| - Narrator: One funkadelic day at the Botsford residence… Mr. Botsford: Hey! Now, shake with the beat! Mr. Botsford: WITH the beat! Becky: The beat? Mr. Botsford: The beat! Shake! Like this-- bah bah da doo dah! Bah bah bah dah dah dah! Becky: Eh, okay. Mr. Botsford: Okay… not-- bad… Becky: Ah, come on Dad, be honest. Dancing isn’t exactly my strong suit. Mr. Botsford: Nonsense, honey! All you need is a little… practice! You’ll get better. Anybody can learn, it’s-- easy for-- almost everybody! Becky: I’m still not sure why you thought entering us in a boogie-oogie-oogie contest was a good idea. Mr. Botsford: Not just A boogie-oogie-oogie contest, Becky… the City Annual Boogie-oogie-oogie Contest! Becky: Right, but-- Mr. Botsford: Imagine… you and me, facing off against hundred of dancers, knockin’ ‘em out with the Botsford Shimmy! Whoooaaa! Becky: (laughs nervously) Nice! Mr. Botsford: Thanks! Plus, I have a reputation to protect, when I was a kid my mom and I were three-time champions, you know. Becky: I’m not going to have to wear an outfit like that, am I? Mr. Botsford: I rode that success all the way to the top of the dancing mountain… my own instructional dance video! Mr. Botsford: If we don’t win that boogie-oogie-oogie contest today, this video will be useless! No one will ever take it seriously again, and I’ll be ruined on the boogie-oogie-oogie circuit! Ruined! But no pressure. Mr. Botsford: You just relax, clear your mind and let younger me transport you to the land of boogie-oogie-oogie. Yeah! Becky: Wow, look at that! Mr. Botsford: Now, I have to go off to Meditation Hill and go through my free dance relaxation ritual. So just watch and learn, Becky! Becky: Okay, great. Thanks. Bye. Becky: Oh, man. Look at him shimmy! There’s no way anyone can learn how to dance like that in just one-- Becky: Wow, Bob. You’re really… boogie-oogie’ing. Show-off! Becky: Someone in the distance calling for help! Word-- Bob! Narrator: Out past the city limits… WordGirl: Huggy, do you see him? WordGirl: Great job! Let’s go. WordGirl: Phew, that was a close one! You’re safe now, si-- WordGirl: Oh! Mannequin? Why-- WordGirl: Thanks. WordGirl: Yeah, I agree. It does look like some kind of energy field. Come on! WordGirl: Okay Huggy, let’s take it out! WordGirl: Nothing. And that was my best punch. Huggy, this energy field may be indestructible. We could be stuck out here for a while. WordGirl: No, I’m not just saying that so I’ll miss the dance contest! Fine, believe what you want. Meanwhile, we have to figure out who’s behind this. WordGirl: Dr. Two-Brains? You lured us out of the city with this mannequin so we’d be trapped outside this force field! Dr. Two-Brains: Looks like you’re going to have a hard time stopping my scheme, WordGirl, now that you’re stuck outside the city! WordGirl: Hey, let us back in! That’s not fair! Dr. Two-Brains: Well, since you put it that way, alright. WordGirl: Really? Dr. Two-Brains: Sure, I want to be fair. Dr. Two-Brains: I’m going to put it right here, where you can see it but not touch it! Isn’t that extra mean? Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha! WordGirl: Hey! Dr. Two-Brains: Ohhh… it’s so close you could practically touch it, eh? If only you could just reach through this indestructible energy field, you’d be able to press that little button and shut it down! But you can’t! Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha! WordGirl: Yeah, but if I could reach through the energy field, I wouldn’t NEED to shut it down! Henchman 1: She has a point, Doc. Dr. Two-Brains: Right, I know, but l-let’s not get hung up on details while I’m gloating, okay? I was gloating. WordGirl: Well, you’re not very good at the gloating. Dr. Two-Brains: I don’t care what you think, WordGirl, I’m at peace with my gloating skills! And my new weapon! WordGirl: Oh wait, let me guess. Uh, another ray that turns stuff into cheese, huh? Dr. Two-Brains: No-- (pauses) Well, maybe-- Hey, so what if it is? I like cheese! It’s a gift that I enjoy giving to myself. WordGirl: Trust me, we know. Dr. Two-Brains: Well, the whole city’s going to know, because this little mama turns whole BUILDINGS into cheese! Ha-ha-ha! (Points to Charlie) Hit it! Dr. Two-Brains: Ha, it worked! WordGirl: Alright, so you turned an abandoned building into cheese. Is that it? Are we done here? Dr. Two-Brains: Oh noo, not by a long shot! If that cheese building tastes good, I’m going to zap the entire city! And there’s not a thing you can do about it! Ha-ha-ha-ha! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to eat a building. Henchman 1: Boss, did you know there is a town in England called Cheddar? Dr. Two-Brains: There is not-- really? WordGirl: I guess that thing really IS indestructible! We can’t break it! Narrator: Will WordGirl and Captain Huggy Face find a way to get back in before Dr. Two-Brains turns the city into cheese? Will WordGirl learn how to boogie-oogie-oogie before the big dance? Will WordGirl discover a way to use boogie-oogie-oogie’ing to destroy Dr. Two-Brains’ energy field? Hmm? WordGirl: (gasps) Wait a minute, that’s it! I’ve got an idea that’s just crazy enough to work! If I can boogie-oogie-oogie at super-speed, shimmying at just the right rhythm and frequency, maybe, just maybe, I can disrupt the energy field and make my way back in. Well, let’s face the music and dance! Narrator: Oh, my. WordGirl: Da-da-da-da! WordGirl: Hoo-waa! Narrator: Stop. Dr. Two-Brains: Wait, what are you doing? (to henchmen) What is she doing? WordGirl: Boogie-oogie-oogie’ing my way back into the city! Mr. Botsford: Ahh. Well, that was refreshing. Now I am ready to-- SWEET BABY CARROTS! Mr. Botsford: I have to put a stop to this right now! Out of my way, relaxers! Namaste! Keep it mellow. Sorry. EMERGENCY! WordGirl: Get ready, doc! I’m going to shimmy right through this energy field! Dr. Two-Brains: Shimmy? WordGirl: Yeah, shimmy! To shake and dance. Dr. Two-Brains: I know what shimmy means, have you seen my high school yearbook? I’m just-- surprised. WordGirl: Why? Because I figured out your energy field’s weakness? Dr. Two-Brains: Uh no, I’m surprised you thought that would work! You can’t shimmy through an indestructible energy field, come on! It’s shimmy-proof! Mr. Botsford: Stop, it’s horrible! Horrible! WordGirl: I know, anonymous concerned citizen, but I’ll figure out a way to disarm this energy field, don’t you worry! Mr. Botsford: No! Not the energy field-- although it is scary looking. No, I was talking about your dancing! It’s even scarier looking! WordGirl: Oh, right. Well, dancing isn’t really my strong suit, I’m more of a superhero. Mr. Botsford: Yes, but I have just the thing for you. My own personal boogie-oogie-oogie instructional video. You can borrow it when my daughter’s finished watching it. WordGirl: No, no, that’s okay. Mr. Botsford: No, really! I insist. Dr. Two-Brains: I hate to break this up, but-- no, that’s not true, ‘cause I don’t. Anyway, I’m going to turn this whole city into admittedly mediocre cheese, and no one can stop me! Ba-ha-ha-ha! WordGirl: Listen, stranger who i’ve never seen before, you see that remote control right there? Mr. Botsford: Yes? WordGirl: Well, that’s the button that turns this indestructible energy field off. You have to hit it so I can stop Dr. Two-Brains! Mr. Botsford: You’ve got it, WordGirl! Dr. Two-Brains: Oh, no you don’t! Henchmen, grab Mr. Shimmy! WordGirl: Oh no, look out! Mr. Botsford: Ha! Not to worry. Watch closely, WordGirl. Here’s your first boogie-oogie-oogie lesson! Dr. Two-Brains: No, wait! Stop! Stop! Mr. Botsford: Oh, did you say stop? You can’t stop the boogie! WordGirl: Way to go, Dad! Mr. Botsford: Yeah! (pause) Did you just call me Dad? WordGirl: No. Mr. Botsford: Are you sure? I thought-- WordGirl: Okay, Two-Brains! You might as well give up! Dr. Two-Brains: Ha-ha-ha, I don’t think so! Check it out! My ray is now pointed at the city skyline! There’s absolutely nothing you can-- WordGirl: Okay, let’s wrap this up! WordGirl: Looks like you’re going to boogie-oogie-oogie into prison, Doc! Ha-ha! Mr. Botsford: Great polyester leisure suits! What time is it? Mr. Botsford: Four o’clock? The dance contest is starting soon, I have to hustle! WordGirl: Oh, me too! Mr. Botsford: Why? Are you in the contest? WordGirl: Y-y- Ha-ha, you’d better hurry! Mr. Botsford: Right! WordGirl: Right. Word UP! (takes off with Huggy) Mr. Botsford: Boogie DOWN! Dr. Two-Brains: Oh, man. You think they’ll forget to call the police again? Henchman 1: Can someone scratch my nose? Mr. Botsford: Oh, great! We all made it! Wait! Becky, where’s your costume? I’ll look silly if you’re not in costume! Becky: Uh, yeah. It kind of got ruined? Sorry? Mr. Botsford: Impossible. It’s made from indestructible spandex! Watch. (He pulls on his lapels, and they snap back.) Becky: Right… listen Dad. I don’t really want to do this. Mr. Botsford: Oh yes you do! Becky: No, look Dad. Winning this contest is important to you, and if you dance with me, there’s no way you’ll win. Mr. Botsford: Oh, honey. I don’t care about winning. (stops and thinks) Okay, I do care about winning. But do you know what I care more about? Dancing with my daughter. Becky: Aww, thanks Dad. (Hugs him.) Mr. Botsford: So come on, what do you say? Becky: Yeah, still no. I’ll dance with you, just not in a big competition in front of the whole city! Deal? Mr. Botsford: Deal. But now what am I gonna do? This is a two-person dance competition! Oh… Becky: I think I have an idea! Host: And the winners for this year’s City-Wide Boogie-oogie-oogie Dance Contest are… Host: Tim and Bob Botsford! Narrator: And so, Dr. Two-Brains’ indestructible energy field was no match for the power of the boogie-oogie-oogie! And Becky didn’t have to shimmy in front of the entire city. Becky: Phew! Narrator: Tune in again next time for another thrill-packed adventure of… WordGirl!