| - LocationsUnknown [[Category:s]] [[Category:s]] [[Category:s]] [[Category:s]] [[Category:s]] Fist is the human owner of Chora's Den, and a known crime figure on the Citadel. The reporter Emily Wong becomes interested in his activities, but cannot obtain enough evidence to write her story because the krogan bouncer at the Den keeps her out. __TOC__
- Fist es un Supermutante de la Commonwealth en 2287.
- The fist is a weapon type from Chrono Trigger. It represents a character using his/her bare hands to fight, rather than equipping a weapon. Ayla uses her fists to fight opponents. Rather than getting more powerful weapons, Ayla's fists become more powerful as she levels up. File:Rainbow.jpgThis article or section about equipment is a stub. You can help Chrono Wiki by [ expanding it].
- It has now been removed and replaced by the Fist Fight.
- The Fist was the best assassin member of the Assassins Guild of the Galenas in 1357 DR.
- Fist is a stone golem's basic punching attack.
- Fist is the 38th Gogo of Series 1.
- Although Fist is not a regular item in-game, lacking physical representation other than the icon in the toolbar, it is a selectable weapon treated as as item in game engine. For all classes other than Monk, Fist is the only weapon that deals non-lethal damage, allowing to make enemy unconscious without killing him, allowing to get away from fights without losing reputation or an alternative way to steal items from containers without alerting guards, as unconscious NPCs don't bring alarm up. However, while allowing to avoid the reputation loss, the enemy will permanently remain hostile toward you, with the only option to temporary alleviate it by charming.
- Über Kapitän Fist ist nicht viel bekannt. Man weiß bisher nur von ihm, dass er als Kapitän vom Marinehauptquartier der Grandline in Loguetown agiert. Kategorie:Zack Vayne - Reise zum Horizont Kategorie:Marine
- The Fist was a Sith Lord who served as the supreme military commander for the One Sith. The Fist was appointed to the position by Darth Krayt. Until 130 ABY, the Fist was Darth Nihl, but he was then made into a Hand after his predecessor was killed at the Massacre at Ossus. As of 137 ABY, Darth Stryfe served as Krayt's Fist, in command of the Service alongside Grand Admiral Morlish Veed.
- A weapon made in the form of a Norman fist which effectively inflicts damage on enemies.
- The Fist is a "weapon" available from Grand Theft Auto 1 to the latest game.
- File:FE14 Fist.png Fist is a weapon type introduced in Fire Emblem Fates, exclusive to the Faceless. It consists of two different types - the Shackled Fist and the Gauntlet. This article is a stub. You can help Fire Emblem Wikia by expanding it.
- Fists are a weapon in the Disgaea series. They mainly function as a defensive weapon that can change enemy position. In later installments, their damage calculator adds SPD to its modifier, forcing a higher focus on the SPD stat, which in turn grants better dodging and evasion capabilities. In Disgaea D2, Fists can now deal multiple attacks in a row as part of a combo when using a regular attack.
- Fist is a melee weapon in S4 League. It was released during Season 8.
- [[Afbeelding:Fist.png|thumb|De fist in GTA San Andreas.]] De fist of vuist is een wapen dat je altijd bij je hebt in alle Grand Theft Auto spellen. In GTA 1 kun je met de vuist geen mensen doden, alleen maar afremmen.
- Thanks to Arthur, the fist has been brought back to mainstream media. It isn't just a gesture, it's a way of life. Using it as a gesture is always good though. File:Burger icon.png This thingy is a stub, It doesn't appear in dictionaries so we're gonna say it's a PINGAS only Tamia would want to gently caress. You can help My English Wiki by fonking it and spit lotsa spaghetti text. If this page is not dense enough, it could be deleted.
- Fist is a special kind of melee featured in CrossFire.
- [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]] [[Category:]] Fist ist der menschliche Betreiber des Nachtclubs Choras Nest auf der Citadel. Darüber hinaus ist er in zahlreiche kriminelle Geschäfte verwickelt, was die Aufmerksamkeit der Reporterin Emily Wong auf ihn zog.
- This page is intended to define the INTERSLAVIC word form for the ENGLISH word at the top of the column to the right. If the INTERSLAVC box is "blank", then a word form has not yet been selected. Immediately below the INTERSLAVIC box is a link entitled "discussion about this word" - which will link you to a "Discussion" page specifically for the WORD at point. Below the Discussion Page link, under "PRIRODNE JEZYKI" ("Natural Languages") are listed the various modern Slavic natural languages - in their respective native language forms (NOTE: some natural language may be missing)
- Main info: The Fist is (other then the name would suggest) a magic using damage dealer class, having low hp but high mp (the amount of hp and mp is similair on low levels though) and all skills cosuming mp and not aggression. The main task of a fist in combat is to cripple the enemy by decreasing the power, denfence and speed of the enemy and doing damage through internal injurys and poison thus doing damage over time. Unlike other magic clases, fists can use heavy armor, too and thus balancing the lack of defence and hp a bit. However, effects such as "chance to dodge + 3000 when hit" on items will not work unless the player is using a complete set of items of one type (heavy or light armor).
- Fist is a martial artist puffball living on Pop Star. He is a calm and collected individual who is looked up to by his younger friends as an older brother figure. Originally born in Vegetable Valley, He currently lives in a small village located in Peanut Plains, training at the local dojo there. While he appears to have a laid back personality, he takes great pride in his skills and treats his training seriously.
- The fist is the only close-combat weapon available in Marathon and subsequent games, and is always available to the player from the start of the game. Although not particularly powerful, punching power can be significantly increased by gaining some running speed first, and then striking at the last moment. Punching is especially useful when it is necessary to conserve ammunition for other weapons, or when underwater. It also serves as a method of activating most switches within the game that are reachable.
- The fist is the player's stock melee attack. It is always available unless the player has picked up a chainsaw. Punching is only about as effective as a pistol shot, however, unless the player has collected a berserk powerup, which increases the power of the fists tenfold. Like the pistol, the punch is used via left hand. A berserk punch is somewhat more effective than the chainsaw and (unlike the normal fist) can be used instead of it. It does, however, have the disadvantage of not doing continuous damage, which leaves the player open to counterattacks. While the chainsaw drags the player erratically toward the enemy, the fist does not change the player's position, and only re-adjusts his orientation in the moment of a successful hit. This means that the fist requires more careful aim tha
- The Fist is an item that all players have by default, along with the Wrench. The fist is used to punch and is mainly used to break blocks. Different properties of the Fist can be adjusted using clothing items such as the Cyclopean Visor (reduces punch strenght but further punch), the Heartbow (pulls players insteads of punching them), the Just One Boxing Glove (punches further) or the Pickaxe (increases punch strength) among other items. The appearance of the punch can also be changed (e.g. a Dragon Hand replaces the player's punch with flames).