| - A slaughterhouse was a place where livestock were butchered for their meat. In 2267, following Sybo's death while performing the empathic contact to determine Montgomery Scott's guilt or innocence in the murder of Kara, the accused chief engineer described an unknown presence as being "like a stinking draft out of a slaughterhouse". (TOS: "Wolf in the Fold" )
- Slaughterhouse is the eighth episode in season one of CSI: Miami.
- The Slaughterhouse was an arena that existed within the Netherrealm, located in the city of Nekros. It made its first and only appearance in Mortal Kombat: Deception.
- A Tumerok Fort at 0.2N, 80.3W near Fort Tethana, specialized in processing bovine animals. The door to the fort is locked (resistance 250) and can be opened by using a lockpick or the Simple Tumerok Key found on the corpse of a Tumerok Worker inside the tower at 80.6S, 37.5W. A herd of Cows and Aurochs are kept within the Slaughterhouse and slabs of meat can be found on the ground. A locked chest containing tier 3 Loot and a sturdy iron chest can be found at the top of the tower.
- The Slaughterhouse provides resources to feed the endless hordes of Mordor. They can also reduce the cost of Mountain Trolls, Drummer Trolls, and Werewolves when two or more are built.
- The Slaughterhouse is location featured in Hitman: Contracts in level The Meat King's Party. It is located in Romania.
- "Ugh! This place smells like shit!"- Rick Taylor
* "Reminds me of home..."- Terror Mask The Slaughterhouse is the setting for Phase Four: The Meat Factory. Human beings (or what's left of them) are the cattle that's processed here, along with other dead creatures. The Meat Factory is also home to the Biggy Man, who has set up several traps for intruders.
- Slaughterhouse (dt. Schlachthaus) ist eine US-amerikanische Rap-Gruppe, die aus Joe Budden, Crooked I, Joell Ortiz und Royce da 5′9″ besteht. Seit Anfang 2011 steht sie bei Eminems Label Shady Records unter Vertrag.
- Slaughterhouse é uma arena do jogo Mortal Kombat: Deception. A arena possuí vários tipos de armadilha, e um rosto que cospe sangue em um poço. Em Deception, existe uma parede com espinhos, que o jogador pode jogar o seu oponente para ser triturado e jogado contra uma parede. A arena fica na cidade de Nekros, em Netherealm. É indefinido se a arena vai retornar.
- A slaughterhouse is an industrial facility where animals are processed for consumption as food products. In the United States, around ten billion animals are slaughtered every year in 5,700 slaughterhouses and processing plants employing 527,000 workers; in 2007, 28.1 billion pounds of beef were consumed in the U.S. alone. In Canada, 650 million are killed annually. In the European Union, the annual figure is 300 million cattle, sheep, and pigs, and four billion chickens. It is estimated that 500,000 animals die before reaching the slaughterhouse.
- The Slaughterhouse was a stable time-space eddy on the Time Lords' home planet Gallifrey. It contained some of their most powerful weapons. (PROSE: The Quantum Archangel, PROSE: The Ancestor Cell)
- Slaughterhouse es el octavo episodio de la primera temporada de CSI: Miami.
- Slaughterhouse were an American goregrind/thrash metal duo consisting of Vinnie MacArthur (Witches of Townsend) and Christopher Nash (God Appendium, Bleed the Pain, formed in 2007. The band recorded demos in that year, and will release an album in late 2010, released posthumously after Vinnie MacArthur's May 14th murder. The album is titled Abyssal Butchery. The band will then disband, with Christopher Nash being the only remaining member.
- Slaughterhouse является невозможным уровнем, так как в нём есть несколько невероятно узких мест, а особенно на мини-волне. Также в нём использован популярный у невозможных уровней этап мини волны на огромной скорости между шипами (картинка в шаблоне). Тем не менее уровень можно пройти и без читов. В самом начале есть секретный путь. Необходимо сделать небольшой поворот волной вверх, где между колючек есть секретный проход. Однако из-за всех этих факторов уровень не получил звёзды и сложность демон.
- Contests of skill are held from 19:00-03:00 each night. Entering a Slaughterhouse tournament will consume ten minutes of time. If the player wins, they earn a reward. If the player cannot win, they must use Escape to flee. When losing a battle one will not only lose the ten minutes, but the time penalty for fleeing via Escape is also applied. Slaughterhouse matches do not yield battle spoils. Winning ten battles earns the achievement/trophy Queen of the Arena.
- In the summer of 1997, me, my friends, Mark and Veronica, decided to buy a large building up for sale. We made it into a motel, hoping people would soon rent a room. Nearly every single car that passed by never stopped, not even to say hello. We decided to put more and more decorations up. "THREE LITTLE PIGGIES" "PIGS BELONG IN THE GRINDER"
- Slaughterhouse (traducción sugerida: "El Matadero") es un escenario en Mortal Kombat Deception, que aparenta ser una alta edificación de varios niveles. En el más alto destaca una gran calavera con cuernos de donde cae un caudal abundante de sangre y otros restos orgánicos de animales y humanos. El escenario dispone de un arma, Cleaver, y también es seleccionable en el modo Puzzle Kombat.
- Slaughterhouse is a hip-hop supergroup consisting of Joe Budden, Royce da 5'9, Joell Ortiz, and Crooked I. The group was formed in 2008 after the four collaborated on a Joe Budden track entitled "Slaughterhouse". They are currently signed to Shady and Interscope records along with Yelawolf as a part of the label's new "2.0" phase. In August 2012, they released their major label debut album on Shady, entitled "Welcome to: Our House". The album climbed to #2 on the Billboard 200 but only managed to score one single, "Throw That" on the Hot 100, peaking at 98.
- A slaughterhouse or abattoir Image:Speakerlink.svg/ˈæbətwɑr/ or meatworks is a facility where animals are killed for consumption as food products. Slaughterhouses which process meat not intended for human consumption are sometimes referred to as Knacker's yards or Knackeries. In the United States, around nine billion animals are slaughtered every year.[citation needed] Slaughtering animals on a large scale poses significant logistical problems and public health requirements.[citation needed]