a narrow corridor of stable space called the Cadian Gate, the only stable passage between the Chaos infested Daemon worlds of the Eye of Terror and the Imperium. No battlefleet of any size can rely upon other passages, but must pass through the Cadian Gate. Cadia is therefore one of the most strategically important planets in the galaxy.