| - St. Peter is one of the minor characters in Beavis and Butt-head. He appeared in "The Final Judgement Of Beavis", though only in Beavis' dream.
- St. Peter is a Saint, one of the twelve apostles of the Son of God and the brother of St. Andrew.
- St. Peter was first among the Apostles, as the first called of the disciples of Christ Jesus, Our Lord and Savior. He was also Jesus's BFF before The Passion (no matter what the "tell all autobiography" of John Mark might have you believe).
- When Stan and Michelle try to sneak into Heaven to order God to return Stan back to life in "The Most Adequate Christmas Ever", St. Peter reminds them what happened to the last persons that tried to sneak in. Jim Henson and Kermit the Frog are seen banished to the Phantom Zone from the movie Superman II. St. Peter is voiced by John DiMaggio.
- A primary disciple of Jesus, and one of His Twelve Apostles. According to translations of the apocryphal Acts of Peter, St. Peter was asked to be crucified head-down, as he felt unworthy of enduring the same suffering and death Jesus had. As such, an inverted Christian cross is commonly referred to as the Cross of St. Peter and occasionally used to display humility toward Christ. See Also: Peter
- The St. Peter was a missionary vessel whose mission was to spread the Word of God throughout the galaxy. Over 4 years after distress signals from PCW9512 ceased abruptly, passed near the planet. Under Intersystem Law, it was the crew's "sad duty" as the nearest manned to craft to investigate. "With deep regret," they confirmed that their probes revealed no sign of life on its landmass and could not determine if the disaster that claimed the Nova Maru and its crew was of human or "divine" origin. Afterwards, they resumed their mission.
- Born around the time that Christ was, St. Peter, known as Peter in those days, worked for the Roman Empire as a computer programmer. Every day, Peter would go to work, thinking that each day was the worst day of his life. That is until he met Christ. Christ hypnotized Peter, and told him to forget about all of his problems. Peter returned to work for the Empire, but no longer cared what Caesar had to say. Finally, Peter decided he just wasn't going to go anymore. Upon Peter reaching Heaven, God immediately put Peter to work in the worst job in Heaven: Doorman.
- Saint Peter (also known as Saint Peter the Apostle) has appeared in his stereotypical guise as the gatekeeper or "doorman" of Heaven on The Simpsons. In "Treehouse of Horror XI," he continually refuses Homer's entry into heaven on account of Homer's not having performed a truly good deed at any point in his life. Having given Homer one more chance, he allows Homer's spirit to return to earth. However, when Homer does finally perform a good deed (saving a baby from death in a Battleship Potemkin parody sequence) Saint Peter claims not to have seen it. When Homer exclaims 'Well, I'll be damned", Saint Peter replies "Yes, I'm afraid you will be" before activating a trap-door that sends Homer ultimately to Hell.
- The Apostle Peter (d. AD 64? or 67?), also known as Saint Peter, Shimon "Keipha" Ben-Yonah/Bar-Yonah, Simon Peter, Cephas and Keipha, original name Shimon or Simeon, was a fisherman whom Jesus chose as one of the Twelve Apostles. His life is prominently featured in the New Testament Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles. within the Christian Bible. All denominations of Christianity hold that Peter is a saint. As Peter was the Bishop of Rome, the Catholic Church views Peter as the the first pope. Peter continued Jesus's ministry after Jesus was executed. Tradition holds that Peter, falsely accused of arson and terrorism, met the same fate in the time of Nero; it is usually agreed that Peter was crucified upside-down, as a last request that he would not take the honored position of his belove