| - Ryan: Like we said yesterday Jon, let’s battle our hardest, and our best. Ryan: Wonder who we’re gonna battle? I hope we can get challenging trainers. Ryan: Like I said yesterday, I’m not gonna be the one who forgets about typing. Jon: We’ll both win the first match easy. Jon: And it seems like I am after you as well. Ryan: Good luck. Jon: You too. Jon: Maria? Kyle: So, you made it. Maria: I did say I was going to see you guys at the Pokemon League. I have something to show you. Kyle: A Quilava? Jon: Your Cyndaquil evolved! Maria: Yep. Jon: Nice to meet you Quilava. Quilava: Quilava Kyle: You better get prepared for your match. Jon: Yeah. I’ll see you guys later. Referee: The battle will begin shortly. Each trainer can use three Pokemon each, and the battle is over when all three Pokemon are unable to continue. Substitutions are allowed. Abbie: Let’s go, Gardevoir. Jon: A Gardevoir eh. Greninja, I choose you! Abbie: Gardevoir, use Shadow Ball! Jon: Water Shuriken! Jon: Ice Beam! Jon: Hmm. Abbie: Thunderbolt! Jon: Thunderbolt?! Dodge it! Abbie: Now, Energy Ball! Jon: Greninja! Are you okay? Jon: Good. Now, Dark Pulse! Abbie: Shadow Ball! Abbie: Now, Moonblast! Jon: Water Shuriken! Jon: Greninja! Referee: Greninja is unable to battle. Jon: You done great Greninja. Kyle: That was a quick defeat. Maria: Is Jon underestimating the Kalos League? Kyle: I think he finds it nerve racking. Jon: Let’s go for broke Heracross! Heracross: Hera! Jon: Good, now Megahorn! Jon: Great hit Heracross. Heracross: Cross! Abbie: We can’t underestimate them, but we have the type advantage. Now, Moonblast! Jon: Good try. Stone Edge! Jon: Night Slash! Abbie: Thunderbolt! Jon: Megahorn! Referee: Gardevoir is unable to battle. Maria: Now it’s one all. Kyle: True, but Heracross has already taken some damage. Maria: You’re right. Abbie: Claydol! Jon: Claydol! Whoa! Abbie: Psybeam! Jon: You okay Heracross? Jon: Now, Night Slash! Abbie: Rock Tomb! Jon: Heracross! Abbie: You can’t get out now! Jon: Close Combat! Abbie: What? Abbie: Psybeam! Jon: Stone Edge. Abbie: Ice Beam! Abbie: Earthquake! Abbie: Psybeam! Referee: Heracross is unable to battle. Jon: You were great Heracross. Jon: It’s now us, like from day one! Abbie: A fire type. Psybeam! Jon: Shadow Claw! Abbie: Whoa. Jon: Flamethrower! Abbie: Psybeam! Jon: Shadow Claw! Abbie: Psybeam! Abbie: Earthquake! Jon: Focus Blast! Jon: Shadow Claw. Abbie: Ice Beam! Referee: Claydol is unable to battle. Abbie: You done well Claydol. Jon: Swampert?! Abbie: Rain Dance! Jon: Why use Rain Dance? Abbie: I’ll show you. Jon: A Mega Stone? Jon: Mega Swampert. Abbie: Take Down. Jon: Swift Swim! Are you okay? Jon: That’s good. Typhlosion: Typhlosion. Jon: Yeah. Let’s go, 100%. We have a promise to keep! Maria: Jon-Typhlosion! Abbie: Whoa. Jon: You can mega evolve, but can you handle this. Flamethrower! Abbie: Aqua Tail! Jon: Still strong. Abbie: Take Down! Jon: Man, that hurt. Kyle: Jon will need to have a strong strategy. Maria: He will win. He and Typhlosion are completely in sync now. Abbie: Stone Edge! Jon: Shadow Claw! Abbie: What?! Jon: We’ll keep knocking down anything you throw at us. Abbie: Aqua Tail! Jon: Shadow Claw! Abbie: Your speed is now the same as Mega Swampert’s. How? Jon: Together, we are strong and we will keep on gaining strength. Shuriken Blaze! Abbie: Stone Edge! Abbie: Typhlosion is very strong. Mega Swampert: Pert! Abbie: Stone Edge! Jon: This is difficult, and with the rain up too. Jon: Great timing. Flamethrower! Abbie: How? Swampert is a water type so fire type moves are not very effective. Jon: When Typhlosion and I are in this form, Typhlosion’s power increases a lot. Focus Blast! Abbie: Aqua Tail! Jon: Shadow Claw! Jon: Shuriken Blaze! Abbie: Stone Edge! Referee: Swampert is unable to battle, which means Jon is the winner. Kyle: That was a good battle. Jon: Thanks. Maria: You were so cool. Jon: So, I’m facing him then. Kyle: And it’s early tomorrow morning. Jon: Yeah. So, dinner, bed, train, battle. Narrator: Jon began his Kalos League Conference battle against Abbie, After some difficult battling, Jon got to Abbie’s Swampert, who revealed to be able to Mega Evolve. During the battle, Jon and Typhlosion accessed their Jon-Typhlosion form again and won the battle. Now, Jon progresses in the Kalos League.