| - Kryptonian beacons are high-pitched ringing or wailing sounds which are emitted from Kryptonian devices, artifacts, or even symbols. Every Kryptonian house family has a specific beacon with a unique tone, making it distinctive. Chloe Sullivan, through Brainiac, drew the Kryptonian mark for 'Doom', which emitted a Kryptonian beacon that somehow triggered the beast Doomsday through Davis Bloome to him. As Chloe was losing her memories, the only person that she retained any recollection of was Davis.
| - Kryptonian beacons are high-pitched ringing or wailing sounds which are emitted from Kryptonian devices, artifacts, or even symbols. Every Kryptonian house family has a specific beacon with a unique tone, making it distinctive. It has been shown that only Kryptonians can hear beacons, although Jonathan, while acting as Jor-El's vessel, was able to mentally connect with the Key. Much like with symbols, it can also be possible to sound a beacon through Kryptonian writing. Lionel Luthor was able to emit a beacon by writing the symbol for "power" in Kryptonian. According to the Martian Manhunter, this was the same beacon used by Jor-El when they worked together on Krypton. Sounds given off by beacons are able to cause Kryptonians pain, as evidenced by Clark Kent when he is seen clutching his ears with visible discomfort whenever he hears such a beacon. Chloe Sullivan, through Brainiac, drew the Kryptonian mark for 'Doom', which emitted a Kryptonian beacon that somehow triggered the beast Doomsday through Davis Bloome to him. As Chloe was losing her memories, the only person that she retained any recollection of was Davis.