| - The marshlands of Endran is a country located on the far eastern side of Planet Nakti, bordered by Delhang, Zalakriva, Tet'Hon, Khalau, and the Endranite Ocean. In the very beginning of Endran, the country was populated by the Ruadh and then centuries later, the Agnata came to live along side them. However, after a violent invasion, most, if not all of the Ruadh have left and the Agnata are now a majority of the population.
| - The marshlands of Endran is a country located on the far eastern side of Planet Nakti, bordered by Delhang, Zalakriva, Tet'Hon, Khalau, and the Endranite Ocean. In the very beginning of Endran, the country was populated by the Ruadh and then centuries later, the Agnata came to live along side them. However, after a violent invasion, most, if not all of the Ruadh have left and the Agnata are now a majority of the population. Due to the fact that the country is now more populated with the Agnata, who are a very spiritual and religious race, Endran is run under a Theocratic government, lead by Speaker Laktin Giere, who lives in the Great Chapel, located in Sayran.