| - This is the list of Ornaments that can be found in the series. Something wrong or missing? Please edit this page. All the items are listed alphabetically. Note: The table below is best viewed with Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox in Desktop.
* A - Appear.
* S1 - Suikoden.
* S2 - Suikoden II.
* S3 - Suikoden III.
* S4 - Suikoden IV.
* S5 - Suikoden V.
- If you are interested in more horse wallpapers visit [1]
- Plants are inter-dimensional beings that are tapped as a source of power and energy for the planet Gunsmoke. They are beings that can generate energy and even food and water based on environmental conditions. Plants were invented by humans, and are usually kept alive in light bulb shaped containers and used as a power source. Vash and Knives are independent Plants, meaning they can survive outside of a special container normal Plants require to survive. Vash and Knives are two of few sentient Plants, possessing free will and the ability to use their Plant powers whenever they wish (although Vash rarely ever does).
- Note : Les feuilles simples ramassées lors des récoltes sont, comme pour les cailloux des gisements d'Arakas, vendables au marchand d'un quartier des métiers pour 5 000 pièces d'or.
- Plants are one type of living organisms which belong to the kingdom of Plantae. They are recognized by their green colour pigmented leaves containing chlorophyll.
- A brief overview of all plants discussed on the wiki.
- The Island is home to a wide variety of plants. They have figured directly into the storyline of Lost on several occasions.
- Plants is a category of furniture.
- Some plants appear to be more tolerant than others to hydroponic growth. Below are a list of plants grown hydroponically by contributors to this page linking to their collective experience growing each plant.
- In every area in Tibia where there are growing things you have those Plants. Beautiful or ugly, it's up to you.
- In every area in Tibia where there are growing things you have those Plants. Beautiful or ugly, it's up to you.
- Pineapple Plant File:Plant pineapple.gif- Small Cactus File:Plant cactus 2.gif- Cut SunflowerFile:Plant sunflower.gif- Bonsai TreeFile:Plant bonzai.gif- Vase of Flowers File:Plant flowers.gif Mature CactusFile:Plant cactus 1.gif- Yucca Plant File:Plant yukka.gif- Cherry Tree File:Plant fruittree.gif- Cut Roses File:Plant roses.gif Maze Shrubbery File:Nhjinkj.png - Maze Shrubbery Gate File:Fcghlghugvchygfd.png - Bulrush File:Vfhmfvgjm.png - Grass Patch (Plants) File:Xfjnfhgdh.png - Bush Divider File:Fcdkmhfjgjmk.png
- Some of the plant species to be found on worlds in the Confederation:
- The Land of the Living and other realms have various strange, hostile or benevolent plants growing in them. Some plants are ordinary, but some are more magical and may even possess what some call 'intelligence', although little research has been made on this subject matter with the exception of druids who often keep their knowledge to themselves. Plants include various lifeforms such as flowers, grasses, herbs, mosses and trees.
- Plants are a source of food for the Herbivores and since the updates the developers made it much more easier for them to progress and to survive without predators camping for easy meals.
- Plants were living organisms belonging to the biological kingdom Plantae. They include familiar organisms such as trees, herbs, bushes, grasses, vines, ferns, mosses, and green algae. About 350,000 species of plants were estimated to exist on Earth alone. Most planets colonized by humanity either had their own plant life or had terran plants brought there.
- A * Alfirin * Athelas B * Brambles of Mordor C * Culumalda E * Elanor G * Gallows-weed M * Mallorn * Mallos N * Niphredil O * Old Man Willow P * Pipe-weed S * Simbelmynë * Seregon T * Two Trees of Valinor W * White Tree of Gondor
- Plants ist ein Videospiel, das auf der The Sarah Jane Adventures Webseite veröffentlicht wurde. Es ist ein Teil des KS2 Bitesize Science Projektes. In diesem lernen die Schüler Mathematik, Englisch und Naturwissenschaften in dem sie Videospiele spielen. Die Erzählerin ist Anjli Mohindra. Als Belohnung für die Beendigung des Spieles bekommen die Kinder ein Aliens Collage Wallpaper.
- Other plants available are Berries which can be foraged, and herbs that can be used as seasoning in different meals and for healing. Many villages grow crops, although the inhabitants will not like you taking their plants. In the wild, the most common plant you will find is Yellow fingers mushrooms.
- Here is a list of plant creatures in Ark of Boccob:
* Assassin Vine
* Ironthorn
* Phantom Fungus
* Porcupine Cactus
* Saguaro Sentinel
* Shambling Mound
* Shrieker Mushroom
* Treant
* Tumbling Mound
* Violet Fungus
- Plants, for the most part, unlike animals, do not have brains, and therefore do not have the ability to think. There are a few exceptions to this rule though. For example, the Plant Soldiers do have the ability to think, as they were engineered as such, and because of that, they are capable of walking about just like an animal. Some plants from alien worlds, such as the Arborans, might even have close to human level intelligence, although it's uncertain if this was ever studied.
- Warraroon Reserve is part of the Sydney Bioregion, which is classified as one of the most biodiverse regions on the planet. Over ---- plant species are endemic to the Sydney region. Doug Benson and Jocelyn Howell (1990) write: - p 116, Taken for Granted: The bushland of Sydney and its suburbs. This article is a stub. You can help the My English Wiki wiki by [ expanding it].
- Plants belong to the Plantae kingdom. They varied in colour, size and structure. As it was no grass during the time of the dinosaurs, they instead ate other plants. Plants could be found in many places all over the Earth. The dinosaurs who ate the plants are called herbivores. Just some examples of which dinosaurs who ate it are Triceratops , Iguanodon, Parasaurolophus and Diplodocus. Plants differ depending on where they were grown, like different kinds of forests and deserts. They are living organisms with a substantially different cell structure to animals. For example, they have a thick cell wall around their cells rather than the cell membrane that animals have. Plants are also different from animals in the way that they create their own food due to photosynthesis. This process allows
- Comet Bloom can be found in some rocky locations, e.g. not far from the Ghost Hideout bridge in the Ghost Territory and near the Authority gate that blocks the way to the Ravine and Authority Bridge elevator. It is used to create painkillers people like Norbu need, and when used in conjunction with a Vial of Blueshine and Bandages, it creates Regenerative Infusion, a potent mixture that greatly boosts regeneration rate.
- Barbara is studying plants with her collage Helen.Helen finds an liquid inside an new plant and she accidently drops it.The plant then grows large in 30 seconds and attacks them.Helen is stung by the neck and Barbara saves her and the two are traped in an lab.Barbara then tells the goverment to quarantine the building.Helen's eyes turn into pure green and Helen attacks and kills Barbara.Meanwhie,An plant gos into a sink and uses the drain to get to the sewers.Then it drops some liquid into the water.