| - The Mistryl Shadow Guard was released in 2006 with the Bounty Hunters set.
- Three years before its destruction, Emberlene used its might and wealth to conquer its neighbors. They subjugated dozens of worlds in their sector, plundering their wealth, and destroyed anything of value that they couldn't take with them. Since then, the Mistryl hired themselves out as mercenaries, to earn enough money to support the millions of refugees left after the planet's destruction, and loathing the Empire's role in the disaster. At some point, Loruna Scathe left the Shadow Guard and formed a rival organization, the Azure Cabal, that competed with Mistryl Shadow Guard for contracts.
| - The Mistryl Shadow Guard was released in 2006 with the Bounty Hunters set.
- Three years before its destruction, Emberlene used its might and wealth to conquer its neighbors. They subjugated dozens of worlds in their sector, plundering their wealth, and destroyed anything of value that they couldn't take with them. The remaining planets in the sector decided that they could not stand idly by and wait for the armies of Emberlene to crush them underfoot. Pooling their resources, the governments of these worlds hired a mercenary army to fight for them. The mercenaries struck hard and fast, devastating Emberlene's forces and reducing the planet's infrastructure to rubble. Ensuing firestorms and air strikes against populated areas effectively ended the Emberlene threat, reducing its people to abject poverty. In the years after their destruction and partial reconstruction, the Eleven Elders decided to create a lie from this disaster. From a young age, the citizens of Emberlene were taught that many years ago, while the Galactic Empire was still young and early resistance had not been crushed, Emperor Palpatine ordered the destruction of Emberlene as an example to all. Emberlene had been a rich planet, full of splendor and beauty, and had made it apparent that they were ruled by no one but themselves. Fearing the planet's growing power and prestige, the Emperor sent his forces to destroy Emberlene as an example to those who thought they could escape the rule of the Empire. This lie was created to instill a sense of loyalty and pride in the people of Emberlene, as well as a false sense of duty amongst the Mistryl. Since then, the Mistryl hired themselves out as mercenaries, to earn enough money to support the millions of refugees left after the planet's destruction, and loathing the Empire's role in the disaster. At some point, Loruna Scathe left the Shadow Guard and formed a rival organization, the Azure Cabal, that competed with Mistryl Shadow Guard for contracts. Shadow Guards were sometimes employed by the Smugglers' Alliance and in 11 ABY, two of them helped the Alliance to take control of the Spice Mines of Kessel.