| - The Mauler’s armor was created by Cord Conglomerate, under contract with the U.S. Government. The first one who got to wear the armor was disgruntled Cord employee Aaron Soames, who had been deprived of his pension when his legal records were destroyed and Cord refused to acknowledge the claim. While trying to take revenge on Cord, Soames came to blows with Daredevil. When he finally cornered Cord in front of the hero, he took his revenge – he did not kill his target. Instead, he destroyed Cord’s ID card and legal papers from his waller. Right afterward, he was killed by a group of security men firing a beam which destroyed his armor.
- Mauler (Tyler Reins) is supervillain Power armor jockey. He is a former soldier and former member of the Knights of Purity, where he piloted one of their "Shortstop" armors. When the KoP found a cache of armor and weapons made by a recently deceased devisor named Major Upgrade, Reins stole the entire cache and disappeared. A couple months later, he reappeared as the Mauler. He murdered Monkeywrench.
- The "Maulers" are non-Force Sensitive group of cunning assassins and cruel thugs who follow the teachings of Darth Maul: Might makes right! They inhabit an area on Naboo that was once inhabited by peaceful Naboo philosophers. Now the area around their secret hideout lies in smoking ruins, where Maulers plan their planet wide criminal activities.
- The Mauler was a large carnivorous beast that lived on Alzoc III. It may be related to the Wampas on Hoth. It is unsure whether or not the Mauler fought by Bryn Fulcron was the only in existance.
- The Mauler cruiser is a Vanduul ship.
- Has the same attacks as Mauribeak, he stands out by size.
- <default>Mauler</default> Species Gender Status Color Owner Relatives Occupation First Appearance Voiced by Mauler is a police dog.
- Mauler is a fictional character from the video game series Fighting Vipers.
- Mauler es una de las tres mascotas Kneazles (siendo las otras dos Hoppy y Milly) pertenecientes a Newt y Porpentina Scamander. Mauler vive con el matrimonio en su casa en Dorset.
- The Mauler is a newly introduced strain of Chimera, but has never been seen in-game. It's existence is first hinted on resistance.net and it first appears in Resistance: The Gathering Storm. The Mauler is described as very large, and usually being used as a beast of burden to carry equipment for the Chimera, but is able to shoot super-heated saliva, similar to Napalm. It can also cough up a pod which shoots out sticky tendril appendages. These tendrils can infect anything they touch.
- The Mauler was a Boomer variant, equipped with a Boomshield and a horned helmet that together give them considerable cover from enemy fire. The Boomshield they carry can be used by the player. All Maulers carry an explosive flail, which they run forward wielding and is deadly at close range. When shot, they will flinch and deploy their shield to absorb the bullets, making chest shots more difficult. Headshots are more advisable due to its large head but requires at least 2 shots from a longshot.
- Los Maulers son una variante de Boomers los cuales se caracterizan por ir equipados con Escudos Acorazados y Mayales explosivos, son unidades de infantería bastante eficientes y suelen acompañar a patrullas, grupos de asalto o bien sirven para abrir camino a oleadas locust.
- Brendon Doyle is a mercenary working for A.I.M. under the code name Mauler.
- The Mauler is a powerful Skedar pistol with a large magazine.
- Mauler is one of three pet Kneazles (the other two being Hoppy and Milly) belonging to Newt and Porpentina Scamander. Mauler lives with the couple in their home in Dorset.
- Mauler (also known as The Mauler on battleboards and Mauler 2000), was a robot that was intended to compete in Series 3 of Robot Wars, as one of two robots representing the US in the The First World Championship. However, it was not allowed to compete as the producers considered it too powerful and too dangerous for the arena to contain. Following upgrades to the arena made ahead of Series 4, Mauler subsequently took part in the unaired MTV Pilot, defeating Spike and frenZy to win the pilot, although this was not seen on TV after MTV decided not to pick up its own version of Robot Wars.
- The mauler was a humongous weapon that was originally developed by the Romulans and later sold to the Klingons and Lyrans. The mauler is an immense beam weapon, so large that a ship had to be specially modified to carry it and has little room for anything else. Most of the ship was filled with just the mauler cannon and banks of batteries to power it. Although the mauler was capable of inflicting more damage than any other weapon in the Star Fleet Battles Universe, its use was generally limited to special missions where that kind of firepower is needed, like starbase assaults. Maulers rarely operated alone because they carry few (if any) other weapons, and if the mauler cannon itself were fired too often, the stresses involved would eventually tear the ship apart. (Star Fleet Battles)
- Mauler is an Ettin servant of the Overlord who appears in the quest "First Blood." The heroes encounter Mauler after he decimated a traveling caravan. One of the guards informs the heroes that Mauler is the culprit, and that he's launching an attack on Arhynn with his Goblin Archer minions. The heroes battle Mauler in the Fire Pit, and they are tasked with defeating the Ettin before enough of his henchmen are able to escape through a secret tunnel. The heroes succeed in their quest if Mauler is killed. However, if his minions are able to escape, Mauler leaves as well.
- Back down the road, over forty other Maulers had performed the same manoeuvre. Now they waited, hidden on the reverse slope of the gulley waiting for the attack. Group Commander Derian tapped his driver on the shoulder and the command vehicle lurched up and over the small ridge. He surveyed the plain before him. The ground was being torn apart by Nexus Heavy Artillery, each explosion throwing up a mass of dirt, rock and men. The dense ranks of Karn Troopers that pressed through the murderous fire could only just be seen beyond the thick clouds of smoke that drifted across the battlefield. Derian checked his watch, silently congratulating the Nexus artillery as he heard the barrage stop exactly on time. "MOVE OUT!" The Mauler engines growled as the line of armoured vehicles launched themsel
- The Mauler is a 3rd-tier class introduced in Valkyria Chronicles 2. They can be promoted from Fencers as part of the Armored Tech Class Tree. Maulers and fencer elites are probably the most heavily armored classes in the game, with a high defense stat. Their right arm is protected by a large blast shield while their left arm holds a combat shield. They also wear heavy plate armor, which bears a resemblance to medieval knights' regalia. However, maulers' AP is considerably low, making them less mobile than most units (except snipers).
- The Mauler class carries an M32 grenade launcher, 1 Vector, 2 claymores and a k-bar knife. Its grenade launcher does considerable damage to all units but is slow. It takes a pretty long time to reach its target and its not v The mauler is also pretty good with spraying bullets everywhere. Just take out the Uzi and start spraying. It has 200 ammo and it's is the fastest gun in the game. Unfortunatley since it's all speed it has low damage. The Uzi is just a gun for randomly shooting bullets.
- The primary function of the Mauler works exactly like the Super Shotgun from Doom II, consuming 20 energy cells to use. Human enemies are disintegrated when killed by the Mauler. This is the same firing mode Templars use. The Manual calls this the 'Scatter' mode. Small particles could be seen behind the green "screen", when weapon is in this mode. It is advisable to avoid firing in the secondary mode in close combat. The initial blast can inflict significant damage back on the player. The secondary projectiles do not cause any damage, however.