| - Around the turn of the millennium, Bunkasha was for the Japanese-speaking market what Pocket Books was for the English-speaking market, as far as Star Trek reference works were concerned, continuing where such prior publishers as "Japan Mix, Inc." and "Dai-X" had increasingly left off. Most notably they published two book series in those years, fully licensed and endorsed by Paramount Pictures, one that comprised illustrated bi-lingual reproductions of internal documents, used by Paramount Studios in the production of the various television productions, and the Star Trek: Official Guide book series, comprising in edited form the various Companion books, beefed out with excerpts from the various Technical Manuals and Encyclopedias. A particularly noteworthy outing in that series was Star Tr
| - Around the turn of the millennium, Bunkasha was for the Japanese-speaking market what Pocket Books was for the English-speaking market, as far as Star Trek reference works were concerned, continuing where such prior publishers as "Japan Mix, Inc." and "Dai-X" had increasingly left off. Most notably they published two book series in those years, fully licensed and endorsed by Paramount Pictures, one that comprised illustrated bi-lingual reproductions of internal documents, used by Paramount Studios in the production of the various television productions, and the Star Trek: Official Guide book series, comprising in edited form the various Companion books, beefed out with excerpts from the various Technical Manuals and Encyclopedias. A particularly noteworthy outing in that series was Star Trek: Official Guide 4 - Mechanics (1999), a purely Japanese initiative, that covered the subject of studio models, and which until 2016 did not have an English-language counterpart. Bunkasha employed an editorial bureau, "Dullmax", that, as a collaborative editorial effort, was responsible for the text of some of their publications, such as the Official Guides 1, 2, and 5. Though the Japanese traditionally read their books in a right to left orientation – meaning the book is started from a western point-of-view with the back cover – Bunkasha's Star Trek-titles are published conforming to the western reading format.