The Anur System is a dark and gloomy solar system in the Milky Way Galaxy.
The Anur System is a dark and gloomy solar system that consists of seven known planets and a moon.
* Anur Phaetos, the perpetually dark homeworld of the ghost-like Ectonurite species, who conquered the system long ago and rules it and the other species.
* Anur Transyl, the gloomy metal homeworld of the Frankenstein-like Transylian species.
* Luna Lobo, the home of the werewolf-like Loboan species. Luna Lobo is a moon of Anur Transyl.
* Anur Khufos, homeworld of Thep Khufans.
* Anur G'rnay the home planet of an unknown alien species
* Anur Ormerow Homeword of the Zombie like species Ormerowon.
* Anur Milligan the home planet of an unknown alien species.
* Anur Vladias, dark and abandoned planet formerly home to Vladats.
The Anur System is a dark and gloomy solar system in the Milky Way Galaxy.
The Anur System is a dark and gloomy solar system that consists of seven known planets and a moon.
* Anur Phaetos, the perpetually dark homeworld of the ghost-like Ectonurite species, who conquered the system long ago and rules it and the other species.
* Anur Transyl, the gloomy metal homeworld of the Frankenstein-like Transylian species.
* Luna Lobo, the home of the werewolf-like Loboan species. Luna Lobo is a moon of Anur Transyl.
* Anur Khufos, homeworld of Thep Khufans.
* Anur G'rnay the home planet of an unknown alien species
* Anur Ormerow Homeword of the Zombie like species Ormerowon.
* Anur Milligan the home planet of an unknown alien species.
* Anur Vladias, dark and abandoned planet formerly home to Vladats. All of the above bodies except Anur Khufos and Vladias has been seen.