Dumai Arachneie was a cleric of Umberlee in Lapaliiya in 1372 DR and the ruler of Ilyaport, the Lapaliiyan town holy to Umberlee. Despite this Ilyaport was in 1372 a city in decline.
Dumai Arachneie was a cleric of Umberlee in Lapaliiya in 1372 DR and the ruler of Ilyaport, the Lapaliiyan town holy to Umberlee. Despite this Ilyaport was in 1372 a city in decline.
Dumai Arachneie was a cleric of Umberlee in Lapaliiya in 1372 DR and the ruler of Ilyaport, the Lapaliiyan town holy to Umberlee. Despite this Ilyaport was in 1372 a city in decline.