| - The Cenarion Circle in WoW is a neutral faction, based in Moonglade and Silithus. Players start at 0/3000 neutral, except for Druids, who start at 2000/3000 neutral and will be friendly after completing the early class quests at level 16. Before the Burning Crusade expansion, the usual way of gaining reputation was to run AQ20 raids regularly to get access to reputation rewards and recipes. Since the expansion, however, Silithus and especially Ahn'Qiraj gets much less visitors, since Outland gear is generally better and requires less effort.
| - The Cenarion Circle in WoW is a neutral faction, based in Moonglade and Silithus. Players start at 0/3000 neutral, except for Druids, who start at 2000/3000 neutral and will be friendly after completing the early class quests at level 16. Before the Burning Crusade expansion, the usual way of gaining reputation was to run AQ20 raids regularly to get access to reputation rewards and recipes. Since the expansion, however, Silithus and especially Ahn'Qiraj gets much less visitors, since Outland gear is generally better and requires less effort. However, many people still like the old regions and instances. With Patch 2.3, the reputation gains for the Cenarion Circle have been greatly increased, to make it easier for new players who usually will not spend that much time in the old content. There are various methods of gaining reputation: killing mobs belonging to the Twilight Hammer in Silithus, doing repeatable quests (both solo and group quests), non-repeatable quests and of course still AQ20. Also, with the release of 1.12, you can now gain Cenarion Circle reputation by participating in the World PvP in Silithus. Turning in one Silithyst Dust gives you 20 reputation points for Cenarion Circle. With patch 3.0.2 and the Achievement system, the Guardian of Cenarius title requires you to reach exalted with both Cenarion Circle and Cenarion Expedition.