| - Air Pollution Minister Kitaneidas (害気大臣キタネイダス, Gaiki Daijin Kitaneidasu) leads the Gaiark's sky-based Barbaric Machine Beasts and uses the Kitaneibar (キタネイバー, Kitaneibā) as his weapon. He experimented with Bikkurium's potent abilities prior to using it on Barbaric Machine Beasts. He is the best card player among the three ministers and ends his sentences with "Zoyo". However, sometimes, just like 2 other ministers, he tends to be goofy. His name is from the Japanese word for "filthy" (汚い, kitanai).
| - Air Pollution Minister Kitaneidas (害気大臣キタネイダス, Gaiki Daijin Kitaneidasu) leads the Gaiark's sky-based Barbaric Machine Beasts and uses the Kitaneibar (キタネイバー, Kitaneibā) as his weapon. He experimented with Bikkurium's potent abilities prior to using it on Barbaric Machine Beasts. He is the best card player among the three ministers and ends his sentences with "Zoyo". However, sometimes, just like 2 other ministers, he tends to be goofy. His name is from the Japanese word for "filthy" (汚い, kitanai). Before entering battle, Kitaneidas says, "The blackened skies! I am Air Pollution Minister Kitaneidas!" (黒く染まった空気よ! 私、害気大臣キタネイダス, Kuroku somatta kūki yo! Watashi, Gaiki Daijin Kitaneidasu). His attack is Air Pollution Attack (害気アタック, Gaiki Attaku). Kitaneidas was later scrapped when Crime Minister Yogoshimacritein used him and Water Pollution Minister Kegalesia as a shield to protect him from the Go-ongers attacks. In his last act of defiance he aided Kegalesia in destroying the Infinite Wastebin, and admitted that the Gaiark didn't need a leader, after Yogoshimacritein treated them as an expendable pawns, only for him to finish both of them off himself.