| - During perihelion of the yellow star it is hot and stormy, during aphelion the oceans freeze over most of the planet. Because of the elliptical orbit of the world, and because the twin suns orbit within the orbit of the world, seasons are erratic. Residents of Ragny speak of four seasons, of variable length and intensity. Summer reflects the closest alignment of the hot yellow sun with Ragny. It can last 1 to 3 "period" (a native calendar element reflecting 1/16 of their year), and can occur in 10. Winter is the greatest distance to the yellow sun, occurs every year during 2 period, possibly during 4. Four period winters are termed "Dark," and the sunlight is, indeed, reddish and dim. The oceans over much of the planet freeze, and temperatures remain below zero. "Light" winters are much more mild, with minimal saltwater freezing, although more snowfall. Near Summer occurs during the periods before and after summer, or at other times when planet and sun get close but not close enough to call it summer. Near Summer is warm but not oppressively hot. Near Summers that follow Summers tend to be rainy and stormy. It averages 4 period a year. Mid-year is the rest of the time. It averages 7 period a year. Mid-year tends to be cool and pleasant. But the truth is that, with the erratic fluctuations of which season follows which, and the direction of the axial tilt (at only six degrees, this is not a major determinant of season), and the location of the red sun, there is no such thing as a typical season on Ragny.