| - History of this race is unknown.
- The Elan were a nomadic tribal people from Kolanse. They kept myrid and rodara and also hunted wild beasts. In tribal disputes, they would go as far as to poison those beasts and destroy crossings to spite their enemy. This eventually led to the wild herds vanishing and the land drying up which left them vulnerable. The Elan were subsequently destroyed by the Adjudicators. Kalyth, destriant of the K'Chain Che'Malle was the last surviving member of this tribe.
- Elan appears in Telepath RPG: Servants of God.
- God of air, trust, and education, Elan is part of the only set of twins from Keldin and his wife Mylia. He is a calm god who had strong influence on coastal areas and anywhere that gets snow; Sailors and mountaineers pay homage to him for favorable winds. He gets along best with his twin brother, Ulren, but is a loner otherwise and speaks with few others when not tutoring his pupils. Like his brother, he enjoys solitude. Elan is sometimes portrayed as a tornado beast or, more often, a giant bird.
- Nombre: ELAN Ubicación: Valencia Estilo: heavy / progressive metal Web oficial: www.elan.com.es Myspace: www.myspace.com/elanspace
- Categoría:Esbozos de individuos Elan era una Sacerdotisa yuuzhan vong, hija de Jakan. Joven al inicio de la invasión, según los estándares yuuzhan vong ella era devastadoramente hermosa.
- Elan (1162 - Present) is the party bard of the Order of the Stick. He was initially seen as considerably less competent than the rest of the order, through his genre awareness came in handy on occasion, but he eventually took levels in Dashing Swordsman. The name 'Elan' probably comes from the word 'élan', meaning 'dash, style, impetuosity', though his surname is unknown. Elan is also Nale spelled backwards, which is his brother's name.
- On the edge of Phase III Commonwealth space, closest to the Dyson Pair. An outdoor sports destination.
- Elanul (Alces alces, denumit și plotun [1]) este un mamifer sălbatic, fiind cel mai mare reprezentant al familiei cerbilor. El se distinge prin marile coarne palmate pe care le poartă masculii.
- Elans were psionic humanoids They were extremely long-lived, occasionally managing to live for 2,000 years or more.
- thumb|250px|Elan Elanie (ang. elans) nie rodzą się, oni są tworzeni. Elanie to ludzie którzy zostali przemienieni w tajemnym, psionicznym rytuale, który niszczy ich wspomnienia lecz jednocześnie daje im niebywałe możliwości.
- Elan concentrates a number of concepts in itself, ranging from the attention each individual awakens in a specific Delkavir or Ilakavir, to the gifts with which they endow their priests and agents. However, more than anything else, it measures the “synchronicity” that can be established with them. Just as each Delkavir or Ilakavir personifies concepts or principles, the more a person draws close to the ideas an individual Delkavir or Ilakavir incarnates, the higher the synchronicity level that can be achieved. The reason for this is that as an individual’s essence gains a closer connection to these entities, he benefits from a miniscule part of their powers and abilities.
| - Animate Rope, Cure Critical Wounds, Disguise Self, Greater Dispel Magic, Lesser Confusion, Major Image, Mass Cure Light Wounds, Mending, Neutralize Poison, Prestidigitation, Silent Image, Summon Plot Exposition. Does not know Identify or Break Enchantment