| - Morinth ist eine Ardat-Yakshi und Tochter der Asari-Justikarin Samara. In Mass Effect 2 kann sie Mitglied in Commander Shepards Team werden. __TOC__
- Morinth est une Asari, fille de la probatrice Samara, apparaissant éventuellement dans Mass Effect 2 et Mass Effect 3. Tout comme ses soeurs, Rila et Falère, elle est une Ardat-Yakshi. Cependant, contrairement à elles, Morinth a choisi de fuir le monastère de Lesuss afin de vivre pleinement sa vie, malgré sa condition et le danger qu'elle fait courir à quiconque s'accouple avec elle. Principalement présente dans Mass Effect 2, il est possible de l'apercevoir dans le troisième épisode en fonction des choix effectués.
- Morinth is an Ardat-Yakshi, an asari suffering from a rare genetic disorder which causes her to kill her mates while joining minds with them. In turn she becomes smarter, more powerful, and deadlier after each coupling. She has spent centuries as a fugitive from asari justice, surviving by her wits and cunning. Her powerful biotic abilities, and talent for dominating the minds of others, have kept her alive despite the odds. __TOC__
- Morinth was born to the Asari Justicar Samara, and like her sisters was born an Ardat-Yakshi due to a rare genetic disorder Samara suffered. While her sisters agreed to be confined to a Monastery to keep from succumbing to their darker tendencies Morinth instead chose to embrace her nature and roamed the galaxy, feeding off of others as Ardat-Yakshi do. With each kill Morinth grew more sadistic and hedonistic, committing all manner of crimes and becoming such a wicked individual that a guilt-ridden Samara made it her life's work to stop her daughter once and for all and bring her to justice.