| - Birchle was originally thrown to the seas by a friend, Shrewd, and washed ashore in the Emerald Archipelago on the Midnight Ocean in early July 2004. First baptized as Kli, Shrewd promptly invited her to join her own crew, the Midnight Raiders. Shrewd, who had recently been promoted to officer, had just purchased her first sloop, and excitedly used it to introduce Kli to pillaging. Kli soon came to love pillaging with her crew, and began working to gain the rank of officer as well. Just before her final test, she discarded Kli and was reborn as Birchle. After quickly regaining the officer requirements, an anxious Birchle took her officer test and excitedly found she had passed it with flying colors. An eternity later, in the young pirate's perspective, Birchle had finally saved up enough t
| - Birchle was originally thrown to the seas by a friend, Shrewd, and washed ashore in the Emerald Archipelago on the Midnight Ocean in early July 2004. First baptized as Kli, Shrewd promptly invited her to join her own crew, the Midnight Raiders. Shrewd, who had recently been promoted to officer, had just purchased her first sloop, and excitedly used it to introduce Kli to pillaging. Kli soon came to love pillaging with her crew, and began working to gain the rank of officer as well. Just before her final test, she discarded Kli and was reborn as Birchle. After quickly regaining the officer requirements, an anxious Birchle took her officer test and excitedly found she had passed it with flying colors. An eternity later, in the young pirate's perspective, Birchle had finally saved up enough to purchase her own sloop, and once it was finished, enthusiastically pillaged even more to earn enough PoE to stock it. From this point on, Birchle became heavily involved in the crew, discussing everything she knew about with her senior officers Nothingfire, Radders, Morrissey (later Springheel), and Drivingblind, and captain Jaymes. A few months later, after returning from an unplanned stretch of sporadic disappearances, Birchle was greeted with a promotion to senior officer. However, not long after, she was again forced to take a break from sailing the seas.