Union Cave is a cave in Johto linking Route 32 and Azalea Town. One Lapras can be found during Fridays at night, and a new one appears every Friday.
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| - Union Cave is a cave in Johto linking Route 32 and Azalea Town. One Lapras can be found during Fridays at night, and a new one appears every Friday.
- Narrator: Tyler, Jon and Nate have just reached a cave called Union Cave which will take them to Azalea Town. Jon: Right, when we get through this cave, we will be in Azalea Town. Nate: Where mum and dad are waiting. Jon: I’m more looking forward to the Gym Battle. Jon: Need some light. Cyndaquil: Cynda. Jon: Cyndaquil, can you use the flame on your back to light the cave up a bit more? Cyndaquil: Cynda? Jon: I don’t know what it is. Nate: Zubat and Golbat. Always a nuisance. Tyler: Where did Jon go? Nate: We lost him. We need to find him. Tyler: Right. Tyler: It’s impossible to find Jon. Tyler: True.
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| - Route 32Union CaveRoute 33
| - Narrator: Tyler, Jon and Nate have just reached a cave called Union Cave which will take them to Azalea Town. Jon: Right, when we get through this cave, we will be in Azalea Town. Nate: Where mum and dad are waiting. Jon: I’m more looking forward to the Gym Battle. Jon: Need some light. Cyndaquil: Cynda. Jon: Cyndaquil, can you use the flame on your back to light the cave up a bit more? Cyndaquil: Cynda? Jon: I don’t know what it is. Nate: Zubat and Golbat. Always a nuisance. Tyler: Where did Jon go? Nate: We lost him. We need to find him. Tyler: Right. Jon: No good, dead end. Well we should rest here for a bit. Tyler: It’s impossible to find Jon. Nate: It does seem difficult. Tyler: I wonder if we could send Pichu a message. Nate: We don’t know if Jon has Pichu out at the moment. Tyler: True. Pichu: Pichu. Pichu Pichu. Jon: Huh? Pikachu: Pika. Raichu: Rai Rai. Tyler: You got a signal? Pikachu: Pikachu! Jon: Good idea Pichu! Pichu: Chu. Jon: A Graveller? Graveller: Grav. Jon: Why is it attacking? Jon: Pichu, electric type moves won’t affect Graveller. Jon: Wooper, Water Gun! Jon: Graveller is really powerful. Jon: Is it using Earthquake? Jon: Aw man. Jon: We can’t take on Steelix. Pichu, please send another message. Jon: Pichu! Wooper, Water Gun! Jon: Pichu, you okay? Nate: A Steelix! Tyler: Looks tough. Tyler: Why is Wooper shaking? Music – Pokemon XY Japanese opening 1 Jon: What is that move? Nate: Aqua Tail. Jon: You learned how to use Aqua Tail. Tyler: That is so amazing. Wooper: Wooper. Jon: Wooper Water Gun. Tyler: Pikachu, Thunderbolt. Nate: You too Raichu! Jon: We need to go, they’ll need our help. Jon: You want the boulder destroyed don’t you? Tyler: If we all use attacks at the boulder, then it will smash. Jon: But what moves are you thinking of? Nate: The boulder is too strong, we need to weaken it first. Jon: Leave that to me. Steelix, if you use Flash Cannon, Pichu can use Thunderbolt and Cyndaquil can use Incinerate. That will make the explosion. Nate: Great. All we need is Iron Tail and Double Kick. Jon: Cyndaquil, Double Kick. Nate: Raichu, Iron Tail. Jon: So that’s why Steelix was keen on destroying the boulder. Tyler: Seems like Steelix is the leader. Nate: Appears to be. Jon: Now we need to get out of this cave and get to Azalea town. Jon: That way to Azalea Steelix says. Tyler: Team Rocket? Jon: Seems like they want something in Azalea Town. Narrator: Jon, Tyler and Nate got lost in Union Cave but found each other again and helped Steelix with its situation. Now they are almost at Azalea Town but have found Team Rocket nearby. What are Team Rocket up to? Find out next week.
- Union Cave is a cave in Johto linking Route 32 and Azalea Town. One Lapras can be found during Fridays at night, and a new one appears every Friday.
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