| - This is a standard opening for a movie, book, or cartoon-- have a Spear Carrier or other protagonist in the adventure pursued by relentless, shadowy figures who outnumber them, whether it's on Hellish Horseback, spaceships, cars, roofhopping, or any of a thousand methods of pursuit. If the Spear Carrier has escorts, expect them to wear copious amounts of red. If he is critically injured, he will inevitably survive just long enough to alert others. Can overlap with Dramatic Chase Opening. Compare Bring News Back. Sub-Trope of Herald. Examples of Pursued Protagonist include:
| - This is a standard opening for a movie, book, or cartoon-- have a Spear Carrier or other protagonist in the adventure pursued by relentless, shadowy figures who outnumber them, whether it's on Hellish Horseback, spaceships, cars, roofhopping, or any of a thousand methods of pursuit. If the Spear Carrier has escorts, expect them to wear copious amounts of red. If he is critically injured, he will inevitably survive just long enough to alert others. The Pursued Protagonist has a 50/50 chance of survival, much less escaping capture. However, they have a 100% chance of keeping their cargo out of enemy hands. Enter the real Hero who has been Easing Into the Adventure and becomes the Pursued Protagonists' last desperate hope to keep their cargo safe, by handing them the MacGuffin, Phlebotinum, or a Fetch Quest Delivery Quest with little explanation of what exactly he's got in his hands, much less gotten into. Will he resist or embrace The Call to adventure? If the pursued protagonist survives, they will likely either become a mentor to the hero, Love Interest, or otherwise become a steadfast ally. It's not uncommon for said Protagonist to require rescuing as one of the heroes' first tasks, either, for which they may need to gather allies. Bonus points if they're a Princess! Usually begins In Medias Res. If the hero gets pursued later in the story, expect a character briefly introduced earlier to rescue him, thus ending the chase. Can overlap with Dramatic Chase Opening. Compare Bring News Back. Sub-Trope of Herald. Examples of Pursued Protagonist include: