German term for jeep. Art is provided in the other images section. It is not used in any standard scenarios. Attack-1,Defense-1, Move-2 (no Blitz) is my suggestion.
German term for jeep. Art is provided in the other images section. It is not used in any standard scenarios. Attack-1,Defense-1, Move-2 (no Blitz) is my suggestion.
The Kubelwagen is a small German car created by Volkswagen. It is mainly used as a quick transport for supplies across a battlefield as well as officers. It's design places the engine in the back while reserving the front space as a trunk for equipment.
German term for jeep. Art is provided in the other images section. It is not used in any standard scenarios. Attack-1,Defense-1, Move-2 (no Blitz) is my suggestion.
The Kubelwagen is a small German car created by Volkswagen. It is mainly used as a quick transport for supplies across a battlefield as well as officers. It's design places the engine in the back while reserving the front space as a trunk for equipment.