| - Yobanjin lands were a long stretch of land which started north of the Phoenix and Dragon Clan, bordered on the west by the Burning Sands desert and on the east by the ocean. It extended for hundreds of miles to the north, eventually fading into the steppes held by the Ujik-Hai and various other nomadic peoples. Their lands were less fertile than in Rokugan, with cold, dangerous, and unforgiving mountains. North to them were the plateaus where the Yobanjin sustained large herds, and the area was also the main hunting grounds of the legendary death-worms, with canyons proned to rock slides and flash floods. The main waterways were the Chenzhong He, the Ponderous River, and Bai He, the White River. To the north and west, beyond the plateaus and the riverlands, the harsh steppes were the yoban
| - Yobanjin lands were a long stretch of land which started north of the Phoenix and Dragon Clan, bordered on the west by the Burning Sands desert and on the east by the ocean. It extended for hundreds of miles to the north, eventually fading into the steppes held by the Ujik-Hai and various other nomadic peoples. Their lands were less fertile than in Rokugan, with cold, dangerous, and unforgiving mountains. North to them were the plateaus where the Yobanjin sustained large herds, and the area was also the main hunting grounds of the legendary death-worms, with canyons proned to rock slides and flash floods. The main waterways were the Chenzhong He, the Ponderous River, and Bai He, the White River. To the north and west, beyond the plateaus and the riverlands, the harsh steppes were the yobanjin where harassed for centuries by the ferocious Ujik-hai. After the Desert Moto departed for Rokugan in the early 12th century, the nomadic Yobanjin tribes expanded into the now-empty territory. The coastline was dotted with the ports of Fu Gang, Bo Cheng, and the northernmost, Chandeyang.