| - Determines the time until the game engine will attempt to remove enemy corpses for the first time, and how many retries it will execute. This will increase realism, but degrade performance . Note: Those settings also appear in [BIOC_Base.BioArtPlaceable], and might require the additional change, there.
- Toggle the HUD when the "N" and "Alt" key combination are pressed.
- This setting controls the presentation of shadows in the game. Setting it to false may increase performance, but at the same time can degrade the presentation of shadows.
- Control shadow filtering to determine how sharp or soft the shadows will appear in the game. Higher value will make the shadow softer, and lower value will make them sharper.
- Setting this to , improves game performance with minimal to none drop in graphics. Only recomended to users with GPU newer than the GeForce FX 5900 and the ATI Radeon X850.
- Controls the appearance of weapon fire left by players. Setting this setting to enhances performance, but reduces game experience.
- On the shield bars indicator, determines how many shield points per bar.
- Controls the RGB hue of weapon lights when the weapon is holstered, in multiples of 10.
- Changing this to 20.0 makes the dialogue wheel appear as soon as an NPC's last line of dialog starts.
- Originally meant to control the quality of the Bloom Effect, but does not seem to have any effect in-game, although setting it to may improve performance.
- Depending on your sound card, and glitches you encounter, you can play with the values to enhance performance with sound or fix glitches.
- Determines the buy and sell prices modifier.
- Determines the movement speed when in cover.
- If the game is set with Anisotropic as the filtering mode in-game, this setting can control the level of Anisotropic Filtering used. Specifying numbers between 0 to 16 - the default is 4.
- Each command requires zero or more arguments to be executed. code works the following way:
*The GiveItem command - marked in bold text.
*The Self keyword - indicates the target for the item .
*The Qa_SuperGun item - marked in bold text with the indication of the keyword string in italic text. Indicates the item you want.
*The nmManufacturer code - indicates the code of the manufacturer of that item.
*The nSophistication number - represents the 'level' of the item, which is the roman numeral you see after the item name, but in the console is just a number .
- The first line enables you to skip the cutscenes . The second line indicates the time that it takes from the button press to the actual skip. some locations have the cutscene for a reason . Skipping that cutscene, therefore, may leave you stuck. Experiment at your own risk.
- Removes the time limit for ability cooldown.
- Determine the minimum and maximum shadow resolution. Higher minimum value will increase the richness of shadows. Lower maximum value will degrade the appearance of shadows. Note, that setting the minimum too high may result in glitches and loss of performance.
- Setting the Min sizes to match the Max will force the game to always use the highest resolution textures on characters. This may decrease performance, but it will ensure a high resolution texture for Garrus's face - due to a bug, the game will always use the minimum resolution for his face texture.
Raising the Max size is not recommended, this may cause graphical glitches.
- The code addition is marked as italicised text
- Determines how much time it takes to the character to enter cover, when walking in-front of it.
- The default method to view the HUD screen is to press and hold the 'Spacebar' key until you want to return to the "action". A different approach is to toggle the HUD so it will stay on by pressing a key, and return to the game when the same button is pressed again. It is recommended to use a key other than the 'Spacebar' to preserve the default method.
- Enables you to be injured by your squad, and vice-versa. This makes combat more realistic, but at the same time a problem with the current squad AI. Can also result in the 'death' of non-targetable NPCs.
- Setting this to will show all the profile's save games from all characters, and will not filter them based on the current active character profile.
- The numerical parameter value is to indicate what squad member will execute the order. Either 1 or 2 .
- Determines the movement speed when zooming with a weapon.
- Controls the depth of shadows and how dynamic shadows appear. Higher value reduces the number of shadows shown, up to 1.0 that removes shadows altogether, and a lower value increase the number of shadows shown. This setting can cause glitches or fix them by changing the value.
Note: Patch 1.02 set this setting to 0.030 that remove shadowing. Setting this to 0.012 will return them.
- Determines if the engine will enforce the framerate settings or if it will let the graphic card manage them. This may cause spikes in FPS and unwanted graphic behavior.
and determine the minimum and maximum framerate. Setting the maximum value too high can sometimes degrade quality, rather then enhance it. It is recommended to set those values to the system refresh rate for best performance.
- Controls the distance from where shadows will be visible. Higher value will cause shadows to be visible in the near vicinity, while lower value will cause shadows to be shown at greater distance, increasing quality and degrading performance.
- The LoadGame function receive the name of the save as a parameter: [profile_name]00_QuickSave. Replace [profile_name] with the name of your current character. This can be done with any save game file - look in your documents folder for desired name .
Note that should you desire to use an F Key to bind quickload, you will also need to delete its corresponding line, such as
"Bindings". Otherwise the quickload bind won't do anything.
- Changes the color and transparency of the subtitles. The values are in RGB and alpha, which determines the transparency .
- Changes the maximum number of Credits, Grenades, Omni-gel, and Medi-gel. Changing any of these values may hamper game-play experience.
- In conversations, determines how much time passes between the NPC last line and the appearance of the dialogue wheel. Setting this to 0.0 will cause the wheel to appear immediately, and helps prevent choosing unwanted answers when skipping dialogue.
- Controls the RGB hue of weapon lights when the weapon is drawn, in multiples of 10.
- Changes the amount of items that you can buy back after selling to Merchants.
- Controls the Depth of Field that simulate how object inside the "focus area" are sharper than objects outside that field. It most noticeable while using the Sniper Rifle zoom feature that makes targeted objects more crisp and clear, and others blurred. Setting this option to improves performance.
- Enables or disables the Trilinear Filtering that can improve the quality of textures, but at the same time can cause glitches and loss of quality.
- Dead bodies will react more realistically, and shooting them results in minor movement and blood. Enabling this setting may result in degraded performance.
- Determines the maximum number of saves allowed. Note: This setting might require to change from to .
- While holding the middle mouse button, game speed will increase ten times. It's helpful when traveling big distances, such as hub zones or planetary surface. It also works in Mako, and even in cutscenes, allowing you to fast-forward normally unskippable cutscenes. Speed multiplier may be arbitrary. Using this on a keyboard key sometimes causes glitches , but binding on a mouse key doesn't.
- Determines if Shepard will holster his/her weapon when initiating a conversation. Setting this option to will cause also cause others present to keep their weapons drawn during the conversation. Can create some strange situations in which Shepard waves an assault rifle at people.
- This example, modifies the shift parameter, to allow more control over what keys can be used, what allows the usage of already bound keys to be used with the shift key . Setting the Shift option to True instead of False will activate that combination, and will make Shepard use the first ability instead of moving to the left.
- Determines how large your inventory can get until you are required to reduce new items into omni-gel, and when the game will warn you about reaching the limit.
- Determines the camera angle that execute exiting from cover.
- Switch to fly cam when only the "N" key is pressed.
- Determines the amount of Paragon and Renegade points needed to reach a full bar , accordingly.
- Determines the amount of Experience Points awarded for a kill performed in the Mako, relative to the amount you would get on foot. Raising this to 1.0 will give you the same XP in the Mako as on foot. Raising over 1.0 also works .