"What would you do if you were lady of [Your Holding], Ella?"
"Our people know me," Ella answers confidently. "They know the Drowned God has spoken to me. They will follow me as they follow Lady Yara."
"Can you lead men in war, as Lady Yara does?"
"The visions I saw..." Ella shakes her head. "The Iron Islands can't stand alone anymore. War is coming to Westeros and we must be part of it."
"Will your duty to the Drowned God prevent you from ruling [Your Holding]?"
"King Balon will send the fleet to Westeros when he is ready."
Ella laughs. "If only it were that simple! The Drowned God cares nothing for individual holdings. If we conquer we serve him. If we fail, we feed him."
"How do you think the Ironborn will respond to me naming a woman as my heir?"
"What does the Drowned God say about [Your Holding]? Does he have a path for me?"
You and your daughter Ella walk along the shore. "You're ready to make your choice, aren't you, my [lord/lady]?" Ella asks. "It's time."