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- In the flash-sideways, Boone was reunited with his stepsister, Shannon, and along with their friends from the Island, they moved on.
- Boone Carlyle era un superviviente de la sección central del Vuelo 815 de Oceanic y era el hermanastro de Shannon. Intentó asumir el semi-liderazgo de los supervivientes, pero no lo logró al ser imprudente y muy joven, aunque sí se volvió el aprendiz de Locke, con el que formó una fuerte conexión. Durante toda su estancia en la Isla, Boone se pasaba mucho tiempo con Shannon, debido al hecho que estaba secretamente enamorado de ella, algo que superó. Boone estuvo en la Isla 41 días, antes de morir por las heridas de una caída. Según Locke, Boone era el sacrificio que la Isla pedía.
- Boone Carlyle war Überlebender aus dem Mittelteil von Oceanic Flug 815 und Shannons Stiefbruder. Er versuchte eine Halb-Anführer Rolle bei den Überlebenden zu übernehmen, scheiterte aber aufgrund seiner Voreiligkeit und Jugend. Dennoch wurde er Lockes Lehrling, als sie beide die verschlossene Luke fanden. Boone lebte 41 Tage auf der Insel bevor er an den Verletzungen starb, die er sich bei dem Sturz der Beechcraft zuzog. Laut Lockes Aussage war Boone ein Opfer, das die Insel verlangte.
- Boone Carlyle is the step-brother of Shannon Rutherford and one of the middle-section survivors.
- Boone Carlyle était l'un des survivants de la section du milieu du vol Oceanic 815 et était le demi-frère de Shannon. Il tenta de devenir le leader des survivants mais échoua à cause de sa jeunesse et de son inexpérience. En dépit de cet échec, il devint l'apprenti de Locke, avec qui il noua des liens étroits. C'est ensemble qu'ils ont découvert l'entrée du Cygne ou l'avion des trafiquants de drogue, perché au sommet d'une falaise. Boone y grimpa pour tenter d'entrer en contact avec des secours via la radio de l'avion. Malheureusement, celui-ci tomba de la falaise et Boone, gravement blessé, succomba quelques heures plus tard. Selon Locke, Boone était un sacrifice exigé par l'île.
- Boone Carlyle foi um sobrevivente da parte intermediária do voo 815 é o meio-irmão de Shannon. Ele tentou assumir uma semi-liderança com os sobreviventes, mas falhou devido ser precipitado e jovem, embora ele tenha virado o aprendiz de Locke quando os dois formaram um grande laço. Boone esteve na ilha por 41 dias antes de morrer devido a infecções de seus machucados quando caiu de um penhasco. De acordo com Locke, Boone foi um sacrifício que a ilha exigiu.
- Boone was aboard Oceanic Flight 815 after he had traveled to Sydney, Australia to rescue his sister from her abusive boyfriend after he received a frantic phone call from her. Boone was the Chief Operating Officer of a clothing subsidiary of his mother’s wedding company.
- Boone Carlyle był jednym z rozbitków Lotu 815. Na wyspie przebywał 42 dni zanim zmarł w wyniku doznanych obrażeń.
- Boone had a similar experience with his sister on the Island in that he was competing for Island Leader against Jack. Right on waking up from the plane crash, Boone woke up and realized what an opportunity he had to become a leader of a new people group. Thus, Boone went rushing to save lives in hopes to win the hearts and minds of the people. However, while saving Rose's life, Jack showed up. He incorrectly told Boone he was applying CPR in the incorrect fashion. Whose that guy think he is? A doctor? Anyways, this joker told Boone to get some pens so he could use them to create a trach. Yeah, right. What kind of lame-ass idea is that? Boone decided to take this opportunity to let Jack win this battle for the hearts and minds of the people, giving Boone the opportunity to observe his compe
- Titolo Attore AltCasting Doppiatore AltDoppiatore Prima Ultima Apparizione Menzionato Count Centric Nome AKA Età Nascita Morte EpMorte Luogo Professione PerchéAustralia PerchéDestinazione PerchéIsola Familiari Connessioni Boone Carlyle era uno dei sopravvissuti della sezione centrale del volo 815 ed era il fratellastro di Shannon. Appare sin dal primo episodio aiutando Jack nel soccorrere i feriti e soprattutto soccorrendo Rose Nadler. Tenta presto di imporsi come semi-leader, pur non riuscendoci del tutto a causa della giovane età e della sua irruenza. Ha un rapporto di amore-odio con la sorellastra ed instaura presto un rapporto di grande amicizia con Locke che segue nelle sue esplorazioni dell’isola e nella caccia. Proprio le avventure con il suo nuovo amico lo condurranno alla morte:
- By the time he was 20, Boone was living in New York. After flying back to Los Angeles for Adam Rutherford's funeral, Boone comforts Shannon and gives his underage stepsister some alcohol to mollify her grief. Boone offers Shannon to live with him in New York if it will help get her career as a dance instructor started. After Shannon gets the job, Boone was offered a job by his mother Sabrina Carlyle. He accepted the job as the COO (Chief Operating Officer) of the wedding clothing subsidiary of his mother's company, Carlyle Weddings, and had to move from New York. Shannon had asked him to ask his mom for some money, but he comes home empty handed. He says that his mother knew why he asked for the money. Boone then offered Shannon some of his own money to get her started in New York without