| - Burke was hired by the Triad to capture and eliminate the demon Reinhardt, as he was a lead Billie Jenkins was pursuing for information on her sister. He appeared at Magic School and captured Reinhardt before Billie could interrogate him. Burke then imprisoned Reinhardt in ice like his other trophies. His lair was then found by Billie. Burke attacked her, but was shot by Phoebe with his own crossbow. The two witches then interrogated him, though Phoebe was summoned by her sisters to summon an Angel of Destiny.
- This Minor Character only shows up in Geneforge 3. He is a Servile farmer for the Greenwood Academy and is very content and happy simply doing his work, even if the school is being attacked. All in all, his is the very definition of a dumb, obedient Servile that many Shapers prize so dearly. He has little dialogue involving a command to have him stop his work. He doesn't listen to this command, though.
- Burke was a member of the Jackals Biker Gang in 1976. Then he also witnessed Colin Blake's daughter, Sarah, trying to make herself of value by offering to run drugs for the leader John "Shameless" Clark; she tried to act tough, but he knew she didn't belong. Later on, the Jackals sold him out to the police to protect their drug trade and abandoned him. However, Colin was the only one to help him and in return, Burke helped the Cold Case detectives with the investigation of Sarah's murder. He was later killed when he was shanked in his cell.
- Burke was an FBI agent based in Washington, D.C. during Day 7.
- Burke is Quentin Turnbull's right-hand man.
- Burke är en manlig Tau'ri och är en agent arbeta med Central Intelligence Agency.
- Burke was once Jett's partner on the planet Cerberus. However, he hated being under Jett's shadow and betrayed her by framing her for killing the king of their planet.
- Burke is a Hammerhead Shark. He is part of the The Vandal Gang. He has very little brain and even less vocabulary.
- A Senhoria de Burke (no original, Burke, Shire of) é uma micronação modelista anglófona, existente até hoje. Atualmente, está extinta. Fica localizada na Oceania e tem como sistema de governo uma monarquia feudal. Categoria:Micronações
- Burke made his first appearance on 23 November 2015. He is portrayed by Brett Allen.
- Pan Burke - tajemniczy człowiek, którego można spotkać w Saloonie Moriarty'ego w Megatonie. Prawa ręka Allistaira Tenpennyego. Burke chce żeby gracz zniszczył Megatonę wysadzając bombę atomową w centrum miasta.
- Burke kann sich auf folgende Personen beziehen:
* Juliet Burke (Eine der Anderen)
* Edmund Burke (Juliets Ehemann)
- El Burke era una Corbeta CR90 utilizado por la Alianza para Restaurar la República en su Flota durante la Guerra Civil Galáctica.
- Burke was a mercenary who assisted Colonel Stuart in seizing control of Dulles International Airport control tower's systems to free General Ramon Esperanza from custody.
- Burke was an Agent working with the Central Intelligence Agency.
- Burke pode se referir a: Categoria:Páginas de Desambiguamento
* Juliet Burke: uma dos Outros;
* Edmund Burke: ex-marido de Juliet.
- Burke – firma zaopatrzeniowa, mająca oddziały w Trenton i w Pike Creek, w Grand Theft Auto III. Plik:Burke (III).jpg|Oddział w Trenton. Plik:Burke (III - 2).jpg|Oddział w Pike Creek. Kategoria:Biznesy w Grand Theft Auto III
- Burke could refer to: People
* Burke (Chief), a soldier, ranked chief, who fought on Ajilon Prime
* Burke (Ensign), Ensign of the USS Enterprise-D
* Burke (Yeoman), Yeoman of the USS Enterprise-A
* John Burke, an astronomer of the 21st century
* Helen Burke, mayor of the city of San Francisco
* Maxwell Burke, of the USS Equinox Astronomical objects
* Burke (comet), a comet orbiting Sol until the mid-22nd century Performers
* Billy Burke, the actor who played Ari
* Michael Reilly Burke, the actor who played Koss
* Solomon Burke, Jr., the actor who played Billy
* Ron Burke, one of the actors to play a native in "The Apple" Authors
* Martin R. Burke, author of The Chance Factor
- Burke is played by Michael Fassbender in the 2010 Jonah Hex movie. He is Quentin Turnbull's right-hand man, and does his dirtywork on many occasions.
- El Señor Burke es la mano derecha de Allistair Tenpenny en el año 2277.
- Burke was a Red soldier stationed at Zanzibar, posted on guard duty with Dellario when the Meta attacked. While Dellario was complaining about fellow soldier Tubbs, Burke was killed by the Meta.
- thumb Praporčík Burke byl bezpečnostní/taktický důstojník na paluběUSS Enterprise-D, který byl během simulovaného boje mezi Enterprise a hvězdným křižníkem Hathaway vybrán jako zástupce poručíka Worfa, který během simulace sloužil jako taktický důstojník Hathawayi. (TNG: Peak Performance)