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- Susanoo can be retrieved from one of the following activities/vendors:
- Susanoo (スサノオ susanoo) is one of the characters in Onigiri Online. After the player clears the cursed clouds that surround Izumo, Susanoo is introduced into the party as the seventh member.
- Susanoo (須佐能乎, Susanoo; en la mitología japonesa es el Dios del Mar) es un jutsu que crea a un humanoide espiritual con forma de guerrero samurai. Se trata de un espíritu gigantesco, el cual rodea y protege al usuario que lo utilice. Es la tercera habilidad concedida por el Mangekyō Sharingan, así como ser una habilidad general para todos lo que lo hayan despertado y lo posean en ambos ojos.
- is an ability granted to those who awaken the powers of both their Mangekyō Sharingan. It creates a gigantic, humanoid being that surrounds the user and fights on their behalf.
- Susanoo is one of powerful B.O.W. in Resident Evil:Calamity. It is gigantic quadrupedal snake created by Dr. Sakaki. Released in 2017 on Doutanuki city viral outbreak.
- Categoría:JutsuSusanoo (須佐能乎, Susanoo; en la mitología japonesa es el Dios del Mar) es un jutsu que crea a un humanoide espiritual con forma de guerrero samurai. Se trata de un espíritu gigantesco, el cual rodea y protege al usuario que lo utilice. Es la tercera habilidad concedida por el Mangekyō Sharingan, así como ser una habilidad general para todos lo que lo hayan despertado y lo posean en ambos ojos.
- thumb|300px|Madara tökéletes Susanoo-jaA Susanoo a Sharingan manifesztációja. Ez a képességet csak 2 mangekyo sharingant használó ninja tudja előhívni. Támadó és védekező feladatokra is képes.
- Susanoo is an AI Ranker in the Last Raven VR Arena. Its rank is 4.
- Susanoo is a antagonist appearing in the story The Trihexa KIng's Rebirth. He is a Japanese God and twin sister of the God Amaterasu and the founder of the famous Ama-No-Mura-Kumo-no-Tsurugi (Sword of the Gathering Clouds of Heaven) holy sword. He is the rival of Sirzechs Lucifer who he believes to be the only Devil able to give him a worthy challenge and is the creator of "The Five Branch Alliance" which is really just a organization whose goal is to find worthy challengers even if they have to destroy the worlds in the process or if they have to cause another war between the Three Factions.
- Susanoo (スサノオ Susanoō) was one of the new members of Night Raid that Najenda brought back from the Revolutionary Army HQ. He was an adept fighter and quite resilient to damage due to his status as a humanoid Teigu. He also served as Night Raid's housekeeper and aided Akame in Night Raid's daily chores as well as training with Tatsumi. Susanoo looks in his late-20's with distinctive bull horns coming out of the sides of his head. He was always seen wearing a white robe.
- Susanoo – noto anche come il Valoroso Dio delle Tempeste (勇武の荒神, Yūbu no Aragami) – è una gigantesca creatura umanoide costituita dal chakra del suo utilizzatore che lo circonda e combatte per esso. È la tecnica più potente di coloro che risvegliano lo Sharingan Ipnotico, e di fatto la più rara per i possessori di Sharingan. Per poter usare tale potere, uno deve avere lo Sharingan Ipnotico in entrambi gli occhi – un fenomeno noto come Doppio Mangekyō (ダブル万華鏡, Daburu Mangekyō).
- Susanoo is a gigantic, humanoid being made of the user's chakra that surrounds them and fights on their behalf. It is the strongest ability available to those who have awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan in both eyes.
- and is one of the Saijo O Wazamono. It is the tenth sword in this category. Being in this category, it is considered to be one of the sharpest swords in the World, as well as one of the fines. It was made by famous swordsmith, called Masamune.
- According to Tobi, for a Sharingan user to activate the Susanoo is a rarity. Like the other techniques granted by the Mangekyō Sharingan, the user's eyes and body are strained while using Susanoo because it consumes a large amount of their chakra. Sasuke described it as feeling pain in every cell in his body which only grew from prolonged use. Susanoo is formed through the materialisation of the user's chakra and as such differs in appearance as well as colour between users. Even though it envelopes the user, they can move around within Susanoo freely and use techniques from inside of it, as well as manifest parts of Susanoo — if the situation calls for it.
- In Japanese mythology, Susanoo, the powerful storm of Summer, is the brother of Amaterasu, the goddess of the sun, and of Tsukuyomi, the god of the moon. All three were spawned from Izanagi, when he washed his face clean of the pollutants of Yomi, the underworld. Amaterasu was born when Izanagi washed out his left eye, Tsukuyomi was born from the washing of the right eye, and Susanoo from the washing of the nose.