| - DDT (also known as Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) is an insecticide.
- DDT ("dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane") is a colorless, crystalline, tasteless and almost odorless organochloride known for its insecticidal properties. First synthesized in 1874, DDT's insecticidal action was discovered by the Swiss chemist Paul Hermann Müller in 1939. In 1972, agricultural use of DDT was benned in the United States. By 1991, many nations had completely banned its use. A worldwide ban on its agricultural use was later formalized under the Stockholm Convention, which took effect in 2004, though a few nations repotedly do not adhere to this. Limited use in disease vector control continues to this day and remains controversial.
- DDT is a throw used by King from the first game and onwards. In the first game, the input was db,DB+1+2. At least as of Tekken 5, however, King II cannot do the basic DDT as a standalone move, but only as a follow-up to certain moves.
- DDT, or Doimlr-Daithasu-Thompson, is the second largest multinational corporation on Earth. It is the company which owns Toronto. Its headquarters are in Osaka.
- In wrestling a DDT is any move in which the wrestler falls down or backwards to drive a held opponent's head into the mat. The classic DDT is performed by putting the opponent in a front facelock and falling backwards so that the opponent is forced to dive forward onto his or her head. The DDT is often prefaced with a kick to the stomach in order to drive the head of the opponent downwards; a kick and a DDT in quick succession is referred to as a Flowing DDT.
- DDT é um movimento em que o lutador cai para trás ou na direção contrária forçando a cabeça do adversário contra o solo. O clássico DDT é realizado colocando o adversário de frente facelock (prendendo a cabeça do oponente embaixo do braço) e caindo para trás de modo que o adversário é forçado a mergulhar de cabeça contra o solo.
| - DDT (also known as Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane) is an insecticide.
- DDT é um movimento em que o lutador cai para trás ou na direção contrária forçando a cabeça do adversário contra o solo. O clássico DDT é realizado colocando o adversário de frente facelock (prendendo a cabeça do oponente embaixo do braço) e caindo para trás de modo que o adversário é forçado a mergulhar de cabeça contra o solo. O movimento foi nomeado por Jake "The Snake" Roberts, que acidentalmente inventou o movimento na década de 1980. Existem rumores dos significados para DDT, entre eles estão: Drop Dead Twice, Demonic Death Trap, Death Drop Technique e Damien's Dinner Time. A abreviatura própria originalmente veio da química do DDT, um pesticida, como Jake afirmou em entrevistas.Do mesmo modo, a manobra DDT enterra a cabeça do adversário contra o chão.
- DDT ("dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane") is a colorless, crystalline, tasteless and almost odorless organochloride known for its insecticidal properties. First synthesized in 1874, DDT's insecticidal action was discovered by the Swiss chemist Paul Hermann Müller in 1939. In 1972, agricultural use of DDT was benned in the United States. By 1991, many nations had completely banned its use. A worldwide ban on its agricultural use was later formalized under the Stockholm Convention, which took effect in 2004, though a few nations repotedly do not adhere to this. Limited use in disease vector control continues to this day and remains controversial.
- DDT is a throw used by King from the first game and onwards. In the first game, the input was db,DB+1+2. At least as of Tekken 5, however, King II cannot do the basic DDT as a standalone move, but only as a follow-up to certain moves.
- DDT, or Doimlr-Daithasu-Thompson, is the second largest multinational corporation on Earth. It is the company which owns Toronto. Its headquarters are in Osaka.
- In wrestling a DDT is any move in which the wrestler falls down or backwards to drive a held opponent's head into the mat. The classic DDT is performed by putting the opponent in a front facelock and falling backwards so that the opponent is forced to dive forward onto his or her head. The DDT is often prefaced with a kick to the stomach in order to drive the head of the opponent downwards; a kick and a DDT in quick succession is referred to as a Flowing DDT. The move was named by Jake "The Snake" Roberts, who accidentally invented the move in the 1980s. Rumors abound as to what the letters DDT supposedly stood for, including Drop Dead Twice, Demonic Death Trap, Death Drop Technique and Damien's Dinner Time after Jake's pet python Damien. When asked what DDT meant, Jake once famously replied "The End." The abbreviation itself originally came from the chemical dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane, a notorious pesticide, as stated during shoot interviews and on his Pick Your Poison DVD. Many think the term DDT was appropriated because the chemical DDT is something "bad" that is buried in the ground and causes extreme danger (and possible brain damage/birth defects) when there; similarly, a DDT is bad in that it buries an opponent's head into the mat, creating kayfabe extreme danger to the brain and spinal cord.