The five-hour show was hosted by Andrew Morrison, Mark Cunliffe, Rachael Neiman, Paul Ackroyd, Rocker and Mark Whitby, and was repeated cyclically throughout January 2007. The broadcast started with the DJs choosing some of their favourite tracks that failed to make the chart.
* Stars Of Aviation: All Is Quiet On The Western Front
* Skream: Monsoon (Loefah Remix)
* James Brown: Get Up, I Feel Like Being A Sex Machine (Part 1 & 2)
* Aprons: Winnie Mandela
* True Adventures: I Dare You
* Cobson: Old Lady
* ZerodB: Bongos, Bleeps & Basslines
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| - The five-hour show was hosted by Andrew Morrison, Mark Cunliffe, Rachael Neiman, Paul Ackroyd, Rocker and Mark Whitby, and was repeated cyclically throughout January 2007. The broadcast started with the DJs choosing some of their favourite tracks that failed to make the chart.
* Stars Of Aviation: All Is Quiet On The Western Front
* Skream: Monsoon (Loefah Remix)
* James Brown: Get Up, I Feel Like Being A Sex Machine (Part 1 & 2)
* Aprons: Winnie Mandela
* True Adventures: I Dare You
* Cobson: Old Lady
* ZerodB: Bongos, Bleeps & Basslines
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| - The five-hour show was hosted by Andrew Morrison, Mark Cunliffe, Rachael Neiman, Paul Ackroyd, Rocker and Mark Whitby, and was repeated cyclically throughout January 2007. The broadcast started with the DJs choosing some of their favourite tracks that failed to make the chart.
* Stars Of Aviation: All Is Quiet On The Western Front
* Skream: Monsoon (Loefah Remix)
* James Brown: Get Up, I Feel Like Being A Sex Machine (Part 1 & 2)
* Aprons: Winnie Mandela
* True Adventures: I Dare You
* Cobson: Old Lady
* ZerodB: Bongos, Bleeps & Basslines