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- Das Spellbinder-Wiki ist eine freie Enzyklopädie in deutscher Sprache über die Fernsehserien Spellbinder - Gefangen in der Vergangenheit und Spellbinder - Im Land des Drachenkaisers. Zu finden sind im Wiki ausführliche Beschreibungen zu allen Charakteren und den dazu gehörigen Schauspielern, genauere Beschreibungen über jede Episode, sowie alle vorkommenden Requisiten.
- Ira Billings, also known as Spellbinder was a disgruntled high school psychologist turned mind-controlling criminal.
- Spellbinder was a powerful sorcerer with a great love for his family and a high sense of morality.
- A Spellbinder (エグザミネイション, Eguzamineishon?, lit. "Examination") é uma das Keyblades conseguidas em Kingdom Hearts. Para consegui-la é presiso falar com Merlin após conseguir os Sete elmentos(magias) ( Fire, Thunder, Cure, Gravity, Stop, Aero e Blizzard ).
- There is the article Spellbinder in two different manners:
* Spellbinder (regents)
* Spellbinder (series)
- The Spellbinder is a Normal wand in Diablo III. It requires character level 59 to be used.
- Delbert Billings (a.k.a. Keith Sherwood), was a Gotham City painter who uses the trance-making effects of optic art to begin a criminal career. Billings uses an array of optical illusions and hypnotic weapons to commit crimes. He has tried to pit his skills against Gotham's defender, Batman, on several occasions.
- Ira Billings was a Psychologist at Hamilton Hill High School. He wears a costume featuring an orange and black swirl design, and uses a large floating 'eyeball' that allows him to project images into the minds of others using hypnosis.
- Die Spellbinder sind spezielle Menschen aus dem Spellbinderland, denen einige Privilegien zukommen. Von ihnen gibt es nicht sehr viele, da die Spellbinder nicht allzu oft neue Spronze, also Lehrlinge aufnehmen, und somit kann man sich glücklich schätzen, sollte man diese Gelegenheit bekommen. In erster Linie sind die Spellbinder für Verwaltungaufgaben zuständig, wie auch für polizeiliche Aufgaben, denn ihnen fällt es zu, für Ordnung im Land zu sorgen. Im folgenden werden alle Fakten über die Spellbinder zusammengefasst:thumb|left||Ashka, als sie noch ein Spellbinder war.[[Bild:Ashka 16.JPG|thumb|right||Ashka, wo sie noch ein Powershirt tragen durfte.]]
- Although little is known about Spellbinder's life, some key facts are revealed in the episode Where the Magic Happens. When Charmcaster was as young as nine years old, Spellbinder fought against Adwaita and allowed Hex and Charmcaster to escape safely to Earth. He was immensely powerful because when Adwaita is hurt by Charmcaster, he is surprised but claims it to be immense magical mystical power inherited from Spellbinder. Despite being enemies from this, it is clear that Adwaita still retained a level of respect for Spellbinder's power even after defeating him (although this did not stop him from using a projection of the late Spellbinder's voice to try and persuade Charmcaster to step from a ledge into a mystic sink hole). His sacrifice is still an emotional issue for Charmcaster, anger
- Friday Coleman, code name Spellbinder, is one of Hekate's two followers. One of Ayla's comments about Elite League's uniforms indicates that she's probably not Exemplar beautiful. Spellbinder is a slender, cute junior with (dyed) platinum blonde hair and a narrow, angular face. She's a WIZ-4 with some Esper too. Her specialities are Enchantments and Bindings. She's one of Hekate's two unidentified assistants at the spell involving Jinn that turned Tool into Dominique and Demona.
- Spellbinder (Encantador en España) era un mago experto con un gran amor hacia su familia y un alto sentido de la moralidad. Él era el hermano de Hex y el padre de Charmcaster. Spellbinder luchó contra Addwaitya para que Charmcaster y Hex puedan escapar a la tierra. Él era poderoso porque cuando Addwaitya es herido por Charmcaster, se sorprende, pero afirma que el poder sea heredado de él.
- The third book in The Night World series. Published in the UK as Enchantress. It is told in the point of view of Thea Harman. Plot: Thea and Blaise Harman are witch cousins and are like sisters. There's only one slight difference: Thea uses white magic and Blaise uses black magic. Blaise uses her charm and magic to make boys do anything for her, including cutting themselves with razors and burning down schools. When they start over at a new school and Thea heals Eric Ross from a snake bite, Thea and Eric realize they are Soulmates. Blaise is jealous that Eric has chosen Thea, and worried that Thea is breaking Night World law to be with Eric. In a desperate attempt to protect Eric from Blaise, Thea accidentally releases an angry spirit, that kills one of Blaise's admirers. Thea and Eric try