Among themselves, Dwarves spoke Khuzdul, a cloistered tongue known to virtually no one but themselves. Khuzdul changed little with time, being a sacred, spoken language of lore and not a cradle-speech. This "inner language" was well suited to the throaty Dwarven voice, since it had a deep tonal quality. Khuzdul was marked by harsh consonants and used two or three-consonant patterns to denote common concepts. For example, "K(h)-Z-D" structures refer to word roots equivalent that describe Dwarves or things essential to the Dwarven identity (e.g. "Khazad" — "Dwarves"; "Khazad" = "Dwarf; "Khuzdul" = Dwarvish").
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- Khuzdul
- Khuzdul
- Khuzdul
| - Il Khuzdul è la misteriosa e complicata lingua parlata dai Nani della Terra di Mezzo. Completamente diversa da qualsiasi altro linguaggio di Arda, fu creata dal Vala Aulë quando questi modellò i Sette Padri della razza dei Nani. I Naugrim, come vengono chiamati dagli Elfi, sono gelosissimi della propria lingua e non la parlano mai in presenza di estranei, preferendo invece usare l'Ovestron o il Sindarin. Pochissimi al di fuori dei Nani sono in grado di parlarla: tra questi vi fu Fëanor, che l'apprese da Aulë in persona, Eöl l'Elfo Scuro e Gandalf.
- Among themselves, Dwarves spoke Khuzdul, a cloistered tongue known to virtually no one but themselves. Khuzdul changed little with time, being a sacred, spoken language of lore and not a cradle-speech. This "inner language" was well suited to the throaty Dwarven voice, since it had a deep tonal quality. Khuzdul was marked by harsh consonants and used two or three-consonant patterns to denote common concepts. For example, "K(h)-Z-D" structures refer to word roots equivalent that describe Dwarves or things essential to the Dwarven identity (e.g. "Khazad" — "Dwarves"; "Khazad" = "Dwarf; "Khuzdul" = Dwarvish").
- Khuzdul was the language of the Dwarves, written with Cirth script (Runes). It appears to be structured, like real-world Semitic languages, around the triconsonantal roots: kh-z-d, b-n-d, z-g-l.
- Khuzdûl ist die Sprache der Zwerge. Sie wird deshalb auch landläufig als Zwergisch bezeichnet.
- Khuzdul – język którym posługiwali się krasnoludowie, a wymyślił Aulë, był więc pokrewny Valarinowi. Ukrywali oni ten język, nie licząc nazw własnych, zwykle używali Westronu lub języków ludzi, gdyż inne rasy miały w przeszłości problemy w nauczeniu się Khuzdulu. Posługiwali się nim jedynie w nadzwyczajnych sytuacjach, na przykład wykrzykując okrzyk bojowy. Język ten był pokrewny nieco pierwotnym wersjom adunaickiego, gdyż Krasnoludowie mieli kontakt z pierwszym i trzecim rodem Edainów niedługo po ich wyjściu z Hildorien, lub nieco później.
- Khuzdul is the fictional language of the Dwarves in J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth, written with Cirth script. It appears to be structured, like the Semitic languages, around triconsonantal roots: kh-z-d, b-n-d, z-g-l. Not much is known of the language, as the Dwarves kept it to themselves, except for their battle-cry: Baruk Khazâd! Khazâd ai-mênu! meaning Axes of the Dwarves! The Dwarves are upon you!
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altri nomi
| - Nanico, Nauglian, Naukarin, Khazadiano, Aulian
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| - Die Sprachen und Völker des Dritten Zeitalters
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| - Ogni Casata parla una propria variante del Khuzdul ma non differiscono molto nella struttura
| - Il Khuzdul è la misteriosa e complicata lingua parlata dai Nani della Terra di Mezzo. Completamente diversa da qualsiasi altro linguaggio di Arda, fu creata dal Vala Aulë quando questi modellò i Sette Padri della razza dei Nani. I Naugrim, come vengono chiamati dagli Elfi, sono gelosissimi della propria lingua e non la parlano mai in presenza di estranei, preferendo invece usare l'Ovestron o il Sindarin. Pochissimi al di fuori dei Nani sono in grado di parlarla: tra questi vi fu Fëanor, che l'apprese da Aulë in persona, Eöl l'Elfo Scuro e Gandalf.
- Among themselves, Dwarves spoke Khuzdul, a cloistered tongue known to virtually no one but themselves. Khuzdul changed little with time, being a sacred, spoken language of lore and not a cradle-speech. This "inner language" was well suited to the throaty Dwarven voice, since it had a deep tonal quality. Khuzdul was marked by harsh consonants and used two or three-consonant patterns to denote common concepts. For example, "K(h)-Z-D" structures refer to word roots equivalent that describe Dwarves or things essential to the Dwarven identity (e.g. "Khazad" — "Dwarves"; "Khazad" = "Dwarf; "Khuzdul" = Dwarvish").
- Khuzdul is the fictional language of the Dwarves in J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth, written with Cirth script. It appears to be structured, like the Semitic languages, around triconsonantal roots: kh-z-d, b-n-d, z-g-l. Not much is known of the language, as the Dwarves kept it to themselves, except for their battle-cry: Baruk Khazâd! Khazâd ai-mênu! meaning Axes of the Dwarves! The Dwarves are upon you! According to the Lhammas, Khuzdul is unique in belonging to a separate language phylum, Aulëan, not related to the languages of Elves, which are in the Oromëan language phylum. Aulëan was named from the Dwarvish tradition that it had been devised by Aulë the Smith, the Vala who created the Dwarves. There are many similarities between Khuzdul and the native tongues of men, such as Taliska, the language of the first and third houses of the Edain. This is because in the early days of Middle-Earth, before men crossed the mountains into Beleriand, they had contact to the Dwarves of the Blue Mountains and further East. Taliska was the ancestor of Adûnaic, the tongue of Númenor and the direct ancestor of the Common Speech, and both languages still had Khuzdul influences. The Dwarvish language sounds much like Hebrew, and indeed Tolkien noted some similarities between Dwarves and Jews: both were "at once natives and aliens in their habitations, speaking the languages of the country, but with an accent due to their own private tongue…" (Letters, 176). Another reason Hebrew was chosen as a basis for Khuzdul is that it is unlike any of the European languages, and thus sufficiently alien to western ears to show just how different the Dwarven speech was from the Elvish languages. It is said in The Silmarillion that Aulë, the creator of the first Dwarves, taught them "the language he had devised for them," which implies that Khuzdul is technically, in reality and fictionally, a constructed language. For The Lord of the Rings movie trilogy, the linguist David Salo used what little is known of the Khuzdul to create enough of a language for use in the movies. This is usually referred to as neo-Khuzdul by Tolkienists.
- Khuzdul was the language of the Dwarves, written with Cirth script (Runes). It appears to be structured, like real-world Semitic languages, around the triconsonantal roots: kh-z-d, b-n-d, z-g-l.
- Khuzdûl ist die Sprache der Zwerge. Sie wird deshalb auch landläufig als Zwergisch bezeichnet.
- Khuzdul – język którym posługiwali się krasnoludowie, a wymyślił Aulë, był więc pokrewny Valarinowi. Ukrywali oni ten język, nie licząc nazw własnych, zwykle używali Westronu lub języków ludzi, gdyż inne rasy miały w przeszłości problemy w nauczeniu się Khuzdulu. Posługiwali się nim jedynie w nadzwyczajnych sytuacjach, na przykład wykrzykując okrzyk bojowy. Język ten był pokrewny nieco pierwotnym wersjom adunaickiego, gdyż Krasnoludowie mieli kontakt z pierwszym i trzecim rodem Edainów niedługo po ich wyjściu z Hildorien, lub nieco później.
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