| - One of the Uchiha's unknown members, Yoshida walked in the blistering desert. The light of the sun glimmered on the sand grains, making the horizon shift and waver with heat and resemble somewhat of a mirage. The young Uchiha knew to rendezvous with at least three other shinobi in order to revisit him. The last time they encountered, Yoshida and company were lucky to leave in a single piece. However, this time, the outcome will be different. Chosuchi had gained weight again, recently bringing himself back to the full mass he had prior to his last fight. He had lost quite a bit of weight during that fight, but had landed the only substantial hit on either side during the whole skirmish against that man. He had a bit of his chakra stolen, which was probably still weaved into that seal, but no real harm had come to him. Currently, he was up for another meeting, with some faces from the past. He trudged through the desert, water bottle in hand. This sand would make things interesting, screwing up footwork, though his current weight allowed him to walk without worrying about the stability of the ground. Today would be interesting, that he could say in the least. Ace was travelling through the large desert, planing to meet with several other shinobi at the rendezvous point. He was very eager to fight Seireitou again, with the shinobi having devastated him in their last battle. Ace scanned the horizon for the rest of his fellow comrades, having spotting one of them already. Ace knew he'd be pushed to his uttermost limits in the event that would soon take place. "It won't be easy like last time..." Ace told himself as he continued walking. "He won't battle like he did last time, and neither will I..." Ace said aloud as he dashed forward. "My father always told me there was a time and place for everything... I guess this is the place, and the time must be quickly approaching..." Ace thought as he manifesting spikes on his arms and back; signs of his demonic form. Extravagant methods weren't opted by Seireitou Hyūga this time around. In fact, as he was approaching the location for this incredible battle that was supposedly to occur, he chose merely to walk along the sandy plains of this region as though he were an elder enjoying a daily stroll in a park. His thoughts were quite empty and silent — not out of anxiety or nervousness, but out of simple calmness. He knew the opponents that were awaiting him up ahead and it did not strike even a single chord in his thoughts to invoke worry. If anything, Seireitou hoped that these opponents that had the bravery to challenge him like this would provide him with an enjoyable battle of souls. Sannoto strolled along the desert sands, losing his footing in the malleable ground. He hated sand, unless it was dressed with women wearing bikinis. That was good sand. Finally, making it up the sandy hill, he saw other shinobi standing before him. He waved his hand, grinning and yelling, "Hey, I made it!". He was celebrating that he had made it. First challenge complete. Several shinobi grouped together, standing before one single shinobi. He must've been him. Seireitou Hyūga, the man that Sannoto had been called to fight against. "Hey, you!" he called, pointing towards Sei. "You banged my mom!" "What Ni-San can I come, can I please come?!" A young girl shouted to the top of her lungs, as she sat in a man's legs. "Lord Shingi, please allow us to at least come." A broad man came strolling around corner, getting closer to both the man and the younger girl. Picking the young girl from his lap, then to the floor, he looked up at them. "Amaya, Raido, you two aren't needed today. Instead, I need you guys to run things here that is all." Heading towards the door, he exited the room. "If things get bumpy, promise me you'll summon us." Shingi continue out, without a single word. Making his way to the given location, he began to take note of his setting. "Why couldn't Yoshida pick somewhere more suiting? Like a village or something. Destruction would have much more meaningful if we could see the things just fall." After a while, Shingi finally reached his destination. He looked around, and he could tell that the group was semi-prepared. Walking to each team member, he exchange a high five. Like an exchange of good luck. Looking up a Seireitou, Shingi smiled. "Is this him, almighty Seireitou Hyūga. So, where's Ryun? I'm sure you can start this without him, no?" Shingi's smile took over his face completely, his tongue slipped from his teeth. Emphasizing his snake-like persona. Ryun Uchiha's arrival was less than extravagant. Arriving from seemingly out of nowhere, the Uchiha shinobi touched down on a large rock overhang, just beside his rival Seireitou. Not even a month had passed since the two's last confrontation. Ryun had to admit that he wasn't expecting to see Seireitou this soon again, but when the silver-haired man had informed him that they'd been challenged, Ryun had immediately made his way to the predetermined battlefield. In the plains below him, Ryun spotted several familiar faces. Even more familiar was the chakra his Rinnegan could see as clear as day. Sighing to himself, Ryun crossed his arms nonchalantly and casually surveyed the amassed challengers. The group was the same as last time. Their power had increased and a few new shinobi were among them, but Ryun didn't feel threatened. Few things gave him that sense of apprehension any longer. Instead, he turned his gaze to Seireitou, who had yet to acknowledge his arrival. "So these are our opponents?" Ryun asked casually. "I see. It's been awhile since you and I fought side-by-side." Smirking, Ryun unfolded his arms, transforming one of his Truth-Seeking Balls into his signature shakujō. "Very well then. Let us reminisce upon a time when you and I were old war comrades." "Whoa, whoa! Cut! Ryun, I'm sure you realize that there are four ninja here to battle you, right?" Yoshida piped up. He jokingly pouted and folded his arms. "But in all seriousness, let's get this going." He said, manifesting his Sharingan. "But I'd love to get to know you're friend afterwards." "He possesses the truth-seeking ball... This will definitely make things a lot more interesting..." thought Ace as he analyzed the legendary uchiha with his eyes. Looking right next to him, Ace took note of Sei. Ace closed his eyes, opening them up seconds later, now in his Mantis Shrimp Sage Mode. Looking back at the 2 men off in the distance, he could clearly see their chakra in all of its glory. "The Byakugan may be special, but these eyes are too..." said Ace as he focused chakra around his body before surpressing it into a barrier, repeating the process several more times. "Well team, what's the plan?" Ace asked as he touched everyone, registering their chakra frequencies, as to not get them confuced if they shifted during the battle. Chosuchi saw all these people manifesting their special eyes of specialness, while he could not. He pulled out a bag of chips out of his pocket, and started munching on them while the rest of group stared threateningly at each other. "I thought there were 5 of us," he mumbled as he continued to eat his snack. They were sweet and sour flavored potato chips, and they were good. Seireitou's Byakugan immediately pulsed into being, with a thunderous albeit subtle roar, as the cold white eyes took gazes at each of the challengers for brief moments. These were eyes that knew no equal when it came to acquiring visual knowledge from observation. All the world, but rivers and streams of energy that could be studied and read as though one were reading from a textbook. And from those flows of energy, all the information that could ever be gleaned from a lifetime of study was made available to the elder Hyūga master in mere moments. The first observed was Yoshida. A young child, not even of drinking age. His clothing suggested a sense of comfortability with himself, an untucked shirt implying an almost uncaring attitude regarding his physical appearance, with a slight tinge of poor self-esteem based on his facial expression and how he carried himself in front of others. An Uchiha, clearly, by the feel of his chakra. Strong values, yet life has taught him the unfairness of reality and just how suddenly... life can take a hell of a downward spiral. The second was Chosuchi. An Akimichi based on chakra alone. But a feeling of difference when compared to purebred clan members. Physically different than the Akimichi as well. This suggested a deformity, perhaps he was mocked for it? But deeper in, with a clean observation, the immense mass that was hid by the slim shape made things even more clear. The third was Ace, a familiar face. Seireitou needed not to spend much time observing an opponent he had already faced once before. The fourth was... this obnoxious man named Sannoto. Upon arriving, and hearing the blonde man's ridiculous accusations almost made the silver-haired man chuckle with amusement. Not much to determine there, but if Seireitou knew anything, it was the boisterous ones to be wary. The fifth and final one was this one named Shingi. Set apart from the others, this one appeared rather reserved; almost noble. Though, that was merely based upon the clothes, but underneath the attire, a childish one prone to cover his insecurities with tomfoolery. Just as Sannoto, that one needed to be watched as well. And with that, he finally decided to speak directly to the people standing before him. "A boy lost in emotions, an Akimichi deformity, a child holding powers he knows not of, a foolish pervert, and a monk with his head far too up his own ass... Misfits joining together with misfits in the hopes of compensating for each other's vulnerabilities... It is almost poetic." the silver-haired man declared, taking a step forward swiftly as the ground itself began to crack apart at that point. He spread his arms out, allowing a black aura to surround his arms from his fingers straight up toward his shoulders, forming a hand seal that allowed for the creation of two clones that stood on either side of him, as he crossed his arms across his chest. "This will be quite the soiree, my friend." he spoke once again, addressing Ryun. Sannoto pulled a scroll from his pocket and opened it. Smoke filled the air, releasing a large, cleaver-like blade of the same proportion as the famed Zabuza Momochi once wielded. “Sugari no Ontachi”, the Senju man muttered to himself as he gripped the handle of the sword. He glanced over to Chosuchi and smiled, indicating that he had some interaction with the Akimichi Clan Leader sometime before. Then, he focused his attention to the rest of the group. “Alright boys,” he started, “The plan is simple. Chosuchi and I will take care of Seireitou, and the rest will go after Ryun.” Before awaiting a response, the latter stepped forward. Pointing his blade towards the three Seireitou men, he grinned. “Consider this payback for banging my mom,”. Forming a handseal, Sannoto released another percentage of chakra in his body. Typically, he had three seals to restrain the amount of chakra he could use at one time, but for these opponents he would need all of it. Starting from his feet, his chakra surrounded him in a spherical shape with he being the center. Five feet in radius, the amount of chakra being released was massive. The earth trembled, pebbles levitated off of the ground and into the air. The very energy being released wisped throughout the wind, causing it to screech from the sheer amount of pressure his chakra was giving off.