| - As there have been ten games and an eleventh in progress, Comic Fury Werewolf has had some quite particularly awesome moments, for both the town and the werewolves.
* Game 8. The town gives the werewolves the greatest Curb Stomp Battle of all time, by lynching the framer day one, and then both the werewolves in the following two days, and they only lost two villagers in the process.
* Game 1. The werewolves win in one of the largest town failures, where the town lynched the Seer, and then, the one person the Seer suspected: the Guardian. The town thought there was only one werewolf, so they never saw the next day.
* Game 2. The Seer stayed alive the entire game, and nailed all three wolves back to back.
* Game 5. The wolves nom the Seer, and lynch the Guardian.
* Game 6.
| - As there have been ten games and an eleventh in progress, Comic Fury Werewolf has had some quite particularly awesome moments, for both the town and the werewolves.
* Game 8. The town gives the werewolves the greatest Curb Stomp Battle of all time, by lynching the framer day one, and then both the werewolves in the following two days, and they only lost two villagers in the process.
* Game 1. The werewolves win in one of the largest town failures, where the town lynched the Seer, and then, the one person the Seer suspected: the Guardian. The town thought there was only one werewolf, so they never saw the next day.
* Game 2. The Seer stayed alive the entire game, and nailed all three wolves back to back.
* Game 5. The wolves nom the Seer, and lynch the Guardian.
* Game 6. Ranger--from the grave--manages to find both wolves while half the players are still alive. It comes back to haunt him, though...
* Game 9. Ranger manages to develop a Game Breaker strategy.
* Game 10 gives some of the greatest Continuity nods of any game, full of Ironic Echo after Ironic echo, easily one of the most fun games of Werewolf in the site's history, and having so many Crowing Moments in its own right.
* The Host, Kristy's, art was so incredible people wanted to die.
* This Werewolf game got over 10,000 page views. It's also one of only two games to have 25 pages.
* The wolves. Everyone knew the first two wolves were Ice and Espeh on the last day. The third one, nobody did. Sarge--the deceased Seer--thought it was Ranger. Ranger went back and forth between it being SuperPie and Brad, but didn't think it was Salty. However, this extended well beyond the last day. Ranger sent a PM to Ice near the beginning of the game, and Ice managed to get his trust, allowing Ice to get away with a lot he wouldn't have been able to get away with had Ranger been absent. Espeh managed to vote for Ranger, which gained Ranger's trust, because he thought no wolf would have ever been that bold and go against him so blatantly. Espeh had figured out that Ranger trusted Ice, however, and knew Ice would defend her, regardless, so she used this to her advantage. Both Espeh and Ice knew that they'd defend each other regardless of whether they were wolves or town, and that defending each other wouldn't be suspicious. They killed (and converted) "random" people for the first four nights, but after the conversion, became far more logical. Their choice of kills completely threw off Ranger. More than that, because Ice left Ranger alive despite Ranger's hints he was catching on, Ranger became convinced Ice would've thought he was too much of a threat to leave alive. He thought about the kill changes and how Ice had said that Ranger was fun to keep around in Game 6, but he thought that meant Ice would be the convert, and that he should focus on finding the "original two" wolves first. Ranger kept the Mercenary from killing Espeh--who the Merc had suspected--and lynched the Seer--who had a guilty on Espeh. Come the last day, Ranger made a miscalculation about the votes, but had the chance to fix it. He didn't, because he wanted to trap the last wolf, but Daylight Savings Time and Kristy's moved deadline meant he was two hours too late; Salty--in the last minute--changed his vote, as Ranger had thought the wolf would do. Only difference is, Ranger wasn't around to stop him, so the end result was a nice, flawless, wolf victory with every single role dead and Ranger completely humiliated. There are no words for the awesomeness involved.
* Crowning Moment of Awesome: The mentioned Curb Stomp Battle below.
* The wolves have one, too. Game 10 is one of the most fun games of Werewolf so far, but the result was a flawless Wolf victory, with every single role dead. Ouch.