| - Flee: something to do in times of danger. Also, a command originally issued by Old Saint Nick. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Flee Hatchling, Young Flee, Adult Flee and Elder Flee
- Additionally, several enemies have been known to flee from the party, most notably Cactuars. Also, in Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy II, the player can use the Fear spell to force enemies to flee from battle.
- Flee is one of the warlock's pet imp's abilities. It becomes available at level 33. Flee allows the imp to escape back to its master, removing all stuns and roots in the process.
- This charm effectively gives the spirit a Willpower of 15 for the purposes of escaping a foe; this includes any situations that actively give a spirit a chance to avoid the presence of others through pacific means. Power Cost: 2 per round
- Full: For 10 seconds, you move 33% faster. Concise: (10 seconds.) You move 33% faster. __TOC__
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- There are several monsters that have the ability to flee from battles as well, which is distinctly different from them being felled, as any monster that has fled the battle will not drop items or coins, nor reward EXP. Furthermore, the Jupiter Djinni, Gale has a chance to "blow an enemy far away", which is identical to forcing the enemy to flee (and hence does not reward the player for their efforts).