| - Eight elven clans are known to have been brought to Gielinor through the World Gate by Seren and Guthix during the First Age. When Prifddinas was constructed from crystal, each of these eight ancestor clans received its own district within the city, complete with a crystal tower connected to the Tower of Voices. Since then, other elven families have emerged, although these all fall under auspices of one of the eight original clans. The clans ruled over Prifddinas equally, through the Elven Council of Elders, through the Second, Third, and part of the Fourth Age. When the Elven Civil War began, the majority of the elven race was forced to retreat into Isafdar as the Iorwerth Clan conquered Prifddinas and slaughtered all resistance. The Battle of Prifddinas also saw the fall of the Cadarn Clan's empire east of Arandar, from which point onwards the elves have been isolated in Tirannwn. As a result, the elves lost much of their inter-regional significance as humans, goblins and gnomes gradually took over the space the empire had once occupied, and have become legendary in many parts of the world. The clans are said to differ greatly in lifestyle and nature, but little of this has been made common knowledge. Each clan specialises in a certain skill or technique at which they excel. For example, the Iorwerths are accomplished warriors, while the Ithell are renowned for the crystal singing and crafting skills.