| - Collection of Sacrifices (Part 1 Part 2) is a My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic fan fiction written by SandvichParty. The story revolves around a flower called the Aetas, which is rumored to grant eternal life. Groups of ponies look for this flower in groups of sixteen. In one of these groups, Jadie, a young filly, gets lost from the rest of her group because her brother pushes her into a mud puddle. She meets an old pony named Dolus who says he can help her get back to her group. However, Dolus tricks Jadie by slipping something into her drink at a pub and she blacks out. Once Jadie wakes up, she's apparently in an army force calling themselves 'The forces of the Aetas'. She isn't told anything, but soon after she wakes up a loudspeaker sounds announcing that someone in the compound is attempting escape. Everybody in the bedroom rushes outside, and Jadie sees someone flying around. After a minute, the pony flying around drops to the ground because of a shock collar that prevents exiting. As a new recruit, Jadie is forced to watch a torture session to see what the punishment is for attempting escape. Rainbow Dash is wheeled into the room and is strapped to a chair. She is tortured by a sadistic unicorn colonel who beats her with a 2x4, a hammer, brass knuckles... Just as he raises the knife, Rainbow Dash gets extremely quiet and he decides she's had enough. Once unstrapped, she has two broken ribs, a busted nose and is completely broken in an emotional sense. She's wheeled out of the room on a stretcher as Jadie is led to weapons training. Needless to say, she's terrible with a sword. Jadie completely fails at positioning herself for battle, a simple side slash, even an uppercut. The 'compound leader' of Jadie's group of fillies leads them back to the bedroom because it's getting late... only to be ambushed by ponies in black clothing!