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- Ouroboros is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yuuya Kanjaki.
- Ouroboros is the name of an underground terrorist organization formed sometime during the 2030s, and the group behind the Usean Corporate War of 2040. They are a transhumanist group who believe that humanity can ascend to a new plane of existence by uploading their consciousness to the cyberspace known as the Electrosphere Network.
- Ouroboros is the 95th level in Chip's Challenge 2. It was created by C. Scott Davis.
- Ouroboros es tanto el area final, como el enemigo final de Mega Man ZX Advent. Es el ultimo Biometal creado por el despertar del Biometal Modelo W. Surge del Volcan Submarino de Master Albert.
- Ouroboros are a type of hostile NPC in Elona+. They have a very small (5%) chance of moving into melee before attacking. Their attacks consist of Super Regene (19%), Eye of dimness (19%), Scavenge (19%), Summon Monsters (19%), Healing Rain (19%), and Ether ground (5%). At low heath they use Super Regene. They have the cPowerBash bit flag, which lets them dig through walls. They make excellent pets. It will continue casting healing spells as an ally but won't summon monsters and doesn't cast ether ground. Surprisingly durable thanks to super regeneration and does decent damage as well.
- "Ouroboros" is episode 12 of Season 2.
- The First Dragon
* Called by the God Learners "God as a Dragon".
* When it saw Orxili, it became the Cosmic Dragon
- Ouroboros (身喰らう蛇, mikurau hebi), also known as The Society, is a mysterious organisation that operates from the shadows. With its access to powerful, talented agents and the latest technological advances, it is (in)directly involved of many incidents that occur in Zemuria. Their ideals often clash with those of other parties, such as long-time rival the Septian Church and more recently the Bracer Guild.
- Information for Ouroboros (Alias 'Jade'): Last connected on Fri Jan 28 13:35:36 2000. Location: Umbra: Lake Arthur Other Name(s): Circlesnake Race: Totem Sex: Female Pack Alpha: Andrea Totem Incarna: Uktena Members: Patrick, Quiet, Soren, and Touch Deer Territory: Lake Arthur, and a little bit more here & there. Position: Avatar of Uktena for Ouroboros
* Jewel joined, May 2000
- Ouroboros, For The Wecord.
- Ouroboros is a reference to old Earth mythology, a concept from Human history that is usually characterized by a symbol involving a snake eating its own tail. (DS9 - The Lives of Dax short story: "Allegro Ouroboros in D Minor")
- Before learning of their identities as Homunculi, Edward referred to the individuals behind the odd circumstances in Amestris as "Members of the Ouroboros".
- Ouroboros (ウロボロス Uroborosu) is Shiina's inner Phantom trying to make its way out after he was driven into despair until Wizard and Beast destroy them via their Phantoms, first by tricking Ouroboros into tying itself up on a bridge. Ouroboros is capable of flight and has two heads, one at each end of this Inner Phantom, armed with teeth and claws. It is unclear if the destruction of Ouroboros still holds true following the erasure of Magic Land and restoration of the original timeline where Shiina lives happily with his mother.
- Ouroboros is an ancient symbol depicting a dragon or a serpent swallowing its own tail to form a cycle. It is a very important religious symbol over the ages. In alchemy, it is a purifying sigil. The myth of the Ouroboros is not dissimilar to other myths of cosmic serpents, such as the Australian Aboriginal myth of the Rainbow Serpent. The image of Ouroboros crossing itself into an infinity symbol is a modern idea, but one that retains the meaning of endlessness.
- Ouroboros is a Legendary amulet in Diablo III. It requires character level 60 to drop.
- gello 09:58, 11. Okt. 2010 (UTC) Kategorie:EBOOK`s Kategorie:OUROBOROS
- Ouroboros is a village in Western Utah. It is where Hecate, the mad tribal "goddess" resides, as well as the Vipers, a group of raiders from the West who serve her. Jordan Dae, the captain of Ouroboros' elite city guard, also resides here.
- The Ouroboros is an ancient symbol depicting a dragon or serpentine creature eating its own tail. It is often assosiated with immortality, rebirth, or eternity. The first known sighting of the Ouroboros is in the Enigmatic Book of the Underworld, an Egyptian funerary text in the tomb of Tutankhamun. The book concerns the action of Ra, the god, and his union of the Underworld's guardian, Osiris, also a god. In the text, two serpentine creatures are coiled around the head and feet of an gigantic god, with their tails in their mouths.
- Note: There are two Chaotic Armors in the game possibly due to a mistranslation. They have the same name but are treated as different materials. |-| Unbound Bonus Rates=
- Season Episode Air date Written by Directed by Previous Next Ouroboros is the ninth episode of Season 7 of Shameless US. It aired on November 27th, 2016 with an attraction of 1.56 million viewers.
- Ouroboros is a brand of everlasting batteries. The name comes from a snake that is eating itself, depicting the never-ending circle of life, whilst the symbol is also referred to as the infinity rune (or Moebius strip). This word was written on the box that baby Dave Lister was found in, as a way to tell him about the time paradox he was created from. Lister is in fact his own father and Kristine Kochanski is his mother, thus creating a time paradox to ensure humanity's continued survival. (RD: Ouroboros) This theme is revisited in Series X's RD: Fathers & Suns.
- "Formation OUROBOROS!" —Strider Hiryu. Ouroboros is one of Strider Hiryu's level 3 Hyper Combos, as well the most powerful Hyper Combo boost in all the Marvel vs. Capcom series. Strider summons two small satellites which revolve around him for a limited amount of time, and fire projectiles with any attack button. This was originally Level 1 in the previous games, and the rings shoot faster and stronger than the previous, but no longer inflict chip damage.
- Este pequeño brazalete es la conexión entre Athena y Pallas. Esta ultima lo usa para poco absorber la vida de su hermana mayor, a medida que más fuerza absorbe esta crece cada vez más mientras que por su parte, Saori muere. El ritmo de absorción de energía aumenta respecto a cuan cerca se encuentren las portadoras de este accesorio.
- Ouroboros is symbol of the world snake, the snake that is curled around the universe. The snake is, in fact, a symbol of the universe constantly destroying and creating itself. By eating itself it grows and diminishes at the same moment. The process of destruction brings creation and everything that's created is destroyed. So: how can a system like the universe exist at all?
- Ouroboros (Draco Aeternitatis) is a bizarre, newly-discovered monster (supposedly a Snake Wyvern) that dwells in the Flooded Forest. Because of its ability to swallow almost anything, even large monsters like the Nargacuga, whole, its discovery has been treated with the utmost seriousness. Its rubbery reptilian hide makes it immune to the Thunder element. It is impervious to all other elements except Dragon; the reason behind this is unknown (it wouldn't be immune to Thunder either but it is because of its hide, whereas its other immunities are natural).
- Lyrics: Have you ever lost a part of yourself a part that you thought would never die but then you made a single choice that's going to live on the rest of your life Ouroboros it's an infinite circle a chain of events that never ends everything you do is gonna come right back to you a chain of events that never ends I did it to you, you did it to me it really is different this time you and him still get along great while i am tossed aside Ouroboros it's an infinite circle a chain of events that never ends everything you do is gonna come right back to you a chain of events that never ends everything you do
- First Consul's Office: Republic Council Building A large, oval room, the office of the First Consul of the Solar Republic, highest planetary political official, certainly suits such a man. The floors are made of reddish bloodstone, a curious mixture of reds and tans and greens. The walls of white marble are carved with frescoes of battle scenes of ancient history, climaxing in a huge mural on the ceiling of Lucius Cornelius Sulla sacking Rome, the only Roman to ever do so, and hundreds of years before the Barbarians were even thought of.
- Ouroborism stresses the realization of the Universe's cyclicality, and the role Ouroboros plays in this cycle, basically by eating His Tail. No one is quite sure how the Universe came to be, and no one is quite ready to come forth with a feasible explanation. One theory is, the Universe has always been here and will always be here stop asking questions and eat your damn chicken fingers!
- Ouroboros was a faction during Dragonhollow's Fifth Era. Led by their founder Lord, they aggressively recruited and announced ambitious plans to become the dominant faction across Pandora. After playing a role in driving out the Dragonslayers in the Third Dragonslayer War, they appeared poised for rapid expansion. However, they soon found themselves on the defensive against Gabault and his Merry Men. Within days, they had abandoned Sprankleton and retreated to defensive positions in Ouroborea.
- Ouroboros is the result of all fragments of Model W awakening and merging. The result is a colossal Biometal resembling the eponymous symbol of a snake biting its own tail in a clockwise manner. It has a golden head with red eyes and a segmented white body with glowing red power lines and proportionally small vertical wings.
- O Ouroboros ou conhecido também pôr Oroborosou urobóro, é um símbolo representado pela serpente, ou um dragão, que morde a própria cauda. E um símbolo para a eternidade. Está relacionado com a alquimia, que é pôr vezes representado com dois animais míticos, mordendo rabo um ao outro. É possível que o símbolo matemático de infinito tenha tido sua origem a partir do Ouroboros. Segundo o "Dictionaire des Symboles", o Ouroboros simboliza o ciclo da evolução voltando-se sôbre sí mesmo. O símbolo contém as idéias de movimento, continuidade, autofecundação e, em consequência, o eterno retorno. Albert Pike, em seu livro, Morals and Dogma, na página 496, explica: "A serpente, enrolada em um ovo, era um símbolo comum para os egípcios, os druidas e os indianos. É uma referência à criação do universo.
- thumb|Eine alchemistische Darstellung des Ourobouros als Symbol für Wiedergeburtthumb|leftOuroboros ist eine sich in den Schwanz beißende Schlange, die auch als Kosmischer Drache bekannt ist. Sie ist ein Symbol für die Unendlichkeit, die ewige Wiederkehr und die Vereinigung von Gegensätzen. Die sich in den Schwanz beißende Schlange deutet an, dass dem Ende ein neuer Anfang in ständiger Wiederholung entspricht, dass der Abschluss eines Weges oder Prozesses einen Neubeginn bedeutet (zyklischen Kreislauf).
- The Ouroboros is an ancient motif of a serpent or dragon bending in a circle and biting its own tail, recurring in many cultures. the example of the condition of 'death' of un-created life, the 'death' before life. Plato described a self-eating, circular being as the first living thing in the universe—an immortal, mythologically constructed beast.
- De Ouroboros zijn een grote hagedissensoort die Equi en Serpia samen geschapen hebben. Op Brima leven ze langs de kust en aan de drie rivieren, de Silthan, de Derna en de Mera. In Nathair leven ze langs de Uxur en in Adhelston. De Ouroboros zijn erg territoriaal en willen hun territorium maar al te graag uitbreiden. Ze vallen elkaar vaak aan en zijn dus eigenlijk hun eigen grootste vijand. Hun eigen gif is niet dodelijk voor henzelf, maar het gif van een andere Ouroboros is wel dodelijk. categorie:Amaroth Categorie:Fauna
- The Ouroboros was the symbol of a snake or worm (PROSE: Falls the Shadow) eating its own tail, representing all of time, i.e. eternity. Demesne Furze, the Great White Worm/Wyrm, was worshipped by the Romans and served as the origin of the symbol on Earth. (AUDIO: Trail of the White Worm) The Mara was described as ouroboros, (PROSE: Antony and Cleopatra) as was the Timewyrm which was said to circle the universe and bite its own tail. (PROSE: Timewyrm: Revelation) The Oroborus entity (TV: Oroborus) and the Oroborous Worm (PROSE: The Mary-Sue Extrusion) were named after the symbol.