| - Overview
- Lord Holder Kale was the last Lord Holder of the original Bloodline of Ruatha. He became Lord Holder some time betwen the 426th and 430th years of the Second Long Interval. He was killed, along with the rest of his family, save only his daughter Lessa, during Fax's invasion in 2LI438. Lord Kale was married to Lady Adessa, and had several children. He was an easy-going, considerate of his holders, and painstaking in his dealings with them. In short, an ideal Lord in normal times, but in times like those, vulnerable to Fax.
- Wikipedia Article About Kale on Wikipedia Kale is a form of cabbage (Brassica oleracea Acephala Group) in which the central leaves do not form a head. It is considered to be closer to wild cabbage than most domesticated forms. The species Brassica oleracea contains a wide array of vegetables, including broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts. The Cultivar Group Acephala also includes spring greens and collard greens, which are extremely similar genetically.
- Sullivan, the leader of the human resistance, was the adopted granddaughter of the Lawgiver, and although she eventually guessed Kale's role in his death she was nevertheless willing to accept the weapons Kale's cult were able to supply to the rebels. She eventually negotiated a better supply of weapons from the Great Khan, while Kale was able to use his telepathic powers to control the chimp Nerise and manipulate her into staging a coup against the ape leadership and thus cause an ape civil war. In the face of a new threat from the Khan himself, the competing factions put aside their differences, but Sullivan agreed to allow the apes to murder Kale to ensure there would be no further deception.
- Kale was Lord of Ruatha Hold before the Eighth Interval.
- Kale was a Rokugani land-grown vegetable with green or purple leaves, a member of the cabbage family.
- Kale is a character in Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas.
- Kale is a civilian living in Kentucky, United States, on Earth. He used to date Trisha, but Rani Sobeck exposed him for cheating on her. In Rani's opinion, he was a bit of an idiot.
- Kale (ケール, Keiru) is a genetically engineered Saiyan of unknown origin, believed to have been cloned from the DNA of Son Goku from an unknown scientist. He currently wanders the earth, looking for a purpose as well as the ones who created him. His is the main protagonist of Dragon Ball: Ultima.
- Kale → German. Kale is a close variant of Oware, which is played by the Fang, Gabon River, Gabon. The game was first described in 1894 by Stewart Culin, who got the rules from the collector Rev. A. C. Good.
- Kale is the first book of the Kitabu. It chronicles the early history of the world and the Waumini.
- Kale (ケイル Keiru?) was a robot who was Ping Wu's prosthetic left hand and assisted him with his hacking.
- Kale was a soldier stationed at Camp Guardian in the year 2281.
- Kale was a girl in the Spring City Girls' Home on Gaines Street.
- Kale (闇魔将・悪奴弥守, Darkness Demon General Anubis) is one of the four Dark Warlords. Known as the Dark Warlord of Corruption, as well as the Warlord of Darkness, he served Emperor Talpa and was an enemy of the Ronin Warriors. Kale is voiced by Richard Newman, Peter Wilds (Episode 2 only) and Scott McNeil (uncredited; Episodes 31, 32, and 35) (Yasunori Matsumoto in the original Japanese version).
- The Kale is a seed in FarmVille. It can be planted at level 128 and takes 1 day to grow. It costs and can be harvested for . It yields File:XP-icon.png experience when planted. It was released on September 17, 2012.
- Kale freezes well and actually tastes sweeter and more flavourful after being exposed to a frost. Tender kale greens can provide an intense addition to salads, particularly when combined with other such strongly-flavoured ingredients as dry-roasted peanuts, tamari-roasted almonds, red pepper flakes, or an Asian-style dressing. In the Netherlands it is very frequently used in the winter dish stamppot and seen as one of the country's traditional dishes, called Boerenkool.
- Si bien recuerdo y espero no equivocarme, todo ocurrió seis años atrás, cuando sólo tenía 14 años. Era una chica normal; sin embargo, me atraía todo lo sobrenatural, en especial el espiritismo. Siempre he creído en el alma. Siempre está contigo, y sólo te deja cuando estás durmiendo. Esa noche mis padres se iban a cenar fuera, y yo, supuestamente, me tenía que quedar en casa a estudiar. Por supuesto, la elección de quedarme fue idea mía. Casi nunca salían y esa era la oportunidad perfecta. -¿Quién eres? Era lo más sencillo que se me ocurría. -Bueno, ¿cómo te llamas? -"Kale". - S-sí.