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- Darth Malak, born under the name of Alek Squinquargesimus, is the main antagonist of the 2003 video game, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. He is voiced by Rafael Ferrer.
- Toimiessaan Revanin oppilaana, Darth Malak auttoi mestariaan Tähtiahjon löytämisestä ja kaksikko loi voimakkaan sithien imperiumin, joka haastoi Galaktisen Tasavallan ja jedit sotaan. Myöhemmin Malak kääntyi mestariaan vastaan tulittaen tämän alusta, kun Revan taisteli valosapelein lippulaivalleen murtautuneita jedejä vastaan. Uskoen tappaneensa mestarinsa, Malak julistautui mustaksi valtiaaksi ja alkoi hallita sithejä. Hän myös valitsi oman oppilaansa, Darth Bandonin. Malakin hallinto ei kuitenkaan kestänyt, sillä valoisalle puolelle kääntynyt Revan alkoi taistella Tasavallan puolella. Lopulta Revan ja Malak kohtasivat valosapelitaistelussa Tähtiahjolla, mikä johti Revanin voittoon ja Malakin kuolemaan.
- Darth Malak was released in 2006 with the Champions of the Force set.
- Darth Malak was the Sith apprentice of Darth Revan. He took control of the Sith Empire after Revan was captured by the Jedi. But his reign as Dark Lord of the Sith was brief as Revan later slew his former apprentice, crippling the Empire.
- Darth Malak was a guy who became a Sith Lord on the advice of his high school guidance counselor. He was best friends with Revan, despite the fact that Revan liked to beat him up. He was secretly jealous of Revan, who was really cool, while Malak was picked on at Jedi training school. He was supposedly killed by Revan after stealing his girl, but in reality he was done in when HK-47 knocked off a brilliant quote in his face, Malak realizing that he would never quote as well as hachkay (as well as the revelation that Revan never liked his spinach puffs) drove Malak to kill himself. He lost his jaw after eating a very hot bowl of oatmeal. He vowed never to eat oatmeal again.
- Alex Squinquargesimus, también llamado "Bizco" y posteriormente "Malak", fue el acompañante de Revan durante las guerras mandalorianas. Se encargó de reclutar nuevos jedis para hacer frente a los Mandalorianos a pesar de la negativa del Consejo Jedi a que participaran en la guerra.
- Darth Malak was a Human male Jedi Knight-turned-Sith Lord under his master Revan.
- Temný Jedi, učedník Dartha Revana později jeho nástupce.
- Darth Malak is a character from the fictional Star Wars universe.
- Orgin: Star Wars The Old Republic Era. Status: Deceased Darth Malak was a once a Jedi knight untill he turned to the dark side and became an apprentice of his friend Revan. When Revan was fighting Bastila Shan, Malak betrayed Revan by firing at his ship. Malak then usurped the destiny of the Dark Lord of the Sith and proceeded to locating the space station known as the Star Forge. After discovering Bastila on the sith controlled planet of Taris, He order his fleet to bomb the entire planet. But unfortunetly for him, his target fled the bombing. Near the end of Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, he reveils Revan and captures Bastila and turned her to the dark side after finding the Star Forge. But Revan later redeemed Bastila and proceeded to Malak. When Malak was fighting Revan he infe
- Darth Malak fue un humano que reinó como Señor Oscuro de los Sith durante la Guerra Civil Jedi. Antes de convertirse en un Lord Sith, Alek nació en el planeta Quelii en los territorios del Borde Exterior. Cuando los mandalorianos atacaron su planeta natal, escapó de la batalla y huyó a la República Galáctica, cuyos registros de inmigración le asignaron el nombre de su pueblo como su apellido. Fue entrenado en los caminos de la Fuerza por la Orden Jedi, y fue apodado Squint por sus compañeros Jedi, antes de terminar convirtiéndose en un caballero Jedi. Durante las Guerras Mandalorianas, Alek, Revan—su amigo más cercano y un Caballero Jedi—y su facción revanchista de Jedi desobedecieron al Consejo Jedi y ayudaron al esfuerzo de guerra de la República mediante misiones de exploración en el Bo
- Darth Malak lub Alek, to naczelny dowódca armii Sithów w rywalizacji z Republiką. Dawniej pilny student Akademii Jedi na planecie Dantooine, gdzie został sławny dzięki nadzwyczajnej umiejętności władania mieczem świetlnym. Pycha i ignorancja zdystansowały go od mistrza, powodując przystąpienie młodego ucznia do floty przy okazji Wojny Mandaloriańskiej. W trakcie rzeczonego konfliktu zbrojnego mężnie walczył u boku Revana i razem z nim okrył się chwałą. Kiedy zakończyły się działania wojenne obaj zniknęli, jednakże kiedy powrócili okazali się reprezentantami mroku. Zapobiegawczy prawomyślni Rycerze zorganizowali zasadzkę, celem wyeliminowania dwójki nowych nieprzyjaciół. Niespodziewany atak niemal doprowadził do śmierci i dostania się do niewoli Revana, podczas gdy Malak ledwie uszedł z życ
- Alek egy Jedi Lovag volt a Mandalóriai Háború alatt. Ismerősei Sqintnek becézték. Később a háború végén átállt a sötét oldalra és új neve Darth Malak lett. A Mandalóriai Háború alatt Alek hatalmas tiszteletet vívott ki, mint egy félelmetes erejű harcos, aki habozás nélkül nekiront a veszélynek. Jó barátságot kötött Zayne Carrick padawannal, akinek segített keresztülhúzni a Jedi Szövetség terveit nem sokkal azelőtt, hogy fölvette a Malak nevet. Ezek után elkezdett egyre közelebb sodródni a sötét oldalhoz, végül teljesen elcsábították a Sith tanítások, melyeket legközelebbi barátja, Revan ismertet meg vele. A Mandalóriai Háború utolsó csatája után, ami a Sithek Malachor V nevű bolygóján zajlott, Revan és Malak ráveszi a Revansisztákat és a velük tartó köztársasági erőket, hogy segítsenek ler
- Darth Malak era un maschio Umano nato su Quelii che prese il mantello di Signore Oscuro dei Sith durante la Guerra Civile Jedi. Prima di prendere il nome di Malak, Alek Squinquargesimus, soprannominato Squint, era un Cavaliere Jedi di grande fama ed un comandante militare. Durante le Guerre Mandaloriane, Alek guadagnò una reputazione come guerriero testardo che si sarebbe precipitato nel pericolo in modo spericolato. Si mostrò amico al Padawan Zayne Carrick, che assistette nell'abbattere l'Accordo Jedi poco prima di prendere il nome di Malak.
- Darth Malak was a Human male who reigned as a Dark Lord of the Sith during the Jedi Civil War. Before becoming a Sith Lord, Alek was born on the planet Quelii in the Outer Rim Territories. When the Mandalorians attacked his homeworld, he escaped the battle and fled to the Galactic Republic, whose immigration records assigned the name of his home village as his surname. He was trained in the ways of the Force by the Jedi Order, and was nicknamed Squint by his fellow Jedi, before eventually becoming a Jedi Knight. During the Mandalorian Wars, Alek, Revan—his closest friend and fellow Jedi Knight—and their faction of Jedi disobeyed the Jedi Council and aided the Republic's war effort through scouting missions in the Outer Rim. He befriended the Jedi Padawan Zayne Carrick and, after taking the