| - The Allegiance Of The True jedi were outcast and rebellious Jedi, who believed the Galactic Jedi Order were not doing enough to get rid of the Sith problem in the galaxy. A group of Jedi rebelled in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, and fled once exiled. The group then landed on an uncharted planet as a Headquarters, and dubbed themselves the Renegades Knights, or the more well known Grey Knights. They used Double-bladed lightsabers, with a Gold or Silver crystal, depending upon rank. These crystals were found on a cave on their headquarters planet. They began hit and run attacks on Jedi and Sith space outside the more heavily armed areas of control, claiming allegiance to The GRA. Their attacks becam more bold and they began full-scale assaults on planets such as Onderon and Platos III, as so
| - The Allegiance Of The True jedi were outcast and rebellious Jedi, who believed the Galactic Jedi Order were not doing enough to get rid of the Sith problem in the galaxy. A group of Jedi rebelled in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, and fled once exiled. The group then landed on an uncharted planet as a Headquarters, and dubbed themselves the Renegades Knights, or the more well known Grey Knights. They used Double-bladed lightsabers, with a Gold or Silver crystal, depending upon rank. These crystals were found on a cave on their headquarters planet. They began hit and run attacks on Jedi and Sith space outside the more heavily armed areas of control, claiming allegiance to The GRA. Their attacks becam more bold and they began full-scale assaults on planets such as Onderon and Platos III, as soon as (Someone i know, Julius, Potter, Reedy???). Many were eventually wiped out by bounty hunters, those whom were sick of them interfering in galactic affairs, and The Confederate.