- A locality in the London Borough of Barnet, dating back to Medieval times. The Wikipedia page is [1]
- thumb|250px|Whetstone Whetstone (dt. Schleifstein; auch Whetstone County) ist ein Bezirk aus Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Er liegt südlich von San Fierro und westlich von Flint County. In einer früheren, unveröffentlichten Version von San Andreas war Whetstone noch fest mit Flint County und San Fierro verbunden. In der Endversion trennt ein Fluss die drei Landstriche voneinander.
- Whetstones increase damage inflicted by 10% and may be used on either silver or steel blades.
- Whetstone can be found east from Flint County south from San Fierro __NOEDITSECTION__
- HP +1 / 10 strikes
- Whetstone is a stone.
- Whetstone is a favored gift in Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening. It gives +10 approval (with diminishing returns) to Nathaniel Howe, and +5 approval (with diminishing returns), to any other companion.
- Method of Sivoli to attain Venfornic Senses.
* It requires strict restriction of sexual urge, which enables practitioners to gain certain power.
- Das Wrack des DSE-Frachters Whetstone, das Baumaschinen transportierte. Vermutlich von Ausgestoßenen zerstört.
- Whetstone är en ö-region i delstaten San Andreas. En smal flod skiljer området från fastlandet. I Whetstone finns det lilla samhället Angel Pine och det enorma berget Mount Chiliad, den högsta punkten i hela San Andreas.
- Cost: 15g
* Business Minded Technician Tatoms
* Weapon and Armor Seller Ninn
* Store Keeper Pippo
* Oreego
* General Store Proprietress Raihel
* Gohtza Refugee Trader Ghude
* Apprentice Trader Lishin
* Damiroh
* Sigrum
* Sewer Shop
- Om een Whetstone te kunnen bouwen, is 35 Construction vereist. Ook heeft de speler 4 oak planks en 1 Limestone brick nodig.
- Whetstone is a material item used in weaponsmithing.
- [[Archivo:MountChiliad.JPG|right|thumb|200px|El Mount Chiliad, con sus 800 metros de altura]] Whetstone es un condado situado en el campo de San Andreas, junto con Flint County y Red County. Se ubica en el suroeste de San Andreas y tan solo contiene un pueblo muy pequeño: Angel Pine, el resto del condado se compone por grandes terrenos campestres, granjas, un pequeño lago, una playa, el río que lo separa de Flint County al este y una gran montaña.
- You need 10 of these to craft the Sharing Thoughts or Slate Knife in the Weapons Depot.
- The whetstone, or sharpening stone, is a tool used to sharpen bladed tools.
- Whetstone is a forested island region of San Andreas separated from the remaining landmass by a narrow channel. It is home to the small town of Angel Pine and the massive Mount Chiliad, the tallest feature in the entire state of San Andreas. Whetstone is one of the most sparsely-populated counties in San Andreas (second only to Flint County), with the only settlement being Angel Pine, which is located on a flat plain at the base of Mount Chiliad. There is a beach situated to the south of Angel Pine. The rest of the county consists of the forested region of Shady Creeks.
- "We found this whetstone on the Eastern Plains. It seems suited for polishing metal. I read that these were often used when making old matchlock muskets."
- Building a whetstone requires at least 35 Construction, 4 oak planks and 1 limestone brick.
- thumb|300px|Widok na leśne obszary Whetstone Whetstone – hrabstwo w stanie San Andreas, położone w jego południowo-zachodniej części. Graniczy od północy z San Fierro i z Flint County od wschodu. Gracz Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas ma je udostępnione po misji Zielony Sabre (wraz z Flint County i San Fierro). Jest to obszar górzysty, prawie połowę hrabstwa zajmuje Góra Chiliad. Jest tam działalność głównie turystyczna, poza tym działa tam tartak niedaleko Angel Pine, które jest jedyną tamtejszą miejscowością. Przez hrabstwo biegnie autostrada z San Fierro do Los Santos.
- In SLASH'EM, a whetstone in combination with a source of water (fountain, sink, toilet or pool) can be used to to remove rust and negative enchantments (up to +0). This has a 33% chance of succeeding. Whetstones can be identified easily by attempting to apply it against any iron weapon. If it is a whestone, you will get the message, "You need some water when you use that." When you finish sharpening your weapon if it was successfull you will get the message "Your weapon shines now.", if it was not successfull you will instead get "There are no visible effects despite your efforts."
- frame|Une vue de Whetstone dans GTA San Andreas (en arrière-plan : le Mount Chiliad)Whetstone [ˈwetstoʊn] est un comté rural dans Grand Thefts Auto: San Andreas. C'est une région insulaire du sud-est de l'État de San Andreas, qui se situe à l'est du comté de Flint County. On y trouve de nombreuses forêts et un seul village, Angel Pine, mais c'est surtout le Mount Chiliad qui attire les joueurs.