| - Harvesting a tree will earn one Mastery for that tree type with some exceptions. Currently the only harvestable trees that do not have mastery are the Persimmon Tree and Carnival Tree. Tree Mastery is used in conjunction with Orchards and obtaining Mystery Seedlings; however trees do not need to be placed into an Orchard to gain mastery. Mastering trees is similar to Crop Mastery and earns you: XP, coin bonuses, and mastery signs. Note: One day in FarmVille is actually only 23 hours in duration. This table has been adjusted to real-world hours.
* This table is auto-populated! If there are any mistakes, make all corrections on the Tree article itself.
* As this table is auto-populated, it is also cached for 24 hrs to lighten server load. namespace = uses = Template:infobox-tree category = Tree notcategory = Unreleased notcategory = Chinese FarmVille count = {%DPL_count:50%} scroll = yes allowcachedresults = true dplcacheperiod = 86400 resultsheader = Showing {%DPL_count:50%} pages starting from page :
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include = {Tree}.dpl table = class="wikitable zebra sortable",-,Level,Image,Name,Acquisition,Seedling,Sell Price,Planting XP Bonus,Harvest Reward,Days Between Harvests,Profitper hourper square(on farm),Additional Information Tree Mastery was released on August 4th, 2011. Players could initially master 515 trees. Similar to crop and animal mastery, tree mastery rewards Farmers with XP and coins for achieving each Level of Mastery. There are 3 Levels of tree mastery, each succeeding level requiring more trees to be harvested. The higher your Mastery Level, the better the rewards. Farmers can keep track of Animal Mastery in the My Mastery tab.