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Deidre of House of Ademeyn is a character in The Witcher premium module "The Price of Neutrality". She also had the great misfortune of being born during a total eclipse. Deidre Ademyne is Eskel's surprise child. She became Eskel's "Unexpected Child", as Vesemir puts it, when the witcher saved her father's, then the prince of Caingorn, life. In gratitude, the prince promised Eskel "that which he would find but did not expect" when he returned home. This, as it turned out was the pregnancy of his wife, and therefore Deidre. Because of this Eskel and the girl share a special bond. For example, Deidre says that she need only think of Eskel to know exactly where he is at any given time. She says they are bound by Destiny.

  • Deidre Ademeyn
  • Deidre Ademeyn
  • Deidre Ademeyn
  • Deidre Ademeyn
  • Deidre Ademeyn
  • Deidre Ademyne est l'enfant surprise d'Eskel. Elle est devenue, selon Vesemir, l'«enfant inattendue » d'Eskel quand ce dernier a sauvé la vie de son père, le prince de Caingorn à l'époque. Reconnaissant, le prince à promis à Eskel "ce qu'il trouverait mais auquel il ne s'attendait" une fois rendu chez lui. Ceci, en fin de compte fut la grossesse de sa femme, et donc Deidre. De ce fait, Eskel et la fille partagent un lien spécial. Par exemple, Deidre dit qu'elle n'a qu'à penser à Eskel pour savoir où il est en tout temps. Elle dit qu'ils sont liés par le Destin.
  • Deidre of House of Ademeyn is a character in The Witcher premium module "The Price of Neutrality". She also had the great misfortune of being born during a total eclipse. Deidre Ademyne is Eskel's surprise child. She became Eskel's "Unexpected Child", as Vesemir puts it, when the witcher saved her father's, then the prince of Caingorn, life. In gratitude, the prince promised Eskel "that which he would find but did not expect" when he returned home. This, as it turned out was the pregnancy of his wife, and therefore Deidre. Because of this Eskel and the girl share a special bond. For example, Deidre says that she need only think of Eskel to know exactly where he is at any given time. She says they are bound by Destiny.
  • Deidre is postava v "ceně neutrality". She also had the great misfortune of being born during a total eclipse. Deidre Ademyne is Eskel's dítě překvapení. She became Eskel's "Unexpected Child", as Vesemir puts it, when the witcher saved her father's, then the prince of Caingorn, life. In gratitude, the prince promised Eskel "that which he would find but did not expect" when he returned home. This, as it turned out was the pregnancy of his wife, and therefore Deidre. Because of this Eskel and the girl share a special bond. For example, Deidre says that she need only think of Eskel to know exactly where he is at any given time. She says they are bound by Osud.
  • Die Menschen fürchten die junge Prinzessin Deidre Ademeyn von Caingorn. Sie hat unzähligen Bürgern auf grausamste Weise das Leben geraubt, denn der Fluch der Schwarzen Sonne lastet auf ihr und hat sie zur blutrünstigen Bestie in Menschengestalt mutieren lassen.
  • Deidre Ademeyn è un personaggio che compare nell'espansione di The Witcher, "Il Prezzo della Neutralità". Per sua grande sfortuna, la fanciulla è nata durante un'eclisse totale di sole. Deidre è la figlia della sorpresa di Eskel. Secondo Vesemir, si tratta di una "bambina inattesa" che il witcher ottenne, in cambio della vita del padre, adesso principe di Caingorn. Per gratitudine, il principe promise a Eskel che gli avrebbe dato "ciò che avrebbe trovato a casa, ma che non si aspettava di trovare". Infatti, la moglie di Henselt era incinta e partorì una bambina, Deidre. Perciò Eskel e Deidre sono legati in modo speciale. Deidre infatti dice che sono legati dal Destino.
  • Deidre Ademeyn è un personaggio che compare nell'espansione di The Witcher, "Il Prezzo della Neutralità". Per sua grande sfortuna, la fanciulla è nata durante un'eclisse totale di sole. Deidre è la figlia della sorpresa di Eskel. Secondo Vesemir, si tratta di una "bambina inattesa" che il witcher ottenne, in cambio della vita del padre, adesso principe di Caingorn. Per gratitudine, il principe promise a Eskel che gli avrebbe dato "ciò che avrebbe trovato a casa, ma che non si aspettava di trovare". Infatti, la moglie di Henselt era incinta e partorì una bambina, Deidre. Perciò Eskel e Deidre sono legati in modo speciale. Deidre infatti dice che sono legati dal Destino. Deidre è la primogenita ed erede del titolo dell'appena deceduto padre, per la sifilide. Il secondogenito e fratello di Deidre, Merwin, è un nobile del concilio di Re Henselt di Kaedwen, che non vuole che la sorella prenda il trono che le spetta di diritto. Siccome la fanciulla sarebbe vittima della Maledizione del Sole Nero, Merwin la ritiene inadatta al ruolo. In effetti, pare proprio che voglia assicurarsi che non abbia la corona e per questo ha chiesto aiuto ad una potente maga, Sabrina Glevissig, esperta della maledizione. Sabrina, sostiene che Deidre debba essere catturata e uccisa e i suoi resti esaminati, per scoprire le tracce del maleficio. Secondo un'antica profezia infatti, le fanciulle nate sotto il Sole Nero sarebbero destinate alla rovina del mondo. Per questo motivo, Sabrina sostiene che Deidre emani "un'aura" malvagia di antimagia, che cresce di anno in anno: qualunque incantesimo in sua presenza diventa inspiegabilmente nullo, compresi i Segni dei witcher. Deidre stessa sostiene che l'aura fa sparire anche un incantesimo lanciato in precedenza. Attenzione: Spoiler!: Significativi dettagli della trama a seguire. Secondo Merwin, Deidre ha avuto un'infanzia molto triste. All'età di 12 anni fu violentata da un ciarlatano che sosteneva di essere un mago. Invece si trattava di uno specialista di tutt'altro genere: un oniromante, o divinatore di sogni. Questo "mago" disse che avrebbe dovuto trascorrere una notte nella stanza di Deidre mentre la bimba dormiva. Avrebbe creato una mistura apposita per amplificare i suoi sogni. Quest'uomo era un vecchio che appena riusciva a camminare e aveva una barba bianca molto lunga, che gli scendeva sul petto. Per questo motivo sembrava innocuo e la famiglia di Deidre non sospettò niente. Tuttavia, il sedicente mago riuscì a fare quello che aveva dichiarato. Il mattino dopo se ne andò e molti oggetti di valore erano scomparsi dalla stanza di Deidre, incluso il pettine di madreperla preferito di sua madre. Le lavandaie delle campagne videro il furfante fuggire come se fosse perseguitato dai diavoli. Il principe ordinò di cercarlo, ma era troppo tardi. Il padre che aveva assoldato il mago, si rifiutò di credere a Deidre e al suo stupro, dicendo che era un uomo troppo vecchio. Le lenzuola inoltre non avevano segni e non lasciavano trapelare nessuna traccia del misfatto. Per questo motivo, Deidre fuggì con l'aiuto di un giovane stalliere, descritto come uno "zotico dalle spalle larghe". Costui potrebbe essere Roben, un uomo più tardi descritto come amante sia di Deidre sia di Sabrina Glevissig, a seconda di chi si vuole credere. Una squadra di ricerca fu organizzata per cercare i due giovani, Deidre e Roben, ma senza risultato. Una settimana dopo, la gente del luogo disse di aver visto una bambina e un ragazzo a cavallo di enormi lupi. In ultimo, il mago ciarlatano fu trovato morto, il cadavere completamente irriconoscibile. Forse proprio Deidre si era presa la sua vendetta nel modo più violento possibile. Dopo qualche tempo, Deidre tornò al castello. Da quel momento, il padre ordinò che dei cani le facessero la guardia e si lanciassero contro ogni mago che si avvicinasse. Significativi dettagli della trama finiscono qui. Deidre si trova all'interno della fortezza di Kaer Morhen dove i witcher la tengono al sicuro. Si è accampata nella corte più interna, seguita dai suoi fedeli compagni lupi: Beann'shie e D'yaebl. E' anche una delle due possibili scelte amorose di questa espansione, ammesso che si decida di allearsi con lei.
  • Die Menschen fürchten die junge Prinzessin Deidre Ademeyn von Caingorn. Sie hat unzähligen Bürgern auf grausamste Weise das Leben geraubt, denn der Fluch der Schwarzen Sonne lastet auf ihr und hat sie zur blutrünstigen Bestie in Menschengestalt mutieren lassen. Deidres jüngerer Bruder ist Prinz Merwin Ademeyn von Caingorn. Caingorn ist ein Vasallenreich von Kaedwen Das Erbrecht in Kaedwen wird nach dem erstgeborenen Kind geregelt, egal welchen Geschlechts. Somit ist Deidre rechtmäßige Erbin des Adeltitels sowie des Familienbesitzes. Als Deidre geboren wurde, wurde sie vom Fluch der Schwarzen Sonne getroffen, der überwiegend Frauen des Adels heimsucht. Sie mutieren zu blutrünstigen Bestien. Und sie sind in der Lage, Magie zu absorbieren von Personen, die der Zauberei mächtig sind. In Deidres Nähe kann keine Magie gewirkt werden, somit auch keine Hexer Zeichen. In ihrer Gegenwart vibriert das Hexer-Medaillon und Geralts Ausdauer sinkt auf Null. Bisher ist es weder Gelehrten noch Zauberern gelungen, hinter das Geheimnis des Fluchs zu kommen, um die Betroffenen davon zu befreien. Als bösartige Mutantin darf Deidre keine Regierungsgeschäfte und den Familienbesitz übernehmen. Deidre flieht nach Kaer Morhen, da sie Eskels Tochter nach dem Gesetz der Überraschung ist. Sie will sich nicht als lebendes Versuchsobjekt der Zauberin Sabrina Glevissig ausliefern. Die Zauberin und Deidres Bruder folgen der verfluchten Prinzessin. Merwin Ademeyn ist mit einer Vollmacht von König Henselt von Kaedwen ausgestattet, die ihm erlaubt, Deidre festzunehmen. Merwin verlangt außerdem, dass seine Schwester auf ihr Recht als Erbin der Adelstitel und Familienbesitz verzichtet.
  • Deidre is postava v "ceně neutrality". She also had the great misfortune of being born during a total eclipse. Deidre Ademyne is Eskel's dítě překvapení. She became Eskel's "Unexpected Child", as Vesemir puts it, when the witcher saved her father's, then the prince of Caingorn, life. In gratitude, the prince promised Eskel "that which he would find but did not expect" when he returned home. This, as it turned out was the pregnancy of his wife, and therefore Deidre. Because of this Eskel and the girl share a special bond. For example, Deidre says that she need only think of Eskel to know exactly where he is at any given time. She says they are bound by Osud. Deidre is first in line to inherit the titles of her recently deceased father. It appears the elder Ademeyn succumbed to syphilis. The second in line, her brother, Merwin Ademeyn, a nobleman on King Henselt's council, does not want her to rule as he believes she is not fit. He seems quite willing to make sure she will not have the crown, enlisting the help of a powerful sorceress. The sorceress, Sabrina Glevissig, says Deidre has been affected by Prokletí černého slunce. Sabrina wants to kill the princess as well to examine her body and discover the "truth" about the Black Sun for the Council of Mages. Deidre was born during an eclipse, and this is why she is considered to be affected by the so-called Curse of the Black Sun. She appears completely normal, but she does emit an aura which has apparently been increasing in power over the years. This aura prevents magic from being used in her presence, and this includes witchers' signs as well as spells cast by other magic users. Deidre herself says that her aura also dispels previously cast spells when she is present. From Merwin, we hear a sad tale from Deidre's childhood. It seems that at the age of 12 she was raped by a charlatan claiming to be a mage. Actually, he claimed to be an altogether different kind of specialist: an oneiromancer, or diviner of dreams. This "mage" claimed that he needed to spend a night in Deidre's chamber as she slept. He would mix a brew designed to amplify her dreams. The old man could barely walk, had a beard down to his waist... Deidre's family suspected nothing. He seemed to do as he claimed he would. By morning he was gone, but several valuable items had also disappeared from Deidre's chamber, including her favorite mother of pearl comb... Only the laundresses in the outskirts saw the miscreant, claiming that he fled as if chased by demons. The prince ordered a search, but it was too late. Her father, who had hired the mage, refused to believe her claims of rape, saying that the cheat was an old man... And the bed linens betrayed nothing... This caused Deidre to flee assisted by "a young stable boy described as "an excessively broad-shouldered oaf". This could have been Roben, a man later described as a lover of both Deidre and Sabrina Glevissig, depending on whom you believe. A search party was organized to find the younsters, but they had disappeared without a trace. A week later, folk inhabiting the area where he was found claimed to have seen a young girl and boy ride through on large wolves... the stuff of fairytales. The charlatan was ultimately found dead, having had his "manhood" removed. The implication being, of course that Deidre extracted her revenge most violently. After some time passed, Deidre returned to the castle. From then on her father ordered the dogs set upon any mages that approached, assuming that any true sorcerer would surely manage to avoid a few bear-hunting hounds... And then Sabrina appeared. Deidre can be found inside the walls of Kaer Morhen where the witchers have taken her in. She camps in the inner courtyard, accompanied by her faithful companions, Beann'shie and D'yaebl.
  • Deidre of House of Ademeyn is a character in The Witcher premium module "The Price of Neutrality". She also had the great misfortune of being born during a total eclipse. Deidre Ademyne is Eskel's surprise child. She became Eskel's "Unexpected Child", as Vesemir puts it, when the witcher saved her father's, then the prince of Caingorn, life. In gratitude, the prince promised Eskel "that which he would find but did not expect" when he returned home. This, as it turned out was the pregnancy of his wife, and therefore Deidre. Because of this Eskel and the girl share a special bond. For example, Deidre says that she need only think of Eskel to know exactly where he is at any given time. She says they are bound by Destiny. Deidre is first in line to inherit the titles of her recently deceased father. It appears the elder Ademeyn succumbed to syphilis. The second in line, her brother, Merwin Ademeyn, a nobleman on King Henselt's council, does not want her to rule as he believes she is not fit. He seems quite willing to make sure she will not have the crown, enlisting the help of a powerful sorceress. The sorceress, Sabrina Glevissig, says Deidre has been affected by the Curse of the Black Sun. Sabrina wants to kill the princess as well to examine her body and discover the "truth" about the Black Sun for the Council of Mages. Deidre was born during an eclipse, and this is why she is considered to be affected by the so-called Curse of the Black Sun. She appears completely normal, but she does emit an aura which has apparently been increasing in power over the years. This aura prevents magic from being used in her presence, and this includes witchers' signs as well as spells cast by other magic users. Deidre herself says that her aura also dispels previously cast spells when she is present. From Merwin, we hear a sad tale from Deidre's childhood. It seems that at the age of 12 she was raped by a charlatan claiming to be a mage. Actually, he claimed to be an altogether different kind of specialist: an oneiromancer, or diviner of dreams. This "mage" claimed that he needed to spend a night in Deidre's chamber as she slept. He would mix a brew designed to amplify her dreams. The old man could barely walk, had a beard down to his waist... Deidre's family suspected nothing. He seemed to do as he claimed he would. By morning he was gone, but several valuable items had also disappeared from Deidre's chamber, including her favourite mother of pearl comb... Only the laundresses in the outskirts saw the miscreant, claiming that he fled as if chased by demons. The prince ordered a search, but it was too late. Her father, who had hired the mage, refused to believe her claims of rape, saying that the cheat was an old man... And the bed linens betrayed nothing... This caused Deidre to flee assisted by "a young stable boy described as "an excessively broad-shouldered oaf". This could have been Roben, a man later described as a lover of both Deidre and Sabrina Glevissig, depending on whom you believe. A search party was organized to find the youngsters, but they had disappeared without a trace. A week later, folk inhabiting the area where he was found claimed to have seen a young girl and boy ride through on large wolves... the stuff of fairy tales. The charlatan was ultimately found dead, having had his "manhood" removed. The implication being, of course that Deidre exacted her revenge most violently. After some time passed, Deidre returned to the castle. From then on her father ordered the dogs set upon any mages that approached, assuming that any true sorcerer would surely manage to avoid a few bear-hunting hounds... And then Sabrina appeared. Deidre can be found inside the walls of Kaer Morhen where the witchers have taken her in. She camps in the inner courtyard, accompanied by her faithful companions, Beann'shie and D'yaebl.
  • Deidre Ademyne est l'enfant surprise d'Eskel. Elle est devenue, selon Vesemir, l'«enfant inattendue » d'Eskel quand ce dernier a sauvé la vie de son père, le prince de Caingorn à l'époque. Reconnaissant, le prince à promis à Eskel "ce qu'il trouverait mais auquel il ne s'attendait" une fois rendu chez lui. Ceci, en fin de compte fut la grossesse de sa femme, et donc Deidre. De ce fait, Eskel et la fille partagent un lien spécial. Par exemple, Deidre dit qu'elle n'a qu'à penser à Eskel pour savoir où il est en tout temps. Elle dit qu'ils sont liés par le Destin. Deidre est héritière des titres et biens de son père qui est mort de la syphilis récemment. Son frère, Merwin Ademeyn, serait deuxième en ligne, mais il ne la pense pas digne du rôle. Pour s'assurer qu'elle ne sera pas l'héritière des titres et biens, il a engagé un sorcière puissante. La sorceresse, Sabrina Glevissig, dit que Deidre est atteinte de la malédiction du soleil noir. Sabrina veut la tuer et examiner son cadavre afin d'apprendre la «vérité» sur la malédiction du soleil noir pour le Conseil des Mages. Deidre est née pendant une éclipse, c'est pourquoi elle est considérée affectée par la malédiction du soleil noir. Elle semble tout à fait normale mais elle émet une aura qui semble croitre avec les années. Cette aura empêche quiconque d'utiliser la magie en sa présence, incluant les signes des sorceleurs aussi bien que les sorts des magiciens. Deidre prétend que son aura disperse aussi les sorts lancés précédemment quand elle est présente. De Merwin nous apprenons une triste histoire sur l'enfance de Deidre. Il semble qu'à l'âge de 12 ans, elle fut violée par un charlatan prétendant être un mage. En fait, il disait être un spécialiste tout à fait particulier, un oniromancier, un devin de rêves. Ce "mage" demanda à passer une nuit dans la chambre de Deidre pendant qu'elle dormait. Il préparait une mixture pour amplifier ses rêves. Le vieil homme pouvait à peine marcher, avait une barbe qui lui descendait jusqu'à la ceinture... La famille de Deidre ne suspectait rien. Il sembla faire ce qu'il avait promis. Au matin il était parti mais plusieurs objets de valeur avaient disparus de la chambre, y compris son peigne de perle favori... Seules les lavandières des faubourgs virent le scélérat, qui fuyait comme s'il était poursuivi par des démons. La princesse ordonna des recherches mais il était trop tard. Son père, qui avait engagé le mage, refusa de croire qu'elle avait été violée, prétextant que ce n'était qu'un vieil homme... Et les draps du lit de la princesse ne montraient rien de suspect... Cela causa la fuite de Deidre, assistée d'un "jeune homme d'écurie décrit comme un lourdaud particulièrement bien bâti. Ce pourrait être Roben, un homme décrit plus tard comme l'amant de Deidre ou Sabrina Glevissig, selon qui vous choisissez de croire. Des recherches furent lancées pour retrouver les jeunes mais ils disparurent sans laisser de traces. Une semaine plus tard, des villageois prétendirent avoir vu deux jeunes gens, une fille et un garçon montés sur de grands loups... Le charlatan fut finalement retrouvé mort, ses attributs masculins retirés. Cela signifiait bien entendu que Deidre avait obtenu sa vengeance. Après quelques temps, Deidre retourna au château. Depuis lors, sur ordre de son père, on lâche les chiens sur tout mage qui approche, supposant que tout vrai sorcier serait en mesure d'éviter les bêtes... Et Sabrina apparu. Deidre peut être trouvée à l'intérieur des murs de Kaer Morhen où les sorceleurs l'ont emmenée. Elle campe dans la cour intérieure, accompagnée par ses fidèles compagnons, Beann'shie et D'yaebl.
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