| - Although the inner workings of the technique are unknown, the monomolecular-sized insects involved in the technique, the Hen'ichū, specifically occupy the cardiovascular, nervous, muscular and chakra pathway system, and cover the exterior of the Skeletal System of Mariko's body. Mariko elaborated that because of the abilities of the insects, those specific systems of the body would be the most beneficial for the insects to live in. In doing so, they can change their very nature to strengthen her body in a variety of ways and respond to stimuli at superhuman levels.
| - Although the inner workings of the technique are unknown, the monomolecular-sized insects involved in the technique, the Hen'ichū, specifically occupy the cardiovascular, nervous, muscular and chakra pathway system, and cover the exterior of the Skeletal System of Mariko's body. Mariko elaborated that because of the abilities of the insects, those specific systems of the body would be the most beneficial for the insects to live in. In doing so, they can change their very nature to strengthen her body in a variety of ways and respond to stimuli at superhuman levels. Henichu within the nervous system drastically increase Mariko's response time, dropping it from around the typical shinobi level of 100 milliseconds to around 5 milliseconds (or 200 microseconds). This gives her an immense advantage over foes, allowing her to think even faster and react to actions long before most others can. Henichu within the muscular system can change their makeup to make Mariko's muscles very elastic and highly durable, allowing her to lift several thousand times her own weight. Utilizing this strength in taijutsu, she is able to shatter objects as hard as steel with a simple punch if she's not careful, as well as lift objects thousands of times heavier than she is. When grabbing an object, he grip is like that of a vice, never letting go. Henichi within her cardiovascular system are able to carry more oxygen to different parts of her body at a much faster rate, and can readily repair injuries at an extremely rapid pace as they are inflicted. As a result, Mariko gains a vast healing factor on par with that of the Regeneration Ability seen in Hashirama and those with his cells. Because blood is produced in the bones, her entire Skeletal System is surrounded by a triple layer of these insects, essentially making her skeleton indestructible. If this blood exits her body, she is able to further control the Henichi within it to spread outwards, eating matter and feeding off energy to multiply, essentially treating the mass of insects like sand. This makes her extremely dangerous, as she can potentially eat and consume anything in her way. Using the Henichi in her skin, they can change their makeup into other materials, allowing her to materialize metal on her skin for vastly increased defense. By shifting the makeup in a offensive manner, Mariko is able to form shape ridges on her skin capable of slicing clean through steel, or even generate Van der Waals force's, allowing her to cling to any surface without effort. Due to the unique species of insect involved in the technique, as well as the potential havoc one can induce if proper control isn't obtained over the insects, it can kill the user, causing Mariko to label is a Kinjutsu.