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- Η ονομασία " " σχετίζεται ετυμολογικά με την λέξη "[[ ]]".
- Dino was genetically engineered in 2342 AD a lab at the University of Ohio at Mount Empire (U.O.M.E.). Biology students Hannah Montana and José Banana had been up all night drinking, smoking, dropping acid and watching Jurassic Park when they decided to break into the genetics lab and create a dinosaur. Not having any dinosaur DNA readily available, they used what they could find. Using the genes from Gaetano Crocetti, the campus barber, Sammy the Sheepdog, the school mascot, and the Art History Chairman's pet Komodo Dragon, they spliced together the creature that would be renowned throughout history. As astute readers of the DaVinci Code realize, Dino was the first living creature to be related to both Leonardo DaVinci and Leonardo, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.
- Dino Is a Character From Transformers. They Appeared in:
* Dino (KHII ½) in Kingdom Hearts II ½ by Xerruy
* Dino (DOTW) In Kingdom Hearts: Dark Of The Wars by Mysterious User.
- Dino Maldini (ディノ・マルディーニ, Dino Marudīni) is a scout character.
- The Raptor like Dinos are creatures of nature. Their wild nature tends to make them selfish, acting on what only interests them and what they want. They can however become curious about others, always careful on their first meeting. They mostly prefer inactivity but can be very energetic when they wish to be. Dinos produce Reptile Scales as a secondary resource.
- Dino is a fictional Pokémon by Seth Reuben.
- Dino is a in the game B.C. Bow Contest.
- Dino is one of the three Graeae.
- Dino is a recurring character in the Pokémon: Black & White series.
- Dino (pronounced Deano) is the pet dinosaur of the Stone Age family, the Flintstones.
- Su nombre se debe ha que el es un dinosaurio.
- The Dino language or Dino Talk is spoken by the inhabitants of the planet Sauria.
- Dino is a member of the Triggermen gang operating in the Commonwealth in 2287.
- Dino (ディーノ, Dīno) is voiced by Kenta Kamakiri and Kenn (episode 34 onwards). He is the 22-year-old 10th Boss of the Chiavarone Famiglia (キャバッロネファミリー, Kyabarrone Famirī), which is the number three Famiglia in its Mafia alliance with the Vongola Famiglia. The Chiavarone is also one of the largest Famiglias, with over 5,000 members, though only a few have been named.
- Dino was a low-ranking member of the Punchinello crime family.
- Este mundo está habitado por diferentes razas de Dinos, los dinos son los protagonistas principales de Dino-RPG y nosotros seremos sus dueños o maestros. Será nuestro deber y objetivo entrenarlos y guiarlos a traves de nuestro camino con el fin de poder fortalecerlos.
- Dino is a Ranger of Citrinitas Aegis. He resides in Marali Forest and he is known to be an avid fast walker. He can be recognized by his red hair and red Robe of Protection. He can often be seen bowing alongside Sino. File:Dino.jpg
- Als Dino wird ein großer Dinosaurier bezeichnet, der auf der Nase ein kleines Horn trägt.
- Dino ist 22 Jahre alt und Mafia Boss der 10. Generation der Chavallone Famiglia. Sein Geburtstag ist am 4. Februar und seine Blutgruppe ist 0. Dino ist ein guter Kämpfer und Anführer und benutzt zum Kämpfen eine Peitsche. Er hat eine Schildkröte namens Enzo. Genauso wie Tsuna wollte er am Anfang nichts mit der Mafia zu tun haben, aber nach dem Reborn sein Privatlehrer geworden ist, wurde er ein guter Boss für seine Familie. Leider ist er dieser so zugetan, das seine Fähigkeiten drastisch verringert werden, wenn kein Mitglied seiner Familie da ist. Deswegen trifft er oft versehentlich Leute mit seiner Peitsche, oder fällt die Treppe runter.
- Dino is a well known youtube video maker with about 20k subscribers and has recently started livestreaming on twitch as well. He is well known for his progress videos series named Journey to the End where he tries to go for max on his account. Dino has been around the RuneScape community for a while starting his youtube as a free to play pker and moving as a big part of the old school runescape community. His nationality is from Bosnia and he does events with his viewers.
- Dino is a male pack rat in Zootopia: Crime Files. He is suspected of making a large purchase at Vermin's with a stolen credit card. He appears in Case 7.
- Dino (idem en version originale) est un dinosaure de l'univers de Donald Duck.
- Dino (pronounced dee-no) is a fictional character featured in the Hanna-Barbera animated Television series The Flintstones, and its TV spinoffs and feature films. He is a pet Dinosaur of the series' main characters, Fred and Wilma Flintstone. Dino debuted in the opening credits of the pilot episode of The Flintstones, but is not mentioned by name until the first season's fourth episode, "No Help Wanted."
- Dino ist eine Baureihe, die 2012 für LEGO System erschien. Es handelt sich in der Baureihe um Jäger, die Dinosaurier jagen. Also ist es eher heute angesiedelt. Es erinnert ein wenig an Juresic Park.
- Performer(s) Appeared in Dino is a character from the animated television series The Flintstones. He is Fred and Wilma Flintstone's pet dinosaur (to be more specific, he is stated to be a "Snorkasaurus") who exhibits the characteristics of a typical pet dog, often tackling Fred as a way of greeting him when he comes home from work.
- Dino debuted in the opening credits of the first episode of The Flintstones, but was not mentioned by name until the fourth episode, "No Help Wanted". His role was considerably altered in episode eighteen, "The Snorkasaurus Hunter", where he was portrayed (in an apparent flashback story) talking and, at the end of the episode, acting like a butler for the Flintstones, answering the phone, dusting and ironing. He also had blue skin instead of his in that period pink to red colour. For that episode ("The Snorkasaurus Hunter"), he was voiced by Jerry Mann (in an impersonation of comedian Phil Silvers). However, prior to and following that episode, Dino would only bark and exhibit the characteristics of a dog. In previous and subsequent appearances, Dino's Dog voice were vocalisations by Mel B
- Dino is the pet dinosaur in The Flintstones and as a puppy in The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas. Adapted from the character on the original series, Dino essentially behaves like a domesticated dog, eagerly barking and leaping on his master, Fred.
- thumb|left|DinoDino, auch Bucking Bronco, ist ein fiktiver Charakter der Serie Reborn! von Akira Amano. Er ist der 10. Boss der Chavallone-Famiglia, einer verbündeten Familie der Vongola-Famiglia. Seine Familie ist sehr groß und besteht aus mehr als 5.000 Männern. Dino wurde, genau wie Tsuna momentan, ebenfalls von Reborn zu einem fähigen und würdigen Mafia Boss erzogen. Er hat eine freundliche Art und ist für Tsuna wie ein großer Bruder. Diesem steht er auch mit Rat und Tat zur Seite und ist bei Ausflügen von Tsuna und seinen Freunden oft dabei.
- Dino (pronounced "dee-no") is a fictional snorkasaurus, featured in the Hanna-Barbera animated television series The Flintstones, and its spinoffs. He is a pet dinosaur of the series' main characters, Fred and Wilma Flintstone. In the show, he was a metaphorical pet dog, and exhibited the characteristics of a typical domesticated canine. He is some generic sauropod/prosauropod type. He frequently leapt upon Fred Flintstone, yapping happily, and energetically licked his face. Dino could also be moved to anger, at which point he would snarl and snap. He also loves to play with Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm. His species, as told in episode eighteen, is a Snorkasaurus.
- "Dino" was the chubby proprietor of the Apache Motel. His nickname was based off the bowling shirt he was wearing depicting an image of Dino from The Flintstones. The night after Day 8, Chase Edmunds and Jack Bauer checked into the Apache Motel so they could rest for the night. Dino handed them the keys for two rooms, and the two men went upstairs while Dino resumed reading a magazine at his desk. Sometime after Jack rescued Laurel Tenn and killed Brodur, Jack and Chase approached Dino again looking for some information. When Jack started to question him and entered his office, Dino grabbed a baseball bat and tried to attack them. Jack interrogated the man and threatened to hurt him with a knife; Dino confessed that he worked for the Night Rangers, who were paying him to ignore all their c