| - Plants typically absorbed water and inorganic substances through their roots, and synthesized both nutrients in soil and sunlight. Since they were capable of synthesizing their own food and served as food sources for consumers, they were referred to as producers. Examples included the Revwien, the bachani, and the perlote tree. Herbivores were animals that fed on plants, but not other animals. Since they were the first in the food chain not to produce their own means of subsistence, they were referred to as primary consumers. Examples of herbivores included the o'cerry.
| - Plants typically absorbed water and inorganic substances through their roots, and synthesized both nutrients in soil and sunlight. Since they were capable of synthesizing their own food and served as food sources for consumers, they were referred to as producers. Examples included the Revwien, the bachani, and the perlote tree. Herbivores were animals that fed on plants, but not other animals. Since they were the first in the food chain not to produce their own means of subsistence, they were referred to as primary consumers. Examples of herbivores included the o'cerry. Carnivores were animals that subsisted on animal tissues. In the food chain, they were referred to as secondary consumers. Examples of carnivores included the Bogwing of Dagobah, the Dianoga, the Togruta, and the Rancor. Omnivores were species that subsisted on both animal tissue and plant-based foods. The tauntauns of Hoth were omnivorous, primarily eating fungi and lichens, though they also ate smaller animals when necessary. Silicavore referred to species that ate rocks and minerals, digesting organic material within. The Thanu of Kamur is a silicavore, though only when mature. Ergovore referred to species that sought out and fed upon pure energy. Business owners sometimes enhanced their security by using these creatures as a way to keep firearms out of their establishments. Salla C'airam lined the entrance tunnel of his high-class cantina with underfed ergovores so that they could detect any hidden power sources or other high-tech weapons. Saprophages were lifeforms that fed on dead and decaying organisms. Examples of saprophages included the urusai and the gravel maggots. Other sources of nourishment were theoretically possible. For instance, some visitors to the Forest Moon of Endor speculated that the tiny Wisties fed on laughter and other positive emotions. On Skye, the guanomongers of the Entyrmion ate skingle dung.